Pallet vacuum

Please bring back the pallet vacuum it was the only chance surivivors had against killers now the game is no longer fair please fix it.
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Top tier bait, well done
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When i first saw this thread I thought it was about "What is pallet vacuum?"
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Low tier honestly.
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I take it this is a joke.
That said, yesterday I played vs a wraith that got a free hit because for some reason as I ran through a pallet, I was pulled back onto the same side as him when I pressed space, despite having already passed it; it felt like a vacuum.
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Reverse vacuum. It's a new thing, just on Killer side this time kappa
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The old pallet vacuum was insane, that was totally unfair for the killer. However, a pallet vacuum in the middle of a pallet COULD be something interesting to try out
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That has happened to me several times.
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When people say ridiculous things like this and say "I'm a killer main btw" you can easily tell that they're not a killer main.
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No this was a bait thread conspired on discord