Game is so balanced
Having three gens pop while chasing and downing a survivor is very balanced and clearly shows the direction in where this game is heading. Even with ruin three gens get done in a minute.
There's such a polarizing difference between higher and lower ranks. This makes me start to wonder if they should do like they did with the pipping system, where it gets increasingly harder the higher rank you get.
Example being like the higher rank you go, the longer gens take or the more gens you have to do. It doesn't have to literally be that, but you get the idea. The requirement for survivors to escape getting harder the more you go up.
This also makes sense when you look at how the difficulty scales. As a killer the higher rank you go, the harder your games get. As a survivor the higher rank you go, the easier the game gets. This is because the biggest hurdle hurting survivors is getting bad teammates. As the survivors rank goes up, the likelihood of them getting really good teammates gets much higher.
Post edited by Blueberry on14 -
This I agree with the genrush needs to be nerfed without making survivors hold M1 for longer aka we need a new objective.
13 -
Everyone here agrees with you but behavior wont respond and will probably just ignore you rather than listen to criticism, its so dumb that the game has been out what 2 years and problems that have been in the game from the start are still in the game and in my opinion getting worse (hitboxes,gen rushing, survivors being able to run the killer around the whole game etc.) And i am a rank 1 killer and survivor and have alot of experience with the game for anyone who just calls me bad and says to "get good". Sorry this is so long, i just want these issues to be fixed and im very upset at the state of this game right now. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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Well I'd say that's more an issue with deranking that needs to be handled rather than a reason not to consider the aforementioned idea.
I do agree though the deranking is a serious issue that's gone out of control, especially when it's a Fogwhisperer who's suppose to represent the company doing so. I've had those Fogwhisperers even in my own games when they aren't streaming doing it with a bunch of their buddies. Seeing as they are representing BHVR they should be held more accountable.
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Fog whisperers accountable for their actions? The day I see that is the day BHVR starts making viable killers again.
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I legit LoL'd at that. It's true unfortunately.
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There's no point in that until they give us a reward for being able to maintain a high rank....or give us a reward for anything in general. This game is the only one I know that more often punishes you for doing well instead of rewarding you.
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Well yes deranking and rank rewards is something they would have to fix first as I mentioned in my previous posts.
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If you were better at the game and could end chases quicker you wouldn't be complaining. Just play the game some more and get better.
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Can I say git gud? Or is this only allowed for Killer Mains when Survivors complain?
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1 Gen = 80 seconds with 1 survivor
*game start*
Killer need 10-30 second to find the first survivor
Survivor find Gens after 5-10 seconds
Killer hit the first survivor after 15-30 seconds
*hit slow/survivor little sprintboost*
Killer down the first survivor after 15-30 seconds
*hook animation,etc....*
Killer hook 1 survivor after 55-95 seconds
The 3 other survivors repaired 3 gens.
Killer 1/12 hook / Survivors 3/5 gens
But you know, just adept and git gut.
Never combine DbD with math.
Its pure horror.
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While I agree the math works out in the survivor's favor either way, it's going to hurt your point when you don't do the math right while making a big deal out of it.
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For how scary that can look I'd even argue you were extremely lenient on "Killer down the first survivor after 15-30 seconds"
or even "Killer hit the first survivor after 15-30 seconds"
Good survivors are probably looping much longer than that and that's even before putting DS, BT, MoM, Adrenaline, Insta heals, body blocks, flashlights and all the exhaustion perks into the equation.
Anyway I agree with your point, it's just even WAY worse than the numbers you presented.
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I use this low numbers, because otherwise people wouldnt understand it.
Yes you can get better as killer, but this numbers are just impossible vs good survivors.
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Basically. Which is where the rank 1 frustration comes from and why we generally only see 2 killers there.
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I played a game now at level 10 survivor with another 3 12-16 survivors. The killer was a lvl 8 spirit with barbacue, hex ruin, and noed and also ebony memento mori and prayer beads bracelet. Also the killer tunneled, as 90% of killers in these ranks.
Is this balance? 3 DCs said no.
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Both sides have unbalanced things.
But survivor can use unbalanced things without perks and addons.
Btw why do you support dc?
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You had a group of very low ranks against a much higher rank using the absolute best addons that are very rare and an Ebony Mori that is ultra rare. That isn't a balance issue, it was a matchmaking one.
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We see only 2 killer, because this killer abilities work correctly.
As Example Pig RBT:
- the time slow is RNG
- most of the addons are useless
- you cant control this ability, because its RNG
- survivors can still gen rush
- survivors can escape with a RBT on the head
- the killer skill doesnt matter
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I din't DC, I'm the 4th that died 5-10secs after that
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while i would thinnk of such a concept to be a good idea, majority of survivors would just avoid ranking up to avoid harder games and being able to bully less skilled killers.
high rank queues would literally take hours to fill one lobby...
if you ask me, a secondary objective should be implemented to stop the amount of genrush the killers need to go through. i hope the devs will come up with some good ideas...
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I don't support DC, and I don't DC. I said 3 survs, no 4. I'm only saying that survivor side is not balance too
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I agree with you on those points. I take more issue with Pigs crouch and ambush than her traps though.
Pallet loops are just too strong to where unless the killers power counters looping they aren't viable. The only one that gets around this is Billy because he has everything else in spades.
However that said, pallets are all survivors have currently because of poor map design so they rely on them too heavily. The loops need to be weakened but the survivors would need large map reworks simultaneously to make other forms of survival possible.
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That's more an issue with not having rank rewards or punishing derankers than a reason not to do the aforementioned idea.
That said, I do like the idea of extra objectives. I just feel like the devs wouldn't make it as time consuming as it should be simply because they will worry about its affects on lower ranks.
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So what is it that you want?
Open fields without any gyms or obstacles to mind game?
I'm sorry, but Survivors need to have a chance.
If you don't like that concept, go shoot fish in a barrel... That seems to be what you're after.
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While I agree with this math the answer is not increasing gen time we need a secondary objective. It would be god awful to sit on a gen holding a button any longer
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And I be like:
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"I'm sorry, but Survivors need to have a chance."
I never said a single thing to imply that they shouldn't
"If you don't like that concept"
You literally don't even know my opinion yet and you are already insulting. You need to relax.
"Open fields without any gyms or obstacles to mind game?"
If before getting insulting and jumping to conclusions you had just asked calmy what my ideas were I would have told you.
I think there should be less safe pallets and more of them be mind gameable so each is a battle of skill. The number of pallets should also be slightly lessened.
Now currently survivors rely way too heavily on pallets to survive. That is why at the same time this change goes through, the maps need to have MASSIVELY more debris/grass/reeds/boxes/fog etc to make juking mid chase much more viable than it currently is and so that survivors have more ways to survive besides just pallets.
They haven't been able to touch pallets yet because it's the only thing survivors have which is the problem. This would also add more variety to the game in terms of playstyles.
This would also have the nice side affect of buffing the weaker killers and nerfing the stronger ones to balance the meta killers a little more. This is because "generally" the best killers are those that counter looping. With loops weakened and not the survivors sole way of survivors the "stealth" killers would get a huge boost as the reason they are weak is because of the looping.
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When they know how to do gens with ruin there is nothing you can do, you are not supposed to get 4k everygame.
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