Killer concept : the stalker.

letuce Member Posts: 89

115% Move speed

24 terror radius


When no one is in the shade's terror radius, he is invisible.

His M2 makes him invisible for 2 seconds, and if he hits someone shortly after using his ability they gain a new condition, stalked.

Stalked: for as long as you have this condition, the stalker is able to know your location, until you enter his terror radius. This condition is cleared by finding a teammate and having them remove it from you.

I like the idea of legion, and wanted to make a killer that is a contrast. Stealth instead of speed, tracking after using power instead of before, needing help to clear status instead of self.

Also this seems like it'd make for unique gameplay, instead of hard chasing someone you could hit them then let them go because you can just stalk them again. And you he'd be stronger during the late game, as he'll have more control over gen defense knowing where everyone is.

Thoughts? Too strong?
