Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Least favorite killers to go against and why?

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

Which ones do you hate fighting the most?

For me it's definetely the Legion, won't even talk about him.

Next is the Nurse, I respect the good Nurse players, it takes a lot of skill to reach that level but god are they annoying. Nothing is safe against a good Nurse. No pallets, windows, walls, jungle gyms, nothing...

I also don't like going against Spirits :<

What about you?



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110


  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    Definetly Freddy,

    you cant see him and that breaks the fun for me. I hope the rework will make him somewhat visible even outside the dreamworld.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Wouldn't that make him EVEN worse than he already is?


  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686
  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    Doctor's cause I'm a stealth Survivor and all Doc has to do is walk around to find me before long.

    Wraiths are also annoying since 2 out of very three I fight camp and tunnel off the hook and run NOED.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    Freddy, followed by Wraith. I am awful in chases, and these guys basically eliminate any stealthing options unless you stealth to the point of burdening the team

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Hag because the constant crouch walking is extremely annoying.

    Otherwise Billy because I've faced him way too many times at rank 1 that I'm now bored of him.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    Since you're a stealth survivor bring Calm Spirit, it will fix your Doctor problem. Or make sure to always be close to lockers.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Hag because I can't counter her at all.

  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136


    since they said they´ll give him a complete power overhaul, maybe it would not^^

    We will have to see.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited May 2019

    Trapper- Gives me anxiety because traps could be ANYWHERE. Still not bad though

    Wraith- Never had good experiences with Bing Bong, most are campers and they ALWAYS bring NOED

    Billy- Extremely boring to go against. “Oh wow I got one shot again, such a fun chase”

    Nurse- I don’t mind, I play on console so most I go against struggle.

    Myers- My favorite to go against but I hate it as of late. I’ve been going against the same dude that always plays Myers and camps the hook

    Hag- I love going against a Hag

    Doctor- Gives me a migraine. Hate it

    Huntress- So many Huntresses I go against are so laggy. Also I run into so many Iridescent Heads. I hate her as well.

    Leatherface- Pretty much an easy escape unless you go into the basement

    Freddy- I don’t mind

    Pig- Always hated her

    Clown- I don’t mind

    Spirit- Love playing her, hate going against her


    Plague- Most Plagues are so boosted. She’s fine though

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    I like to play against them all, but if i have to pick one, its the Hag

    i hate her SO DAMN MUCH! I dont know how to properly play her or how to properly play against her, but i just want to quit so damn hard each time i have to face one (well, at least a skilled one)

    I am a risky survivor and i hate having to crouch to get to a survivor, its damn annoying.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    There are a few killers that I don't particularly like versing, but if I had to pick one it would be Freddy.

    I'm sorry, but his power is just obnoxious.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Doctor and Spirit, you just know they're going to camp or play dirty. Facecamping Mikeys also annoy me but that's not as common (haven't seen many Mikeys in general lately) Slugging billys regardless of gen completion number. Not general things I dislike about killer designs (I'm fine with all of those), just trends I notice with how they're played and therefore tend to dislike facing those killers. In terms of general overall dread though, spirits. Not a fan.

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    Hag and Spirit.

  • epicosity
    epicosity Member Posts: 27

    Hillbilly for sure, it's really boring and kinda unfair. You can't really mindgame them like you can mindgame a Nurse, plus they tend to one-shot you.

    Y'all hatin' on Pig, I think she's pretty fun to go against...

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    The Plague- Her poison is so annoying and always gets me.

    The Clown- Is it me, or does he move like a rocket sometimes? That combined with his concoction that slows you down, makes a dreadful recipe.

    The Cannibal- I still hate going against him because most people troll with his power. And people camp a lot with him.

    Other than that, I can do fine against all the other killers.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2019

    At my ranks, I haven't encountered ONE Leatherface or Freddy that didn't tunnel, camp, and have ruin or NOED. They are bad killers, I know, but [Bad word that begins with F and rhymes with Truck] them all.

    I also hate playing against the PLAG, because I think she is Overpowered.

    EDIT: I somehow forgot the Hag, I feel like she is killing me irl, because my heart goes fast af when I trigger her traps. Not really, but still.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Huntress and Nurse mostly, and Freddy.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Nurse, billy, the old legion but well he's fine now and THE CUNTRESS

  • tafner
    tafner Member Posts: 52

    Legion, nurse(when she knows how to play) and clown. His laugh pisses me off so much when he tunnels me, and his gas is so annoying.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    There is only one killer that has the power to make me DC and that would be Nea

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Doc because constantly screaming to reveal your position, doing more annoying skill checks, and the inability to perform certain actions when you NEED to do them (eg. healing a slugged survivor) are not fun.

    It's also not fun to be vault a window only to scream and teleport back to the other side.

  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197
    edited May 2019

    Clown and Spirit.


    Clown - is a 115% killer that can slow down movement speed and vaulting. Who thought this was a good idea? Oh, you want to loop him? Well, too bad, he threw a bottle of gas next to you, that means you have 2 options: a) leave the loop and pray that there's a loop nearby, otherwise you get hit, b) try to loop with the gas and get hit.

    Spirit - You don't have Iron Will? Welp, see ya. You're dead.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Hillbilly and Nurse, especially Hillbilly.

