Vanilla gameplay experiment?

What is the reason for testing this?
What experiment are you talking about?
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Woah, woah, if I'm reading that correctly, does that mean my idea for a new game mode was actually read?? The classic game mode? I mentioned it a lot in some old forum posts! @Peanits Am I dreaming?? ;0
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I saw this too, could someone explain me
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It sounds like they could be looking into basic gameplay balance?
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H m m . It's not exactly what I suggested either, but its really close! ;0
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I'm confused...
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They didn't mention about playing only the Trapper :x Only without perks, no SWF, no offerings, no addons.
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Exactly, there are also 15 games (current Killers that are in the game). It will surely be a test for us to play killers without addons and without perks to look without needing some balance adjustments, it is what it seems. Also maybe some maps? It's a good point to balance the game at ... Natural? Is what I believe.
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Possible, or improving the dedicating servers or something?
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H e c k.
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PC only?
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My boyfriend isn't living at his home right now and comes back on that very Saturday. RIP participation...
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Great idea! **
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Maybe it's a competitive mode? The experiment has survivors and killers run no perks, addons, items, or offerings. Also, no swf for survivors. Dead by Daylight's first actual "Tournament" almost had the same rule set with the exception of swf on coms . The only downside to this is that it might split up the playerbase. I personally believe it's a test for a future competitive mode.
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It's likely a data farm for default balance. Almost no one plays default anymore other than the devs and getting new data for it should help in adjusting core gameplay. Then they can compare that to live with perks/items to see how far off the balance really is.
Fundamentals and foundation data in other words.
I unable to join anyway. Work nights so I'll be sleeping in those times to not be trashed for work.
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I think so.
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Ooooh I like this!
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So not on console?
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I guess nope, it's a private build test. Besides they want only 500 players to test this :(
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You're a chick?
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This makes me extremely sad. I'd love to participate as hag, but I have to work during most of that time frame.
It starts 7am PST and I'd go to work at 10am... 3 hours to fit 15 matches in sounds pretty impossible to me in addition to downloading anything that might need to be downloaded.
Oh well... sad day.
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Do not quite understand the 15 matches for the killer and the survivor, or 15 for the survivor and 15 for the killer, only 30?
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@CallMeSpidey @Orion is a guy actually they've said so here in the past i believe.
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Not gonna lie... I was about to ask the same thing XD Always assumed it was a guy XD
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I love your videos!
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@CallMeSpidey @AStupidMonkeyy I'm a dude.
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I've signed up as a Killer. Will definitely play Clown if possible.
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Dont be so heteronormative.
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enter your played hours... must be between 1 and 5000.... uhm i have more .. lol!
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My biggest hope for this is that they wanna see what & who's really weak at base and what & who's really strong at base.
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Thank you for clarifying. You're still awesome.
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Thank you. It's nice to be appreciated.
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Hoping it's testing for me gameplay modes.
Would love to get a mode with no SWF, no offerings, only the perks that come with the survivor/killer, and no HUD. Would seem clean and challenging.
Might need some testing, but I would love to try it.
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I really wish I could participate in this, but I have a convention to go to the exact same day :(
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I doubt this is going to be testing for a new gameplay mode. To me, it seems too much like balance testing. However, I am concerned cause there's only so many statistics they're setup to measure. To my knowledge, they're incapable of timing anything so gen completion time and survivor chase time likely won't be taken into account even though I consider those 2 factors to be extrememly important. The most likely thing to be looked at is kill rates and I'm not sure how helpful that statistic will be.
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They need to test a (new) matchmaking system, that's all.
-How do you know?
-it's written in the survey.
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@pushkina Lets not go down that road now...
He was just wondering is all.
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ok but what has the matchmaking test to do with playing games without perk? and above all, why test a new matchmaking with only 500 people? it would be enough simply to insert it in the next ptb, as they did with dedicated servers for example.. I think the official reason is another
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A new matchmaking system when you have no perks? Yeah, makes a lot of sense.
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That's right, that's what I wrote too. it doesn't make sense
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Looks very much like balance testing; seeing if no perk/add-on survivors stand a chance vs no perk/add-on killers of similar skill level, and vice-versa. Hopefully this will lead to them dealing with the pallet/gen issue. We shall see when they post some results (they do seem to be a LOT more open about these things more recently after all)
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Hopefully the reward is a Legacy Prestige set of our choosing. 😁
But realistically it will probably be Auric Cells or a fancy t-shirt for one survivor.
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I wonder why only 500 players can participate in the PTB?
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I doubt that they gift aurics cells just for a test, it will probably be a skin, a shirt for some survivor, maybe dwight or meg
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I think to see which killers are viable without perks? My guesses are Nurse, Spirit, Hag and Billy.
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Tomorrow is the day.
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This is all just a conspiracy to test if using BPS/Cake/Chili causes infinite load screens.
*puts on tinfoil hat*