How to play the new Legion

RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

This is gonna be a longish guide since I like to go into detail on why I use what I use, in all honesty Legion is no longer all that different of a killer from other M1's but he is definitely not a clone. My perk set up so far is Ruin, BBQ, Spirit fury, and Enduring. The reason I use these perks is no different from any other killer but enduring and spirit fury make his ability much better, this allows you to pop your ability, hit a survivor just before a pallet the first time, and force him to drop it on you. This is because even the standard pallet stun is shorter than the cooldown but with Enduring and spirit fury it'll take you out of it instantly and destroy the pallet giving you a very quick down. You'll wanna use your ability if you catch more than one person near a gen even if the other guy had a little bit of a head start, due to the new ability time you can get to survivors much easier than with 6 seconds (with a duration build you can have a total of 14 seconds at 5.0 meters per second which is 70 meters). My favorite addon combos so far are Stolen book and Legion pin, Iridescent and stolen book, double duration, and double cooldown. Double cooldown honestly doesn't feel that great, definitely not as fast as it used to be even with the addons being buffed but I guess it's not too bad but I'd rather just get hit with a pallet and obliterate them with spirit fury+Enduring, but bottom line my favorite add on is Stolen sketch book but the iridescent button is a very close runner up, specifically not only does it instantly break the pallet but that pallet break does indeed count towards your spirit fury (which is disgusting lol). The Legion pin is great for those times where the survivors are very close together, this allows you to hit everyone and give the last guy the broken status effect and chase either chase that guy down or go after someone else while that guy can't heal for the next minute.

Here's what I feel are the worst add on types; Killer instinct boosts, Fuming mixtape, and Frank's mixtape. Killer instinct boosts are pretty mediocre since now you have that 32 meter terror radius, I really just don't use the Fuming mixtape but when I did it didn't feel that strong to me since I always gen patrol a lot anyways but it might have some use when used correctly, and Frank's does exactly what it used to do except it reduces it by 25% now instead of the 50% it did, this combined with the new cooldown and regen make it pretty worthless and I don't see much point to it anymore, hopefully they change it since it makes no sense to run at this point.

That's pretty much it, my verdict of the new killer is he's not bad but he isn't top tier either. He's still fun to play and I personally would recommend buying him so long as you have those 4 teachables unlocked otherwise it's a very big NO.


  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    I forgot to mention his ability definitely wastes time now because they have to heal to full after mending otherwise if you find them (with bbq) and they're still injured they're dead because of that 115% speed boost.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    So, basically Legion now is just another generic M1 Killer with same perks set as any other M1 Killer, such a diversity we have :D

  • ImparuZ
    ImparuZ Member Posts: 9

    How to play new legion

    Answer: Don't

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Love to see someone adapting for once.

    I've had some success without Enduring and Spirit Fury, but it's probably the optimal setup atm, especially with Iri pin. I still think Discordance is good on Legion, even after the changes. BBQ is good with any killer who has some kind of extra mobility on the kit. Other than that, Ruin is a must, like it is with most other killers.

    And the extended duration addons are my favorite. If you manage to chain hits, you can cover an absurd amount of distance.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Oh, and something else. I know Thanatophobia was a bit of a noob trap before, but I think it's better now. With that and 115%ms it becomes a lot more dangerous not to heal, and healing is frustrating af vs Legion, because of how much time you lose.

    Since you no longer need to be in FF stabby stab mode and can actually chase people down normally, I think Thanatophobia has more sinergy now than it had before.

  • Sergei_K
    Sergei_K Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2019

    I'm not a fun of Ruin. Guarding the totem is distracting, and losing the totem is frustrating. So I decided that if they repaired the generators quickly, well, okey good. Legion is not ez4k killer anyway and I do not like long matches.

    And I am afraid that soon survivors will understand that there is no point to dropping pallet on Legion in FF. And all new Pins still useless, their effects as well as DW mean nothing.

    And do you remember how they nerf cooldown addons after the players found them useful on the PTB? Well, just wait to see how pallet drops will not save from cooldown stun after next Legion "buff".

    Post edited by Sergei_K on
  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I spent the whole ptb trying to work out what exactly was the best route to go with Legion and found that max duration or max cooldown worked well, but then they nerfed the hell outta cooldown addons so after that I just gave up. There are interesting ideas with the pin addons, but needing to frenzy someone who already has deep wounds for a timed effect isn't worth the time spent in chase or the power loss, stun, and recharge after the hit. You're looking at potential a minute plus of time wasted to get at best 60secs of broken which doesn't mean much when people don't heal around legion anyway.

    Legion was a killer that struggled to being with and the changes didn't really help that. He now have about the same rate of struggle as the trapper, but mechanically he just has far less to gain for that struggle. All that mattered in the end was that Legion was a healthy experience for survivors it seems. Maybe things will change later, but I doubt it.