Fool me once BHVR

Changing things on DLC’s too much. I’m pretty upset and so are a lot of people who I play this game with and against.

Freddy change after purchasing (didn’t need to be nerfed into the ground)

Legion changed (yeah it was necessary absolutely no way around it) but still paid for some dramatic changes.

MoM change (yeah it needed something but not nerfed into the ground either)

Congratulations it’s the first time I don’t trust a gaming company, I guess we learn something new everyday.

Don’t count on any more purchases from me though.


  • MysticalMagic92
    MysticalMagic92 Member Posts: 123


    You just learned now the game developers have really shady business practices? Wow. Better late than never at least. Now you know. It's always been obvious.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Don't buy something that's too good to be true.

  • SinfulHarlot
    SinfulHarlot Member Posts: 154

    Jeez, I could understand being mad about a killer's main mechanic being changed, but survivor dlc is really just a skin. Not to mention that he came with 2 other perks, it's not liked they changed everything.

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105

    What they are saying to everyone is that you better not buy any DLC with money because, as good as it might seem, they can nerf it in a few weeks. So yeah, i'm 100% achivements and have all DLC but that's it. If you can't test a perk before launching it, you are telling what kind of work you are doing. It's highly unprofessional to do that on a daily basis.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    As not_queen notes this is a live game. That changes. If i find the post ill edit it in here

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    When did they say that DLC content is immutable and is never gonna get changed?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Purely speculation, but Mettle of Man was really shifty.

    1. It came in without any PTB testing. It's the first perk for years that hasn't been OFFICIALLY announced until it's already in the game, and they made no comment on it, or player concerns about it, when it was leaked.
    2. It came at a point where they had a SERIOUS drop in consistent players. They'd been testing horrible matchmaking trials that killed off a lot of player enthusiasm, and even when the Plague patch came out those numbers did not recover because the game was in a horrible state for lots of the players. They needed something to draw people back.

    In my opinion, I think they knew it was going to be broken and OP, but they pushed it anyway as alongside a licensed character it increased the value of coming back to the game at that time for the survivor side.

    Since the matchmaking issues have settled and players are picking back up into regular trends (rather than the big dip we had around that time) I think they feel it's safe to actually fix the broken garbage that is MoM.

    All that said, I 100% prefer devs that try something one way or the other and put in effort to change it for better or worse, over those that just stubbornly leave broken stuff broken. Never buy things in a competitive game if you expect balance patches to not touch anything you like just because it's strong.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    So you trust someone like EA more than BHVR?

    Somethings wrong with this picture here...

  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

    Dear god the idea of company's changing Dlc for live service games in an attempt to make sure that the game is balanced! its frankly absurd and we should not buy dlc for games we love to reach these company's and tell them not change dlc for the sake of balance!

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    I bought the DLC for the perks to add them to my sexy bald Dwight, had no idea who Ash was (still dont) and havent played a single game with him.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I bought this for Ash and Ash alone. I dont run his perks. MoM needs to be looked at, and they have not offically announced how it would be reworked/nerfed/buffed/designed on a etch-a-sketch. Before we go all insane, why not wait until they actually tell us what they will do with it.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Honestly, this is how competitive games die.

    I don't like "balancing" I don't like the entity - developer in this instance - picks winners and losers. Legion did drastically need changed, he was broken from the start. But you let him run for MONTHS. Now you take a 2nd rate perk like MoM and are nerfing it right after release because killers haven't adapted. Pathetic. You work hard to improve your characters and gain perks, then when you start acquiring them, the entity screws over your newly acquired perks/characters, in the excuse of "balancing". All games SHOULD BE UNBALANCED to a degree. MoM isn't even unbalanced, and it is too early to call it unbalanced.

    Take Hag for instance, there is an inherent advantage to using a flashlight or urban evasion if you end up against a hag. Small Game inherently helps if against trapper. etc. Likewise, Urban evasion won't help against clown who can just chuck a bottle to see if you're in the vicinity. MoM, has an inherent benefit against Freddy, or Clown, but much less if any versus Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Myers, Cannibal. Self care, is very versatile, but it is pretty much useless versus Plague, and less useful versus Legion, or any killer that has nurse's calling. Stop nerfing everything to be equal, it ruins the diversity of gameplay, makes it very monotonous and is the leading reason why I leave games.

