I know this is like the 100,000,000 post about DCS but

Now for me this is very common. Always one person DCs and after, everyone goes friendly mode, like this needs to be addressed.
Its been a long running issue, but I feel its becoming more of an issue now that newer players are starting to play DBD.
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DC problem has a different solution in medium range level. In these levels moris, omegablink, iridescent head, NOED, B&C, tunneling, camping or stuff like that is a very big problem. With dedicated servers you can prevent some DC, but the number of died survivors in the first hook will be huge. I think the solution is make the game feel different in mid ranges (where killers are op) and high level (where survivors are op).
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Replace DCed player with AI bot with indication for all that it is a bot. Let him do struggle, go for gens to repair, etc.
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@prayer_survivor I’m sorry, but did you put bbq and chili as a reason to DC? Why? There is literally like many ways to counter it since the last couple patches and you have plenty of time to go somewhere else if the killer is running it.
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No, I'm saying that B&C for low level survivors is impossible to play against. I'm a low level killer because I don't kill anyone and I see it when I play as killer
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I know a lot of people disconnecting because the killer is a nurse, the devs should fix her, unfun unfair and broken. I personally dont dc but a lot of times suicide on first hook
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Low end survivors typically just started the game and they have to learn to play against it as well as learn to play the game in general. Balancing the games for rank 20’s is a horrible idea. BBQ is honestly one of the most counterable perks in the game.
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@KillermainBTWm8 You can save that image and have it show up in your post you know.
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@FireHazard Ye I messed up
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@KillermainBTWm8 Not exactly what I mean but its getting there.
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They might as well do a killer AI as well - when they hook you it just camps. Would replace half the killer base right there.
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I used to get pissed at dcs. Now i dont. I totally understand. Its a pretty reasonable thing to do when faced with some of the bs unfair situations this game allows. If i get downed in the first 10 seconds of a game because the killer spawned super close and is running an ultra rare.... yeah. Thats fair. Or i get idiot teammates that farm each other and we have 2 players on hooks in the first 2 minutes... Maybe a teammate sandbags me and i get downed from his stupidity and selfIshness, or maybe i get tunnelled and/or camped.... or massive lag spikes screw me... im not wasting my time on that bs... next game.
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Two fixes for this:
- Leave Survivors to finish level and leave with the same amount of bp had they been given the opportunity to de-hook their allies twice each.
- Increase bp gains exponentially to both Killer and Survivors remaining if a Survivor disconnects.
This discourages disconnecting because everyone remaining in match gets good bp where the person who left doesn't