The "Dcing epidemic"

Victory Member Posts: 166

I see a lot of complaints about survivor DCing ruining the games experience, I agree with that. But, I don't agree with the killers being innocent here as they're just as entitled as survivors. Killers can DC the lobby before the trial has even taken place, either it may be the same player that out skills them or an item they don't like, or swf. Survivors can 1. Not see who the killer they're going against and 2. We can't see what killer you're playing or addons you're using, so the survivors that DC on things like FMT, iri hatchets, flask of bleach aether 15 clown, omega blink or multi blink nurse, etc, they are dodging the things they don't like, its more of the game design causing DC's ( not calling the game design bad or anything ), I'm also applying the killers logic to survivors.


  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    You should try and play as survivor then, because while the queue is short, thats not accounting for how many bad ping lobbies you'll find, and no, killers CAN see survivor items in the lobby screen, lol, survivor can't. Dodging what you dont want to play against is fine, but don't have double standards if survivors want to dodge what they don't want to play against in game then. Like I said, blame the game design.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I wish they would conceal Survivor names to avoid all this drama. I especially hate red on PS4, you run into the same few Killers and eventually if you're good enough, they dodge you or tunnel. I got hate mail from a Killer because I used DS at the Exit Gate and escaped.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I guess he wanted to say only the add-ons the Killers can not see my friend. SWF are toxic and should be dodged. To find game as Survivor is pretty fast, I find games less than 15 seconds, so its not an thing to complain about. Survivors who disconnects during the match are more likely bad that only likes to fight agains't bad killers. Survivors can use and have Adrenaline, Decisive, Borrowed Time(This one is special by SWF toxic friends), Med-Kits with Insta-heals, flashlights with red add-ons, dead hard, a lot of ######### op perks, but If an Killer uses an OP add-ons the survivors are like: "WOOOW NOOO, THIS KILLER IS SO TRYHARD OMFG I AM ONLY USING MY INSTA HEAL DECISIVE ADRENALINE SELF-CARE SPRINTBURST WITH MY FRIENDS WITH FLASHLIGHTS WITH AN BULB AND GREEN BATTERY ALSO BORROWED TIME AND PUPPLE TOOLSBOX WITH ADD-ONS AND PROVE THYSELF FOR GENRUSH, ITS SO UNFAIR OMGF, i wilL disCcoNecTTt beCAusSE This is uNFaIR, TotAllY U N F A I R"

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Zarathos Most killers assume you have the best add-ons, regardless of if you do. The same goes for survivors. If you play against certain survivors enough, you'll know their build. You'll know if they loop really well and decide FROM THE LOBBY SCREEN that you don't want to deal with that and leave. You know, what survivors do in game. I'm not for DCing, but I'm also not for the double standards presented here. If killers' names were hidden to prevent abuse, survivor names should be, too.

    Otherwise there needs to be a punishment for lobby dodging.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166
    1. DS isnt OP, you as the killer, must make the mistake in order to get ds'd, 2. Dead hard, walk ontop of them and press m1?, 3. Playing with your friends is NOT toxic, 4. Franklins is a thing, 5. Complaining about flashlights in 2019 still? Yikes, look at a wall for once.
  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2019

    @Zarathos LMAO preach

    @Victory You misread him, he said killers cannot see WHAT ADD ONS survivors have on their boxes. We don't know if the 2-4 survivors joining our lobbies are running green/purple toolkits with the best stuff you can find plus plunders or ace perks to search gens for even better stuff. We don't know if someone on your team has botany knowledge with we'll make it and a green medkit with good ass add ons for a 3-4 second heal time and 5 full heals plus mettle of man, plus borrowed time on anyone. Sometimes its not even just 3-4 player swf that are trouble. A smaller swf can still be optimized with the randoms they're with.

    @Kees_T I won't lie, sometimes I want to play with douchebag perks as a survivor because of those sweaty killers out there who want to pull out some noed, mori, and act crazy just because they see like 2 people with toolboxes. Now if I see so much as 2 people with a toolbox or medkit and I'm playing survivor, I will pull out a map offering. Which is @Victory yet another advantage that survivors have. The ability to be able to choose maps.