  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

    he's barley in video games and is actually a film and tv characters

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625


    World of Warcraft has gone through a million changes and they still have a hard player base. Happens to Call of Duty all the time.

    Destiny as well, everything changes and people keep playing.

  • liviu1911
    liviu1911 Member Posts: 150

    i purchased trAsh for that , never heard about "ash vs evil dead " before.. and i don't really care about it :))) MoM was a nice perk and i wanted it before it coming to shrine

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625
    edited May 2019

    You must be 12. Maybe 11.

    Sad how you play a Horror game and not know who the Horror Movie icons are.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    WoW is more about guilds and community, DBD doesn't even have built in chat - Not saying I want killer/survivor communication in matches. But it's a false equivocation. CoD lol, Very minor balancing, not similiar at all, MUCH more variables in DBD. One reason I stopped playing Everquest was because of all the constant nerfing and "balancing".

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


    All things being equal balanced games are better than unbalanced games with the more unbalanced a game is the less fun it is to play in the long run. The reason why games tend to be unbalanced in the first place is because:

    A: Balance is hard when the game is not perfectly symetric. No I'm not just talking about Killers vs Survivors. But also things like 2 different characters in smash or something.

    B: While Balance is important, there are other factors you need to make work first such as the core gameplay loop of any given element.

    However neither of those things invalidate the fact that a balanced game is a goal to strive for and that updates that improve balance help.

    You mention variety, however an unbalanced game means that even if the options are technically diverse, you will still see the same things used each and every time.

    Small game is good against trapper, but trapper sucks so no one runs small game for that. Instead people run perks like Dead hard and Sprint burst to deal with Killers like Hillbilly and Nurse. And all of the uniqueness behind the doctors kit is moot if he is unviable once you get good. remember the skill level of the average player in a game will go up over time, which is why it is more important for a game to be balanced as time goes on.

    Imagine if no balance changes had been made since D1 and the only additions were the new content. Everyone would run Sprint Burst, We'll make it, Mettle of Man and Decisive Strike and a medkit while all the Killers would run Ruin, BBQ, Unrelenting and Save the best for last.

    BTW that's 150% MS every 20 seconds mid chase for survivors, 6 second self heals after unhooks and when you finally down them they hop off, effectively instaheal (from MoM) and you have to chase them all over again.

    Meanwhile the Killer's would have almost no cooldown on hit with no build up required.

  • fahad0595
    fahad0595 Member Posts: 57

    well i learned my lesson too, a lot of people now upset because BHVR bait people to buy dlc then nerfing it to the ground. okay i get it mom is op nerf it .. but dont make it useless....

  • Huntedfailure
    Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181

    BHVR didn't "bait" you say all these things under the idea of maliciousness on their part but in reality the likely story is that they reality they made it and thought it was fine but when they released they realized they ######### up and now their fixing that and thats not even to say that we don't know what their doing to it and it may not even be a Nerf but a rework

  • CeeJaylx
    CeeJaylx Member Posts: 27

    I agree, this tactic isn't a practice that I support. I mean honestly as a Killer main I didn't have any problems with MoM. No matter what perk the survivor has SWF will always trump everything. I think my biggest gripe is the fact that Ash hasn't even been out for a month, and you've already changed the purchased item to something I initially would have passed on. I'm not asking for a refund; however going forward I will spend MY money wisely.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Every single online multiplayer game that has ever been released has had updates. Stuff has been buffed and nerfed all over the place, sometimes reworked into something different, and sometimes even removed altogether. If you think this is a ######### business practice, then you should stick with singleplayer titles.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    "MoM change (yeah it needed something but not nerfed into the ground either)"

    wtf are you talking about? MoM hasn't even been changed and they aren't even 100% decided on what to do with it yet.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    edited May 2019

    Balancing Op perks and characters isn't ripping you off. Many dlcs from other games go through this. For example: in Warframe there was a character called Limbo, The Legion of the game. Limbo was changed and now is pretty good and not as annoying as he was back in the day. Or Call of Duty when a dlc gun comes out and they nerf it. BHVR is just fixing their crap and dlcs are only 8 bucks so you aren't losing much.

    Also if something comes out op then you should expect this. Ghostface will obviously be changed after release, we just don't know how badly.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828


    OOH I did it. I bought Ash for Ash, and his prestige looks amazing! 🤡