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Do bans work on console?

Hey Devs if you see this just want to make sure to tell you your doing a Amazing job with the game you guys probably don't get told this as much as you should, is there a place that shows details on the penaltys for disconnecting intentionally also known as rage quitting it's a big problem on Console at least every other game I have survivors disconnecting, then I try to talk with them and why they do it and the reason they do it is just to discourage the killer they don't get punished for it and even sometimes the game will bug and let them keep their item I've never heard of someone getting a ban or temporary ban from disconnecting and at the end of the day it's just a game but it's very discouraging having people quit to deny me stacks on certain perks or deny me bloodpoints when I got them fair and square thank you


  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Console bans do work, yes. There is a particular streamer who I will not name who got banned on Ps4 not long ago. The video of him being banned is on YouTube.

    The thing with DC's is...there's a system in place that if you DC a certain percentage of the amount of games you play, you get banned. The issue is, this unknown percentage, is really, really high (apparently).

    Hopefully, when dedicated servers arrive, there will be a harsher punishment implemented.

  • Claudettehunter
    Claudettehunter Member Posts: 9

    Hopefully I'm getting tired of people quitting...

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,903

    Yes bans on console do work, the same way as they work on PC.

    Disconnect bans are done on a percentage basis and are temporary bans not permanent.

  • Claudettehunter
    Claudettehunter Member Posts: 9

    I'm done with the game until people get some punishment for disconnecting literally five games in a row have people disconnecting I'm not even playing anything like crazy I'm just playing Trapper with base stuff

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    While not all, but some of those disconnects could possibly be due to an ongoing issue with people being disconnected by the game, not disconnecting themselves. I know this is an issue on PS4 as it occurrs to both my wife and myself when we play. Yes disconnects suck, and people do get banned for them, but its based on percentage. If they do it enough, they will get banned. I suspect it will get a bit better when the dedicated servers roll out.

  • Claudettehunter
    Claudettehunter Member Posts: 9

    I know they're intentionally disconnecting it's like right after I down them all right here right after they're about to die and 50% of the time they send hate mail I don't care about hate mail I honestly find that entertaining but disconnecting constantly for no reason because they feel like they aren't going to get in trouble and they haven't I've never heard of anybody getting ban for disconnecting there needs to be an immediate penalty there's a mobile I've played time-to-time called Smite and it has a great way of dealing with it if you disconnect you have a 5 minute penalty trying to start another game if you disconnect again the time doubles and so on and so forth there needs to be something

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    First off, please, use punctuation. It is extremely hard to read a 10 line run on sentence.

    Secondly, given the known issue with disconnect by the system, a timer like Smite would be a bad idea. You are punishing people who did not DC on purpose as well those who did. The method they are using is a much more fair way to determine if someone warrants a ban.

  • Claudettehunter
    Claudettehunter Member Posts: 9

    about that grammar I'm just using text-to-speech and I'm sure there's a way to find out if if the disconnect is intentional or not it doesn't seem like it be that hard to find out I guaranteed the penalty timer will help fix it

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Not yet there is.

    Once dedicated servers come out, than they will be able to crack down on people who are DCing on purpose.

  • Claudettehunter
    Claudettehunter Member Posts: 9

    Thank the gods

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    PS4. Every game last night was 1 DC minimum

    Then I played killer, didnt camp or tunnel. Killed 3 out of 4. Got lots of "Your Trash" messages from the dead people.....


  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Am I the only one that rarely gets hate mail while playing killer? Guess I'll count myself as lucky, I guess. I play on the PS4, too.