Pig Question after the Q&A

ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

So you could just remove the RBT timer in the endgame, but survivors cant go out through the gates.

You would have 1 timer (survivor focus).

And players can still play endgame pig.

So this was a design question and I have another 1.

Why can survivors see the RBT timer?

But the pig not.

Survivors have sound and the timer and pig has nothing.

Thats just a weird and old design.


  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    She can't see the timer because then we would "tunnel" survivors whose RBTs are close to activating. (It's not our fault the survivor didn't get their RBT off in time...)

    But removing the timer during endgame sounds like a good idea to me.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The endgame itself IS the timer. Downing someone after door is open and placing a mask on them would almost certainly be a kill.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    RBT timer : 2,3 min

    EGC timer : 2~4 min

    Then every RBT would be your death in the normal game without endgame.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited May 2019

    RBTs should still deny exit gate escapes. If you're the last survivor and you get trapped, well... why would it matter at that point? You're going to die.

    Comparatively, the new endgame is a race for Pig to find the hatch to actually capitalize on the final stretch. Otherwise, a survivor could still escape out of that, and during endgame, she needs to find it before people get their traps off and run out of a gate. With multiple survivors trapped she gets more time to find the hatch, and simultaneously delay escapes. Her endgame is more effective, but marginally so.

    I mean, if you're going to die specifically to a RBT or the collapse, you were going to die anyway--in all likelihood, this scenario would be due to the Pig camping your key-box and there's nothing you can do if this happens and she already closed the hatch.

    As a Pig main, I don't see how her endgame becomes overpowered by continuing to let RBTs maintain normal operation. If you're caught at the end, you're likely doomed. However, how is this really any different from a killer with NOED and Blood Warden before (especially on a Nurse), or just camping that last person? Pig would just be the innately stronger late game killer compared to others.

  • Flyingdrull
    Flyingdrull Member Posts: 18

    Yeah nothing stopped the pig before the end game collapse where she could catch someone put the trap on their head and just tunnel the survivor if they get off the hook. The only way for them to escape was the hatch which is kind of hard if you are being chased by a couched pig. this change is just a complete nerf to pig to where she was better off before the update and she was just as bad as they thought she might become with the endgame collapse before it existed.