Make Legion Top Tier

Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

At this point, idc how foolish it sounds, I need Legion to be a top tier killer after you all finish fine tuning him. I would love my main to actually be a threat in high ranks consistently without feeling like I'll pop a blood vessel due to stress while playing..

Devs pls :)


  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105

    God please no. Top tier killers shouldn't be the boring ones that rely on a power to slow the game (Plague, Legion, actual Freddy, Pig). Hate that game mechanic. The killer should be able to track you down and down you, not force the surv. to mend, take out a helmet, drink from a fountain, escape the dream world... it's boring af.

    Unpopular opinion: Wraith is the funniest killer to face as a survivor by a lot. Killers should be like him in terms of relying on chases and his ability to hit you rather than slowing the game down by forcing boring actions to do.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    They're afraid of making the killers top tier.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    But is he funny to play as? Especially at high ranks?

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105

    With the destroyer build and the best add-ons. Yes (imo).

    Spirit Fury + Enduring + Bamboozle + Brutal Strength (or BBQ).

    And add-ons the one which lets you see auras on invisible mode, the one that let your go super fast on inv. mode or the ones to cloack or reapear fast... he's really fun to play with if you put your bloodpoints on him. And the best is that he's funny to play with and against.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Top tier killers are 90-100% 4k in mid-low ranges, that's why they can't do it