Reasons you should play The Plague

Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

Hello everyone, maybe this will entice you all to try Plague out once more as she is very versatile.

She's a mish-mash of a lot of killer powers and then topped off with her own unique power to boot.

1) Shes like huntress: Able to bypass pallets with Corrupted Purge and Vile Purge, this can serve you well.

2) She's like legion: Able to inflict damage over time on a healthy survivor while also infecting anything else they touch whether it be other survivors or windows and totems.

3) She's also like Doctor: Did you know the once you have the survivors puking you can hear and see them more visibly. I once found a survivor hiding in the locker by just hearing them cough inside from my sickness. Pretty Neat!

4) She's like Pig: To cleanse the vile Purge survivors need to go to fountains, you can even infect the fountains and sneak up on them when they're weak or in the motion of cleansing.

5) I bet you corrupted purge and MYC sounds delicious doesn't it ;)

6) She's also Somewhat like The Hag:

You can infect totems and Gens to maximize that ruin as well as discouraging them from using Windows and vaulting areas.

7) Use corrupted purge to multi-down: I've done it before when they ran to the exit gate and got almost all of them hooked from it. So satisfying.

Tbh, she's underrated and I think time will tell she will be one of the best. Not to say she doesn't need improvements because she definitely does. But she can become top tier soon, I just know it.

Thanks for reading, it seems the devs gave her so many elements to work with. Some familiar and some new, but she seems to be a culmination of alot of killers and yet so versatile. Hopefully this encouraged you to try her. What are your thoughts? Will she become a top tier killer soon?


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,151

    The Plague is the first killer I've prestiged. Playing with her can be a lot of fun, especially when getting crazy hits with corrupt purge.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Yes I love to multi down people or hit multiple people at once with it, they always seem shocked and off guard when it happens lol

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I play the Plague because she is sexy as hell <3

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Imagine DC’ing against Vommy Mommy. Most Plague players I’ve encountered are very boosted. People just don’t know how to use her to her full potential.

    I looove Vommy Mommy. She is a very fun killer to play

  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89

    She's also like the nightmare

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    The points are neat but some of them still require survivors to cleanse themselves and I've encountered too many survivors who refuse to cleanse and rush gens, only cleansing on the last gen to pop Adrenaline. I do enjoy playing Plague but she is on my lower tier list due to the deadly side of the plague which is corrupt purge is in the survivors hands, they can choose not to give it to you.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    It’s a lose-lose situation though. Survivors are still broken, they will always be a one shot. If you stay infected you’re putting yourself at risk by being an instadown against a 115% movement speed killer.

    If Plague decides not to capitalize on survivors permanently being broken then that is her not being smart.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    She is okay till you hit Purple ranks, once there survivors counter her with loops and don't empower her, grind through the infection. If one or two get downed they will get rescued and escaped.

    On some maps she will be destroyed by the number of windows and pallets.

    I agree she is fun and funny however the counter play is to strong, they should have left her inhale speed alone and it would have eliminated much of her loop counter play.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2019

    Instant downs do not scare survivors on maps that are poorly designed. If the map is badly designed they can still loop you for a long time and that's why corrupt purge is deadly. Why do you think more and more survivors refuse to heal anymore and just focus on generators to make Adrenaline can kick in? Plague can apply broken but without corrupt purge she isn't that great because broken doesn't hinder the survivor's ability to rush gens or loop.

    If survivors are just using the no heal meta, being broken wouldn't make a difference to them.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    You all make very good points, however I decide to bring either Blessed Apple or Ashen Apple every so often the higher I get in rank just so I can at least have one pool of corruption.

    I fine Corruption much useful towards end game than anything.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    I think you have the right ideas in mind when you say that people should play Plague and I would absolutely agree if survivors wanted to cleanse in the first place.

    She can be incredibly fun when survivors actually give you the corrupt purge but I find that if survivors never cleanse then I just end up having a very boring game and not have any chance to utilize her power whatsoever.

    Broken isn't very threatening to survivors on its own because if you get a map like temple of purgation, ormond, haddonfield, disturbed ward to name a few then survivors will never feel threatened enough to want to cleanse as it doesn't get in their way.

    You mentioned that you bring the apple addons which it's a great thing to have at least one fountain but my question is, should you really need addons in order to actually get the chance to use your power? Plague has an interesting power but it's ruined by simply being optimal.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    I agree with everything you said. No you shouldn't need to run add-ons and yes she does have glaring weaknesses, hopefully the devs look into buffing her "just lil bit" so that way survivors can't have so much control over an aspect of her power

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I got a new plague in a survivor match the other day, I felt so bad for her, she was so cute/funny (she did the full 360 into the sky at one point) and wasn't too bad overall but she didn't understand how short the lunge is. But she did have the advantage of us having a dumb Meg, I was on a gen with another survivor and we had like 2 seconds left until it was done and a sick/broken Meg comes along and touches it for a second, we all got sick and then Meg cleansed instantly...I think we all wanted to throw Meg on a hook...

