DbD is a horror Game

And you should keep this in mind.
Just some movie example:
"Finally, I open the exit gate!"
"Im FREE!?!"
*deadly timer starts*
"I just go out? What the f*** want this timer?"
*pig catch the survivor and put a RBT on his head*
"Ohhh NO, this trap will kill me, if I go out."
*survivor read the note on the helmet*
"Ohh nevermind, see you later Amanda Young""
*go through the gate*
*has a date with Amanda Young after the match*
I rly miss the horror from DbD.
The pig would be nerfed if the rbt killed on egc or atleast people would cry nerf, that being said i would of loved the intensity of trying to get it off and escape befofe the entity or timer gets me
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And we also have Willy Wonka running about. "Survival horror game"
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I think people misunderstand.
The horror in DbD is facing 4 SWF Survivors, genrushing and doing loops perfectly.
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Here's your horror:
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Well what do you expect?
It's a horror game not a movie. It's not gonna be scary after the first couple of times you play. Same with Friday the 13 or even high school: last year.
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I think what op was getting at is this totally says oh Amanda's lore is non exist and for some reason she's gone soft. I really pray they rework adds ons to give her some actual power to rig the traps boxes even exit gates but it has to be fair for fun right?
BTW who's calling for pig buff crouch speed when ghost face comes lol
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Seriously....#########, it was insane adrenaline and pressure having to take off the helmet.
It was an issue having to leave through the Hatch with the helmet on, now exit gates too?
Too much, Amanda didn't deserve this.
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I feel bad for Pig, but killers were crying for endgame changes so there you go. Sorry.
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Dream your Dream, but dont be MAD at reality to break your foolish dreams.
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Thats true @Darkskies
The SAW traps are deadly and they have always a timer.
The DbD nerf would never happen in a SAW movie.
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But its still a horror game.
And Amanda is a movie character.
She should be scary.
And you play vs a player.
So the jumpscare is always random.
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And yet pig mains still complain about the nerf you dont realise they need to do it for a reason that reason it for those piggy killers dont do cheesy things on them like for example bodyblock the box or just follow the guy that have the trap on him and yet her powers meant to slow the game down i do agree that she needs a buff but i dont want this thing to come back
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I don't think it's a horror game tho. I understand why the terror radius exists but it removes the fear for me therefore I consider this game an over glorified game of freeze tag with a twist
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You know pigs can still do cheesy things?
And they can still camp jigsaw boxes.
Deleting a complete ability is just dumb.
I have a better change:
"The EGC slow down, if someone wears a RBT".
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That actual rly bad, that people think DbD isnt a horror game.
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it's marked as one but it really isn't one in my opinion the game scares you for what 30 mins then the only thing that can is myers.
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Maybe the Devs should fix this rly fast.
I started playing DbD, because its a horror game.
Then survivors learned how to play and then they had godmode.
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Yes myers and 1 more killer ghostface
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if he has to crouch and is slow when crouching to remove terror radius I will laugh because of how easy it will be to avoid him and abuse crouch LOS
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Look the gameplay they leak it hes crouch its good its the same speed while walking but hes tr dosent go so its wierd
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Dead by Daylight was never and has never been a horror game. It's a party game in the same vein as Mario Party with horror themed costumes.
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I don't think even they wanted this. I love the endgame now but they could have just adapt it for Pig like slow down the timer on the endgame collapse when someone has a trap on their head. These nerfs are unnecessary.
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and then quentin smith was introduced
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
I still dont know, why survivors got a 360% perspective.
That would break my neck.
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Add more killers that mess with your terror radius because that is how you make the game scary.
With the leaked scream chapter I love the new perk that was added and i think it could be kind of scary.
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Its only work in chases.
So yes maybe?
Maybe not?
We must test it.
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I missed the tiny detail of needing to be in a chase but it still could work. We must test the confusing terror radius build!
Dark Devotion
Monitor and Abuse
Scream Perk (cant remember its name)
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I think I would use the bigger terrorradius perk and not DD.
Only my opinion, because I think DD has just trash numbers.
But I still like the concept from DD.
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It doesn't last long enough for how bad the cooldown is. I'm so disappointed because I wanted to do tombstone Myers with it
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@ShyN3ko Subnautica is more of an horror game than DBD, the only scary thing in DBD is Jumpscare Myers, that's it.
Post edited by Unnamed_Freak on0 -
Yeah, but DbD had a great horror atmosphere.
I want this back.
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Tell the whole "dbd isin't scary" to my GF who I showed it too yesterday haha. She got jumpscared by a hillbilly :p
Though exposure to something always decreases it's fear factor. That's why your not afraid of versing your 100th Myers or whatever
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What if we could combine killers?
15 Killer abilities
3 Killer classes
Stealth + Pig RBT + Myers Terrorradius
We would have hundred of combination.
So every game, you would face something new.
And then you would scream like your GF XD