Will I ever be unbanned from the discord?

I got temp banned 1 time then perma banned the 2nd. first was for telling someone to "Game end"(literally said that and not #########, not to mention the amount of times I have been told to KMS ironically and unironically then not seen them be banned) themselves, and it was my friend who was chatting with me in the discord and it was a very obvious joke. And the 2nd was when I saw someone talk about a bug that was in the game for a few months so I att'd BHVR so they could maybe see it. I have no clue how to legit bug report other than being friends with a BHVR person on steam. They should have a bug report option in the game.(unless I'm mistaken I don't believe they do) TBH the only reasons I want to come back are
1.The fun little SWF finder was kinda neat and led to some fun times with randos.
2.The little chats I had with people were kinda neat.
I just don't consider those things to be perma ban worthy sorry I might be wrong.
BTW I was banned a long time ago. But I still wana come back.
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If it's the same mods as in steam forums then don't expect any unbans lol
The mods in this game are so trigger happy it's kinda funny. They would ban you perm for literally nothing when other people say stuff that's x10 times worse and get away with it.
If I was you I'd forget about that discord kindergarten.
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Sorry, but Social Media bans cannot be appealed and it's not a forum matter if you've been banned on the Discord.