Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Change the requirement for Adepts, to ‘kill all Survivors’ rather than getting Merciless

Judgement Member Posts: 955

With the change to the emblem system, it has been made significantly harder for Killers to obtain their Adept achievements, especially in higher ranks. Compared to Survivors who only need to escape, and that’s it, Killers need to get a double-pip - Merciless Killer - to gain their achievement. This alone proves that Survivor adepts are much easier to complete than Killer adepts and it’s all due to the new(ly broken) emblem system. A Killer can’t even get iridescent in sacrifice if they kill every survivor unless each of them get unhooked twice.

So why not change the achievement requirement for Killer; in the same way that a ‘win’ for Survivors is classified - by escaping - change the Adept Killer achievements so they can be obtained by killing all four Survivors in the trial, rather than double-pipping.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I would like the victory cube back.(For killers)

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    I painstakingly spent most of my time on DbD the past 2 days getting killer adepts, and let me tell you how bad of an idea it was. Not only do the perks suck but I purposefully had to derank to yellow ranks to even have a chance at double pipping easily and I had to play like an idiot to farm emblems. Idk why the devs thought the change to the achievement was necessary, it's so stupid.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    Adept Nurse on console is now impossible.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    4k 3 iridescent 1 bronze = 1 pip.

    Like c'mon.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    I've unlocked adapt achievements with 4K ruthless victories.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I agree. Survivor's Adept achievements are rly easy compare to Killers. I tried so many times with Plaque (and others as well), I picked like top tier add-ons, tried with and without mories, have long games, 4K and fast chases (still for some reason my chaser was like bronze... I think it's because of that power when I hitting them instead of basic attacks). I played so many games and 4K almost every time but still never get that. I just allready gave up at this point for that few achievements that left.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613
    edited May 2019

    Even at rank 15 you have to earn 2 gold and 2 iridescent emblems for a 2 pip. That is never done "easily". Rank ######### TWENTY (20) is the SAME!

    Yeah you are likely to do great in Gatekeeper against low ranks, but everything else is going to suffer. Not enough hits in total from no one healing after being unhooked, not enough hook events from people not saving people before the next hook stage, not enough chases from them having no idea how to loop, all of those suffer when playing against low ranks. It gets worse than that when some Killers just don't work well with the emblem system.

    Some Killer powers seem to work against earning emblems. Trapper, Plague, Billy, and Cannibal has a problem with Chaser from using their powers too well. Someone stepping in a trap, getting broken from vomit, or being hit with a one shot doesn't give enough progress to Chaser. So the better you use those powers the worse your emblem will be!

    I understand why they wanted the emblem system. The community asked for ranks to mean something, so the devs made it harder to rank up. But the community is filled with idiots who don't know what they want! Ranking ALWAYS had meaning to it! People just didn't like playing against tryhards so they avoided ranking up for being unfun. Then once people stopped ranking, or just started deranking, lobby times got longer and longer so even more people avoided high ranks. Finally people just assumed ranking up was worthless, due to a problem they caused from high ranks being balanced like piss!

    If the game had better balance, ranking without a doubt wouldn't be seen unfun. But that requires more than 2 viable Killers in total and breaking up meta. This community goes on a rampage if the devs so much as think of touching the meta.

  • drekin7979
    drekin7979 Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2019

    I agree. I have all Adepts but they're not a very enjoyable grind.