Egc timer

Egc timer should start when the last gen is popped survs have 2-3 minutes to leave but at a cost a surv being downed or on hook no longer delays the timer if 1 surv is left remaining timer is back to 1 minute when hatch is closed
Nah, it's fine. It adds a little bit of pressure but doesn't make saving another survivor a suicide mission.
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i think they should change gate spawns, because they usually spawns next to each other or just too close to open it ...
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And sometimes they spawn on the opposite side of the map. If its going to be changed, there should be a maximum range too.
Personally i'd rather they just keep this one the coin toss it currently is, seems most fair for everyone.
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if you have a probem with the timer not starting, just open a gate yourself.
i wouldnt like it if the timer started and both gates were close to each other with, lets say, a remember me billy. you would just all 4 get sacrificed by the entity no matter what you do. now add bloodwarden on top of it and voila, no chance.
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I think it should be shorter by a little bit, Experienced survivors should be thrown on their backs for once