I binge watched all the Nightmare movies 1-8 not the remake
and you are missing out on some awesome Freddy abilities that would be nice to see in the game
Extendo arms when?
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@Tzeentchling9 I know right?
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@thatguyinktown We will show them prime time
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Watch the remake its underrated imo.
Freddys power isn't in the remake either. Neither is his fog vision.
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older ones are the best I love the first one and new nightmare was good too
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I love Freddy, well the idea of him but for the life of me I cannot sit through the first 10 minutes of the first original movie without boring myself to sleep (just past the bit where he puts his face up against the wall / sheet and kills the random in bed next to the I assume boyfriend. Does it get any better?
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All I want is a Freddy cosmetic where he has sunglasses.
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Ah, a man of culture I see.
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LMAO amazing. I want that as my background now. I wonder if it's on Wallpaper Engine. Maybe I could get it in gif form.
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The problem is that DBD Freddy is based on the remake.
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Ah I did the same a while ago, it was definitely a creative series, that dog scene and cgi skeleton dancing will never be erased though. They even added it as a scene in the Freddy’s dead movie credits and I was just like “ah, just as Freddy would have wanted, 10/10”
But yeah in all seriousness I guess it’s the downside of the power/Freddy being based on the darker atmosphere remake. Probably because there’s just so many ways he killed in the originals and they were kinda unique to the setting/person, makes a sad kind of sense to go for the generic remake.
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They gave Legion an edgy cosmetic not even resembling any horror movie, I'm sure they can put sunglasses on him.
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Witch one is the 8th movie? I have not watched it. I thought the last one before the remake was The New Nightmare
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@RoKrueger Freddy vs Jason
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Dead by daylight Freddy: am I just a joke to you
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They should never have used the remake for this chapter. Remake Freddy has a completely different personality to the original Freddy. Also, Quentin ain't got nothing on Glen!
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I'll give you Glen better than Quentin as best death in movie, lol. But best survivor would be Nancy Thompson. I hated what they did to her in the remake... made her useless!!