Are killers unfun for you aswell ?
The only killer that isnt boring for me right now is Legion (wich may suprise some people)
But why are there no changes towards killers ? i dont understand.
Behavior only makes mid chapter updates and chapter updates when new dlc comes so why are there so few changes. Do the devs acually want some killer to be trash and some OP with zero changes at all ? For how long will Billy and Nurse be OP without nerfs and how long will it take for other to get buffed, Pig, Clown, Trapper etc. They should know wich killer is bad and wich one is good. I really want to play other killers but i have no fun with Billy or Nurse and those seems to be the only one you can play to rank upp and play at red ranks. Why are the buffs and nerfs so slow towards killers ?
I really don't know how to end this so i just ask what the title is. I can also say that i dont own canibal doctor or hag.
I have a lot of fun with nurse,Freddy,legion,pig,Wraith and spirit(don’t play her often though.
The problem with nurse and billy is their add-ons(extra blink/range and insta chainsaw).
If you own spirit try her, she is a top tier killer. 😁
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@TreemanXD I do own her but i just get tilted when iam having problems finding survivors in my power but i do like her. btw not alot of nurses uses extra range on blinks because they will not be as concistant.
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The reason you are having trouble finding survivors in your power is because the sound is broken in this game and you can’t hear survivor foot steps or groaning in most cases even without iron will . This is def a survivor favorited patch because every survivor has an inate iron will and (dead silence ) from call of duty lol
if you are lucky enough to hear a groan or footstep you will do well as spirit without much experience
if you wanna play spirit without having these required sounds you gotta do what the rest of us do and feel for body blocks or watch grass move
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Sound bugs don’t make it survivor favored.
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There are no changes towards killers because the developers have no idea how statistics work.
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@TreemanXD it does. How would the game work if the killers couldnt hear anything ? They do know about how low the sound is of footsteps and will fix it
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You can’t count bugs as the devs being survivor favored as bugs aren’t intended.
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Nah, they're the biggest blast i can have in this game currently.
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Play as or against?
Whatever it is, it's Legion.
Most boring killer they've came up with.
I don't understand how they made the Spirit so fun and interesting with a strong power that actually has counterplay and then they go and make this thing and call it Legion and they nerf it the second it came out. Like how....