Why DC at third hook?
I’m assuming people do it to avoid depip, someone said DC saves you from depipping. But you don’t get any BP so is it worth it?
youre passing up any chance for BP and helpings yourself rank up to play against event bettet players? The logic is weird but I’m newer to survivor.
Do you need Bloodpoints as survivor?
A example:
Survivors: has all perks on 1 survivor = This players doesnt need more Bloodpoints.
Killer: has all perks on 1 killer = He need Bloodpoints for addons
But yeah I dont understand the Dc,too.
This is just my answere.
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They will soon regret DCing because once dedicated severs come out boy oh boy!!!!!!! They won't be happy any more cause they just got a message that there banned:( every one play sad music to the DCing players:) this is great news no more dcing:)
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True:( But that won't last long once dedicated severs come out:)
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Cause once dedicated severs come out they will get punished more often;)
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Good point, but why not at least start to stockpile BP for possible levelling a killer, the next survivor or getting extra items?
Also, again you're not Depipping so you'll end up at a higher rank sooner where you clearly don't belong (busted ranking system and Pipping aside.)
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Why care if they DC on 3rd hook? Killer got his hooks and kill, survivors got their saves. Ranking up is more about how lucky you are than skill. You could run into a series of killers that do nothing but camp/tunnel, not only does that de-pip the victim, it denies emblems to other players. I just ran into a Freddy that did nothing all game, put no one in dreamworld - de-pips for everyone. Is that skill?
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And no more matches because there's no more people to play against.
Very sad.
At least no more entire lobbies de-pip due to rage quitting scrublords:
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WoW blocks people who drop group for 30 minutes, and evennow with the game dying plenty of groups to be found
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I love the editing on that picture. I'm a Trapper Main and seeing that Trapper run those addons together made me cringe. He should've brought at least a Trapper bag and then one of those addons. The more Traps you have, the better.
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There comes a point when you don't really need blood points. You're still new so you're not there yet, but when you get there you'll understand that losing blood points to DCs is no big deal.
That said, pips aren't anything to lose sleep over either. In fact I find it more fun staying in the lower ranks than clawing my way up only to fight really amazing killers in the red ranks.
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You lose items when you DC rofl
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The killer needs to get full sacrifices or his emblem score in devout takes a sharp dip. Also in general it is bad form to throw your toys outta the pram just because you can't get the w.
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I don't care if they dc on third hook, just hurting themselves.
But bitches that dc on first hook and make 7gen 3man trials for others go straight in my mori list.
Thank The Entity for steam follow, doesn't matter if they change nick :).
Edit: Nothing angers them more than friendly camp and then letting others farm for 30k. Salt mine.
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I had 3 people dc in one game when I was the killer..I need BP!! Im elite 2 on survivor and level 10 on killer...the more bp the merrier
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Cause they're butthurt and can't accept that they got killed.
At least wait and get your bloodpoints lol. It's dumb...