    Their ability to traverse the map in seconds makes camping the hooks extremely easy and unhooking an inmense risk, Hillbilly is even more aggravating because he is easy to play unlike Nurse.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    The pig her stealth walk makes me think every claudette is about to ambush me and I hate it

  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145

    Trapper because I hate his traps, I'm running freely on Yamaoka and then boom, got stuck in one of his random traps in the grass.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Wraith, Spirit, Billy and Hag.

    Wraith has noed and camps

    Billy destroys me every game ;-;

    Hag because I forgot urban evasion

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Every Pig I go against tunnels the player with the trap on their head. Pig is weak but not a very fun killer to play against.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,142

    Before the latest update Legion would have been top of my list. But now he's tolerable to face. So my least favorite killers to face are;

    • Trapper - Always makes me paranoid about where I am walking. Especially in maps with lots of long grass.
    • Wraith - This is more a player issue than killer issue as most Wraith players tend to go invisible and just camp hooked survivors.
    • Pig - Another player rather than killer issue as most Pig players tend to camp the hook in their crouch mode, or tunnel the person who has a trap on their head.
  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Legion and Freddy, as both are unfun to play against, DBD is suppose to be fun, but when you get a game against a Legion or a Freddy it becomes a chore (although Freddy is fun to play as).

    I don't really like Clowns, due to me watching IT! (the original) as a kid. I'm normally quite composed during a chase, but Clown is the only killer that makes me panic, causing me to rush and make mistakes.

    At the high ranks a lot of people who play as the Wraith seem to play really scummy, especially if party streamers have been played.

    Leatherface, due to most players who play Leatherface camp.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 917

    SPIRIT. Is she phasing or just standing there? Did she bring the beads and do I need to rotate before she pulls me 'silently' off a gen? Or maybe MYC just to phase back after two seconds of pretending to leave. Yeah. Her.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Bubba. Without windows in range he has a free insta down (you can avoid a Billy though), and his noises make me aggro every time. Especially when he mori's someone. EW EW EW.

    Billy/(good) Nurse. Because I've seen them too much at high ranks.

    Huntress. I do not manage to doge her axes at pallets or windows. A real pain.

    Hag. Because every time I have no Urban Evasion I go against Hag.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Now i don't even play survivor, bc they're too weak. I really like to be power role.

  • Sole_Survivor
    Sole_Survivor Member Posts: 30

    Plague is so toxic.

  • Sole_Survivor
    Sole_Survivor Member Posts: 30

    Plague is so toxic.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    leather face because i hate everything about him , i hate the way he looks , the way he sounds, his animations, i hate that he even exists in this game since we already had our homage to texas chainsaw with hill-billy, and that every one who plays him intends to insidious camp from start to finish

  • wait4him2leave
    wait4him2leave Member Posts: 118

    Legion: mending plus healing is overkill

    Freddy: escape a chase and he sees your aura - pointless

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    I'd DC against any killer if I face more than multiple of them in a row.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Pig ‘cause rng.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Trapper.... Cause im a trap magnet

    Overdose of Billy and Nurses i mean cmon too many is enough!

    Spirit with the spooky add-ons (scary)

    Myers with the spooky add-ons (ultra scary)

    Clown cause wow when i want to stealth he's never around :d

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I hate Hag, her trap bodyblock when unhook other survivor in basement.

    I hate Freddy because I cant see him. I prefer to play stealthy.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2019

    Now that's a tough question to answer. Especially if only allowed to choose one killer.

    The Pig is frustrating due to stealth and her traps.

    Freddy is likely to be invisible until you get pulled into the dream world.

    The Huntress is constantly moving around with hatchets.

    The Plague can prevent generators from being work on.

    The Doctor with some add ons can make doing one generator very frustrating.

    The Hag can easily dominate a group of survivors.

    The Wraith's speed with his invisible makes him incredibly difficult to avoid.

    The Legion can move over pallets like survivors with their secondary attack likely causing you to fall down.

    The Nurse basically has no clip mode enabled.

    The rest of them aren't that bad in comparison.

    So how do I actually think is the worst killer to go up against?

    Hands down it has to be Myers. Some of his add ons can destroy survivors. For example he has one particular add on that makes his Tier III Evil Within infinite.

    Keep in mind, by that point he can down people even at full health. Not many killers can do that. He also gets a particular mirror add on that allows him to see through things.

    Not only that Michael can strike fast with his knife. His stalking ability removes trying to escape nearby nearly impossible. Myers is so op it makes Jason in his own game seem weak I'm not kidding.

    I hope that's about good of an answer I can give. Myers is simply too much even without add ons. His song that plays during chases has a habit of increasing your heart rate.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Hillbilly - he destroys your unbroken emblem without giving you much evader in return. Either that or he destroys the rest of the survivors, and makes any save risky since he can be there in seconds. In any case the chance of de-pip rises significantly with him.

  • MdsTheGriffin
    MdsTheGriffin Member Posts: 38

    I still HATE legion, frenzy shows them where you are and that is so stupid in my opinion. How are you supposed to hide or get away when they know where you are in frenzy. Its so dumb.

    Doctor would have to be my 2nd least favorite. They don't have to look at you to shock you, they can just hold it down and if you are nearby, it will shock you... I also dislike how you stay somewhat insane, no matter what. But its mostly his shocking. He literally just has to hold it down and if you are nearby, you can't hide.

    Billy is okay but I don't like him either. Insta downs aren't fun.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    As long as they aren't hard-camping and tunneling, I honestly don't care which killer I face. I always have a blast against Spirit and Nurse players, due to them being hard to go against.