Monthly bloodhunts
Im just gonna go ahead and make this post this game has grown so much its to the point theres way to many characters to level up also have to add in prestige i know the devs believe that giving people to many bloodhunts will ruin the "economy" and in all fairness dbd really does not have a "economy" also even if it did people use op addons anyway its nothing new id rather have more bloodpoint events to level characters up and it would help with the current prestige problem which is the fact its to time consuming and at the end of the day thats the biggest issue with prestige is the time and bloodpoints it takes.
@not_Queen @Peanits Would love to hear your thoughts if possible and even share a discussion with you guys on this topic :P
I don't think we need monthly bloodhunts.
Instead of this, they should naturally reduce the grind for perks.
Allowing players to get 2 perks per bloodweb after level 30 or 50 will make everything easier and better..
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Thats a long time off if we are being honest i mean its possible but id rather bloodhunts until they create something like this tbh but thats just me
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Yeah I understand you, we are talking about things and they tell us that they are gonna do something about them and well, we see nothing.
Freddy rework took a year, coldwind maps' walls took 3 years, not allowing survivors to see killers' perks took 3 years etc. Though Freddy rework is difficult, the other 2 could have been easily fixed in no time imo.
We will have to wait for years for them to fix grind I am afraid.
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Yeah i was thinking the simple solution would be bloodhunts because it makes people want to play more which helps the numbers of the game but it also will help newer players through the grind theres a lot of benefits to monthly bloodhunts i think more positives than possible negatives but yeah lets hope they address the grind soon
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I think monthly double bp events would also reduce the farm mentality that goes along with Blood Hunt. Sure it's nice when everyone offers BPS, but game after game it can get boring. By having it more often, I think people later on will be less inclined to farm.
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The grind should be long. They already nerfed it in 2016.
They nerfed it when they made items have a set rarity cost instead of a bloodweb position cost.
They nerfed it by adding streamers/cakes/puddings.
They nerfed it by buffing every other bp offering by 25% besides Hollow Shells i believe...
They nerfed it by making dailys give 20-60k for using your power a few times/escaping mori once and so on instead of stuff like open 5 exit gates for 18k points.
Nerfed it by adding WGLF and BBQ
They need to stop making it easier...
If it gets to the point where everyone can quickly get what they want/need what is the point in a progression system?
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The point of a progression system is to progress thats hard to do when every 3 months new characters are added the past is not the point its how hard the grind has become in the present and if you fail to see that you might be pretty blind to the reality of the games progression since 2016 Im not denying it was harder back than but its still very hard adding in how many characters they are adding within a 3 month interval
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Double blood point events and events in general are usually really fun and I thoroughly enjoy them. This game does get a little grindy at times especially since they've added what seems to be an endless number of new perks since the beginning of the game. Anyway, I love it all. Thanks :)
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The grind is piss easy though what are you talking about? I have all but 2 of my killers P3 50 with like 30 mil into Legion alone
It's around 8-9 million bp to P3 50 max a new dlc. That's 3 months to play 150 30k point bbq n chili killer matches.
30-40 hours per new character.
Thats 80 hours needed in 3 months 90 days or so close to an hour a day is all you need to keep up if you play killer with bbq getting 20-30k per match.
You'd get like 80-90k with streamers or puddings but im not counting them in..
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You forget about the casual players of the game some people have jobs some people have things they have to do other than play a video game you can feel free to disagree but it still does not change the fact for casual players its to time consuming and hell even for newer players the grind is to much ive played this game nearly 2k hours and im still leveling my killers and i play almost everyday have not even got to my survivors yet O.O
Also i find it interesting you mention it takes 3 months to play to level a killer to p350 so that would mean by the time you get one p350 another one releases interesting.
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Perhaps one after the release of a new chapter and the mid chapter patches? That way it will lessen the grind while building hype for people to play the new chapters and test out the changes mid chapter.
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@Hexyl That's if you stuck to one hour a day while under the specific conditions i mentioned. Minus lobby times as well
Playing more would be much easier obviously.
Survivors would be slower because it's harder to get WGLF stacks/20-30k point games.
My advice would be never try to level characters as a survivors tbh and stick to BBQ killer builds exclusively.
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I usually play killer but i play survivor as well but my point is i think adding more bloodhunts is going to help not only the newer players not only the casuals but its going to ease a already time consuming grind as is :P
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I'm just saying they shouldn't reach a point where they make the people who grind right now feel like they wasted time.
Last time they did it to this extent they gave Legacy so people knew they did the hard grind.
If they make it a lot easier it kinda ruins it for the people who did it the hard way.
Unless they do Legacy 2.0
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30-40 hours per character is obscene...that you have so much time on your hands doesn't mean the majority of us do, especially when you consider new players.
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Hell naw. Events bring out the nastiest, most volatile gameplay from the cockroaches en masse in general. Seasonal and themed events can be stomached for the spirit of the particular time of year... but tacking on extra BP? That's when the filth boils over the lip in people. There's enough sweat, moris, 4-man SWF squads, loss of offerings to spite DCs, etc. in less than a week during BP events to fill the NYC sewer system (and 10x more toxic than whatever's floating down there already).
Just reduce the BP grind or up BP gain totals in general, eliminate the necessity of "BP events" entirely, and stick to -- even expand on -- seasonal and themed events only, please.
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I would get behind this. Have like the last weekend before resets be a x2 BP Bloodhunt.
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I'm down for more Bloodhunts! I love the grind in this game but I know not everyone shares that feeling.
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Could be a thing during events or with new chapter releases