ALL killers rely too much on Hex:Ruin

edogast Member Posts: 148

no matter what build you do, Hex:Ruin will always find a spot in your perk slots, I just think it really limit killer's creativity in perk selection, that and BBQ and chili, it doesn't even contribute to the killer's play style, it's just UNIVERSALLY used by EVERY killer and it's kind of boring?

I don't know, what do you think?


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Hex Ruin is a mainstay because it one of the few perks that can consistently slow the game enough so killers actually get to play the damn game. I play legion and don't run ruin and games just go by way too quick in some instances. BBQ is just great to have as it gives you aura reading and generates a bp bonus. The best part is the bp bonus as killer grinds aren't such a life sucking drag.

    It is boring that some perks are constantly used, but we can't really control how survivors approach doing their objective. You also have to understand that DBD isn't actually meant to be super diverse. All the survivors are carbon copies in the way they interact with the game. Killers could be more diverse with their unique powers and addons. Problem is the game is getting old and well studied. We all know how to pick out the optimal addon combinations and perks after playing so much. Then there is the fact that whether you're a survivor or killer we all have to feed the four-headed emblem god. Which may be the single biggest hindrance to playstyle diversity, You're forced to choose rank or diversity unless you play high tier killers then you can easily get away with both.

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2019

    I only use it for gimmick builds. It barely feels helpful when I run it, let alone necessary. I much prefer to use perks I'll notice and get to actively play around, even if it's supposedly very good.

    If you feel it's too neccisary, start playing without it. Get used to the first 2 gens popping instantly, switch up your playstyle to focus more on slowing the game than just hooking survivors, and run other perks that will have enough of an impact to make up for the lost time. You'll realise how optional it really is.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I never use it myself. I find the Perk slot to be a waste with Ruin. Better off with something that will last all match, or that will complement your specific build. You will get about the same amount of delay with the new Plague Perk (can't recall the specific name) without having to worry about it. Might even get more since half the time it's gone within a minute.

    High Ranks, and if you can defend it, Ruin might be worthwhile, but it is amusing AF to see it on Rank 10-20 Killers. They've been told it's mandatory to use it, and the results are extremely funny. If you can't win matches at that level without Ruin (or BBQ for that matter), you legitimately need to go Perkless and learn your Killer again.

    If they could hide the damn totems better, or force Survivors away from generators with other Objectives, maybe it would be worth the slot. As it is, you lose it too fast, or else the Survivors just slam those Greats out with ease if their skilled enough.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    You do need it depending on the killer, there's viable alternative but for the most part it's the most "optimal" one.

    I think the only ones who don't need it are the nurse and billy because they have great mobility and pressure.

  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89

    Not every killer, I don't run ruin in any builds

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yes, a lot of Killers rely too much on it because they learn to play with it, I dont use it and I never felt the need to.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    They depend on it, because they are the weaker role and need to stop the gen rush.

    Bad players will be negatively influenced by ruin, good players will just work through ruin.

    It's just a skill matter, in the end, killers are getting gen rushed, the only viable killer is nurse.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    Ruin is really bad perk and i made thread about it some time ago.

    Basically its useless when you actually need it (against good, smart survivors - you need more time for them) because good survivors just work through it.

    Against bad survivors you don't need to slow the game.

    Killers play with it against low survivors, and then get absolutely destroyed if they face 4 survivors that are at least semi smart/good (not even swf) because they relied od ruin and didn't learn to apply pressure.

    Ruin makes you worse player as killers, while making survivors better (motivates to learn hitting greates).

    Of course it does slow game slightly even against god tier survivors, but one need to be able to slow game without it to really benefit from it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    People here saying its a bad perk lol... all the top players (not just streamers) use it and there’s a noticeable difference if it gets found early.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    My Devour Hope build: "Am i a joke to you?"

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    The big difference for me is just those cases where 2 or more survivors spawn together across the map from where I spawn. Whatever Gen they hop on will be finished or at least close to it by the time I get there with a killer like Bubba, assuming I go directly there. Since Ruin tends to have the best effect the more ppl are on a Gen... That helps. Someone brought up the Plague perk though that blocks the furthest gens from you. I think that would actually be an equal solution to this problem since It would force the survivors to have to move abit before being able to fix a gen, giving you time to intercept it, or wait for the perk to deactivate, which wastes their time.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    @LordGlint Why would you want to protect corner generator anyway? If they want to 3gen themselves let them :).

    @johnmwarner yes, but they can apply pressure without it, thus making it even stronger and not really affecting them if they loose it. Still better to take something actually useful against good players like m&a with nurses, whispers or devour choice. Hell, even noed (which is super bad perk) is better (against good players, you don't need ruin against bad players anyway). Notice that people that spend most of the time at r1 use it rarely.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Killers don't want to run Ruin, they just have no choice. The devs refuse to slow the survivors down, so until then we're stuck with it. It isn't even good, it's just the best killers have. All the other "slow down" perks are just bad.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    Yea I would love to not run it at all but most killers lack the ability to put enough map pressure to prevent the gen rush.

