The Survivor Problem.

TheButcher12 Member Posts: 19
edited May 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone. I think this is a Serious Discussion and worth Discussing about.

I try to record myself discussion, but realized that's a bad idea, Because i suffer slight of Autism. I feel it going to be difficult for me to set out the clear message since i talk fast and maybe too fast, and stutter too. So i decided it will be way easier if i write then speak instead. Luckily i have been reading a lot of books from my school and my primary public library, and that's were i worked! so it's shouldn't be too hard for me to write this out.

i have recently been playing Dead By Daylight, and my recent matches were i was like "you know what, i'm just going to bled out DS survivors, because they just going waste my time and beside, getting a double pip is too much to ask for. plus it's an effective way to counter DS, it's not a good counter, but it's a counter". (i think i misspelled "Counter")

So in my last match, I did not just Bled the DS survivor to death, but also camp very close the survivor i just hooked. i don't remember their names, but i do remember that one of the survivor that i just camped said in the End Game chat try to roast me. that I'm trash and that i have to uninstalled the game because i just played the game So i can act all tough. (or in other words, "Acting as a good player"). He also said that he did nothing wrong to me.

Which surprised me, OF COURSE HE DID NOTHING WRONG. it's not my fault or his fault that the camp happen, it's his "Teammates" Fault. Another surprise to me was during the camping, after i hooked the survivor, the survivor that try to roast me in the End Game chat. One survivor shows up in broad daylight, and started Running around in circles, as if he wanted me to chase him. I thought of two outcomes in my head, and since they are not good outcomes and i consider these two as "Waste of time". I decided to camp and see if the survivor running in circles is going to leave. Sure enough, as stubborn "Heros" as they are, they don't. So i ended Camping later on, he eventually try to make a save before she died on the hook, but that didn't stop me from killing her! and things really went downhill after that for the survivors and i ended with a 3k, 4k if you included DS Survivor bleed out to death.

Why does this surprise me? because if that guy called me trash, Claimed that he did nothing wrong to Make me mad and go after him instead, and all that. Then why he din't knowledge or even noticed the survivor that run in circles, why he hadn't blame the survivor and not me? He was causing the camping, not me. One of the other survivor even said that trying to bleeding out the survivor is considered "Taking the game Hostage" and even attempt to BAN ME.

Which bring me to this, the Survivors trying to use the killers as scapegoat to cover up their bad plays and bad behavior, however, are they just bad players in general? and not Scapegoating the killers but Blame other for what happen currently or last time.

I think i made my point here, i run out of brain juice, Enjoy what you can :).


  • Nanis
    Nanis Member Posts: 61

    This is a common thing among survivors. Something most don't yet realize. If the killer sees them hanging around a hooked survivor, the killer is GOING to Camp. That's plain and simple.
    Most survivors complain that camping is a cheap way to win, when it in fact is a legit strategy no matter how much anyone dislikes it (myself included).

    Long story short, survivors will always find something to hate killers over, especially camping. That won't change anytime soon. You can't let it affect you. And camping is NOT a bannable offence by the way. So you will not get banned for it.

  • TheButcher12
    TheButcher12 Member Posts: 19

    @Nanis said:
    This is a common thing among survivors. Something most don't yet realize. If the killer sees them hanging around a hooked survivor, the killer is GOING to Camp. That's plain and simple.
    Most survivors complain that camping is a cheap way to win, when it in fact is a legit strategy no matter how much anyone dislikes it (myself included).

    Long story short, survivors will always find something to hate killers over, especially camping. That won't change anytime soon. You can't let it affect you. And camping is NOT a bannable offence by the way. So you will not get banned for it.

    Yeah, i noticed this was common thing among the survivor too, so i grow used to it. and beside i already know that Camping is not bannable offense anyway, what brother me the most however is WHY they do it, and i'm started to worry that it takes advantage of the survivors and started to act like Adolf Hitler and Scapegoating us like Jews, and yet it won't make a difference.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    @Nanis said:
    This is a common thing among survivors. Something most don't yet realize. If the killer sees them hanging around a hooked survivor, the killer is GOING to Camp. That's plain and simple.
    Most survivors complain that camping is a cheap way to win, when it in fact is a legit strategy no matter how much anyone dislikes it (myself included).

    Long story short, survivors will always find something to hate killers over, especially camping. That won't change anytime soon. You can't let it affect you. And camping is NOT a bannable offence by the way. So you will not get banned for it.

    Yeah, i noticed this was common thing among the survivor too, so i grow used to it. and beside i already know that Camping is not bannable offense anyway, what brother me the most however is WHY they do it, and i'm started to worry that it takes advantage of the survivors and started to act like Adolf Hitler and Scapegoating us like Jews, and yet it won't make a difference.

    I hate being camped as much as the next guy but I don’t consider what you did camping. Like if there are no survivors around the hook that is camping but like you said he was running around the hook so to me it’s not camping anymore because the only reason you’d leave is to find other survivors but he’s right in front of you so why would you leave that area. I’d be pissed if that happened to me and I was on hook but I wouldn’t be pissed at you I’d be pissed at the other survivor.
  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Tunneling, camping and slugging is toxic gameplay. So its basically your fault.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    These words have lost all meaning

    One person says tunneling and they mean the killer chasing one guy the entire game and ignoring everyone who gets in front of him. Another means the killer hit a guy that just got unhooked in front of them.

    Someone says camping and they mean sitting next to the hooked survivor. Another person thinks they mean the killer is checking the gens and going back if they don't find anyone.

    Slugging means downing survivors and never picking them up and having them bleed out. Unless it actually means downing someone, seeing someone else and then going to down the other person.