    @fluffybunny Yeahh but some players dress their characters pretty noticeably and still get dodged. I'm not for dodging either in most cases, but I'd rather a killer I went against lobby dodge me than just try to build to counter me or me and my friend only. Sometimes I have those games where I go against the same killer like 2-3 times in a row maybe even more or the same killer just over and over at some point in the day and they just select a killer and build to get revenge on me or a friend constantly with as little effort as they can put in. I'd like those killers to be able to lobby dodge if they ever want to, please keep them back! Begone foul no deodorant having killers!

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911


    Ok you seem to misunderstand dbd. 4 survivours face a single powerful killer.

    If any of you have played as hag youd know how much havoc a flashlight can play against her. Not alerting the killer of any items equiped by survivours and claiming killer needs to go in blind without adjusting perks to mitigate damage is kinda silly.

    Your also forgetting survivours are designed with this in mind as the role you play a survivour has a very flexible base kit that allows you to loop well without relying to much on perks. With a large amount of straight forward perks that apply zero consequence powerful advantages unlike many killer add ons and perks.

    Yes i do play a good bit of survivour about 40% survivour 60% killer. I play swf about 40% of my survivour games on coms. I'm well aware of the imbalances and its important that when making changes of these magnitudes recognising that it would massively hurt killers and require many add ons being buffed to compensate for information leakage.

    Im fully onboard with hiding names i dont think we should promote vindictive killer behaviour as much of a lore win that would be.

    Also bad ping lobbies need to be dodged by killers as well as otherwise you will have survivours blinking around the map which is not easy to play against if your trying to aim billys saw, huntresses hatchets, plagues puke etc.

    The killer needs to present a challenge awareness of his add ons i.e a myers insta death build will aware the team of a low ms myers build and immediate tool boxes will be equiped to rush the game.

    Also i want to point out the utter disgraceful behaviour of survivours dodging. They have made my survivour games miserable as i have to deal with them dodging and effectively conceding the game before even second hook. Except i still have to play out the game instead of just ending the game. Comparing these scum to a dcing killer or even powerful op add ons is very telling how limited you knowledge is in the killer role.

    Dcing killers have shown up for me maybe what once in 50 games. Now tell me how many dc survivours do you see on average claiming killers are at fault for using strong add ons as if instas dont exist or keys. No you have to stop excusing bad behaviour because strong add ons on killer.

    When you play dbd as killer or survivour you sign up for this kind of experiance otherwise the bloodweb wouldnt be developed this way. As a killer i dont dodge but i need the info of items equiped so my hag game isnt me flailing helplessly trying to chase without a power since the object of obssesion flashlighter keeps breaking all my traps.

    Its a long post but explaining the current reason for the lobby system is not sometjing that can be covered in a paragraph.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    "DC the lobbies"

    Lobby dodging is annoying but it has no where near the negative impact on gameplay as DCing survivors.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Kurisataru It wouldn't be an issue if they couldn't see who the survivor is. They could only guess in the lobby screen. It isn't like survivors can and the reasoning was that people were using it to dodge the good killers, but killers pick and choose their matches based off of that stuff, too.

  • MomoMoon
    MomoMoon Member Posts: 40

    Regardless, i disagree with dcing from the game

    i did it once (not proud of it) i felt like ######### for ######### over my teammates and never done it again, i think the "leave" button should be grayed out and no one is allowed to leave the game till they die/win or game ends

    just try even if its tilting, the next one will be better :)

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    The only time I dc is when I lose connection, other than that I don't dc from a game. I hate it when someone disconnect because a mori was used. Like come on how childish do you have to be to dc because of a mori?

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    I see you must be new to online gaming, believe it or not those "survivors" the killer community tends to forget there is a human behind that screen, people don't play dead by daylight to be scared of the killer every game, that is boring, stealth is boring on both ends. People play for the chase, killers having an ability to remove chases removes fun.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    I see you must be new to online gaming, believe it or not those "survivors" the killer community tends to forget there is a human behind that screen, people don't play dead by daylight to be scared of the killer every game, that is boring, stealth is boring on both ends. People play for the chase, killers having the ability to end a chase is just ruining the fun. Also, no, laggy survivors does nothing but help the killer, go play survivor. If we vault or use a pallet at 150-200 ping, we're getting hit over it period. Our peformence is effected by your internet, you guys play with a perfect connection, think that through.