    Slow M1 killers can get 2 gens popped before the first hook. Even worse games can go in 4 minutes with the right gen placement, map and add ons.

    Outside of Spirit, Nurse and Billy (that is not up against loopy survivors) , every other killer needs luck or a way to slow the game down. Or you will be stuck in the green ranks.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I agree Hex: Ruin is a boring perk. As a killer i hate feeling like i HAVE to run it because for one its a Hex but also it feels like a band aid to a much larger gameplay balance issue.

    Unfortunately the reliance on Hex: Ruin is just a result of games going by too fast. At the high ranks where you encounter survivors that know how to do gens and not screw around if you dont bring ruin you are looking at 2 - 3 gens popped by your first hook.

    Unless you play the Meta killers that can put down enough pressure in the early game you need Ruin.

    I honestly wish the devs would rework the objective or make trials last a minimum amount of time so that everyone has a chance to earn lots of points and make the experience worth it.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Never even touched ruin as a killer, hex totems continue to be in a weird place between easily found and happy it lasted that long. The lack of it really does effect the game when survivors don't screw around.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    I mostly use bbq for the extra bloodpoints cause this game is too grindy and would still use it even if the aura readings get removed.

    For the ruin, it sucks but the gens are done way too fast.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i replaced ruin with discordance on most of my killers, with Bloodwarden on the others.

    the only times i actually run the perk is when i have a killer that is not leveled enough.

    so yeah... ruin is not a must have, but it makes the early state of the round easier.

    later on, you'll be forced to play with 3 perks though, which i really dislike.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2019

    I've played as surv against Freddy now, we popped 3 gens during first chase through Ruin. Furthermore, we never found it, maybe even didnt look for, I didnt on purpose at least, just looked around while moving from gen to gen, and popped last 2 through as well. 4 escaped against rank 3 Freddy. (we all were rank 4, dunno about others, i was solo)

    I dont run Ruin at all Killers I play except one,Trapper, cause I can trap totem and it gives me some time to place traps around. All others can hardly protect Ruin and I dont like to put myself in 3 perks for 90% of match.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    You apply gen pressure against good survivors by hooking them and forcing others off of gens. No way around it. Everything else is fake pressure and just delays gens popping without killing anyone. At a certain point killers have to loop, and most loops are safe against 75% of the killer roster unless survivors mess up or bloodlust kicks in. That's the whole point of Ruin. Pressure starts with someone on the hook, and most killers would rather have that start at 5 or 4 gens rather than 3. That's worth a perk slot to me.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This is an unfair blanket generalization even if you've said most rather than all. Ruin does has legitimate balance issues.

    The is hindered by the linger totem spawn issues and on the survivor side hex totem do force a sense of "I need to cleanse this!". I think that is problematic as well because the benefits of hex ruin aren't really in the gameplay, but the psychology of players dealing with it. Gameplay wise it can simply be pushed through, tapped through, and countered with one of Tapp's perks. Stake Out if I remember correctly.

    We need more things to encourage varied and intelligent play. Which isn't going to come through perks.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    On a lot of killers it's not that you want to, it's that you HAVE to. Especially ones that take time to set up traps or need to build momentum. It's easy to say that "oh well change your strategy" or "learn to apply pressure" when killers can't inherently apply it. BBQ is needed to go through the web to get the perks you want. Past that, you can be more creative on builds and take risks. I don't run Ruin on Billy/Nurse/Doctor anymore because of their ability to apply pressure. Hag might be next but she can defend a lot better. But until the gen rush is addressed or a better perk comes out, it's here to stay.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    the simplest fix would be to add like half ruin time to gen repairs and remove ruin

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Sad part is I run ruin to make people pop my haunted grounds. Half the time I dont even notice when ruin is popped since I dont care about it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I only use it ‘cause I don’t have all the perks I like.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Untrue, I play at high ranks without Ruin, I play Spirit and HAG. A killer who takes time to set up. I do fine.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Yeah we rely on ruin to much cause we don't have any other perk to run that would slow the game down "just a lil bit" from gen rushers. Literally today while playing the hag with devour hope instead of ruin, after I downed the first person, 2 gens popped simultaneously, and shortly after hooking the survivor the third gen popped. Its not fun when 3 gens popped quickly just after the 1st hook, usually if that happens (I hate when I do this but I have no choice) I have to start securing some kills cause I know the moment I go to check on a gen either 1 gen is left or all gens are completed.

    Some killers who don't use ruin use Noed, but its a double edge sword as it can be taken out before all gen are popped, but can punish gen rushing.

    Unless BHVR can do something about how fast gens are being finished, ruin is going to be a mandatory perk to run to just enjoy the killer and have a chance to kill survivors.