Bitter Murmur and Kindred with notification bubbles

Alien Member Posts: 25

So since the newest patch 2.7.0 auras are now obscured by the notification bubbles. This makes Kindred and Bitter Murmur much less useful. Kindred is not as affected by this as much as killers can go back into the area of affect, but when they just leave the area after they hook the survivor then you cant see where they are going being the aura is obscured. Bitter Murmur on the other hand is made almost as useless as it was before its buff. Due to the nature of Bitter Murmurs effect the auras that are given by survivors after they complete a gen is useless because it is entirely obscured by the bubble so you do not get any information from bitter murmur unless you are really close to the gen as it is completed.

It is really frustrating having the perks negated by a default game mechanic. I don't know if I'm just more bitter about this then most or if more of you guys feel this way. Let me know what you think.