    I'd like to learn her more, but her power just isn't threatening enough to me and as a result I'm not sure how she does against more skilled survivors. What builds do you use and how much success do you have through the ranks?

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    edited May 2019

    Lol oh Meg... XD

    I typically run builds surrounding Gens. My perks are Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, and Haunting Grounds although I'll swap for Dark Devotion.

    What I typically do is vomit on as many gens , pallets, windows, and totems as I can to add a layer of protection on them so survivors won't be encouraged to work on them or use them too early, throw this in with Corrupt intervention and Ruin and it heavily stalls the match. Discordance helps me narrow down where to go, so I can vomit on all of them and prevent some type of teamwork.

    The add-ons I typically use are the ones that increase vile effectiveness, and that increase the amount of time the vomit stays on objects (Windows, Totems, and Gens).

    I typically use Vile Corruption during the end game, or when I'll know someone's going to get the other off of the hook.

    I'm no expert but this has been giving me good results. Spreading the sickness not just at the survivors but in the environment helps to stack the debuff and weakens them faster.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Depends on whether the player that is playing Plague is any good or not. You HAVE to apply pressure or you will lose, it goes with any killer.

    Billy permanently has an instadown and he is a top tier killer. Why would Plague be low tier when she can permanently have an one shot while Billy is top tier? Sure Billy has more map pressure but you still have to actually down a survivor.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    @Gardenia I'm honestly thinking of finally picking up plague, nurse (console) and spirit so thanks for the tips, going to revert to a noob killer for a while while I learn like I did with LF (I'm strongest with Myers, Freddy, Hag and Wraith in that order and used to play them as a sort of "team" competitively through the ranks)

    Nice, someone else who appreciates discordance :) I use it on my Mikey to control gens, track survivors who think it's smart to stay in groups/rush gens and know when to cut a chase to return to gen protection (preferably with a ready to go EW3).

    I was honestly thinking of a similar playstyle with plague, utilising object infection to prevent/notify me of gen taps (but wouldn't work on already infected) etc and increased effectiveness addons . I'll definitely try corrupt, haunted and discordance together, might try out some other perks for the 4th because I'm not a massive fan of ruin personally. Thanks again for the advice and I hope she does actually get some buffs eventually though (reduced action speed/maybe exhausted or other debuffs? etc while infected and restore her charging speed)

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited May 2019

    She needs work imo. I mean she does great and has a great functionality against complete idiots or people completely new to the game aka rank 20 to 15. But against practical survivors all that vomit infection does is insure people either A rush fountains, B ignore fountains because she's an M1 killer and easier to loop especially on pallet heavy areas or areas with tons of walls. 3rd person view can be a monster sometimes....I wish it was like some other games where they couldn't look 180 degrees behind themselves and run at the same time but whatever.

    The nerf to her movespeed while charging and charged after ptb hamstrings her in higher ranks. To the point where you're basically running her like a huntress with a low range machine gun.......

    Do I have buyers remorse.....yes....yes slightly....

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    "You HAVE to apply pressure or you will lose, it goes with any killer"

    Applying pressure can be simple but against an optimal group it can be quite hard. I enjoy playing SWFs but even when I play with some friends just to have fun, we can give that much information to the point that the killer cannot apply pressure to all of us.

    "Killer coming to my gen, will loop him. Go on gen at the killer shack"

    "Killer stopped chasing, going over to another gen to repair"

    "Killer kicked the gen, will tap it in a second once they leave."

    "Killer is now chasing me, finish my gen at x"

    On top of that, the killer can only chase one survivor at a time so all of the others can repair gens. Dropping the chase if it goes on for long enough to chase others off gens hardly works because the survivors who are no longer being chased can just hop back onto generators straight away and if they are SWFs the can easily say "Come back onto this gen at x". If the survivors are not good then they will be scared to hop on gens straight away but if the survivors don't fear the killer then they just hop on them instantly.

    If you down someone fast enough and hook them, forcing other survivors off gens to rescue, applies a lot of pressure but some maps that are badly designed makes it a nightmare to end chases fast enough.

    I know this isn't post isn't about SWFs but you have to realize that killers cannot always apply optimal pressure against good groups. Although it's not common to run into groups like those, it still hinders the Plague.

    Billy can apply pressure due to his insane mobility and that's why survivors heal against him because he can zoom back and forth and eventually find them. That's why people heal against Spirit too because of her mobility (although it's not as good as billy's). Plague has no mobility and her basic power doesn't hinder the survivor's ability to loop, so that's why I feel like the Plague is kind of weak if the survivors stay infected and never cleanse.

    "Depends on whether the playing that is playing Plague is any good or not"

    Problem with that is her power does not help in a chase unless you have the corrupt purge. Going back to my statement about the no heal meta, why would survivors cleanse when the Plague is tall so it's easier to tell if she is trying to mind game or when her basic power doesn't hinder your ability to loop? If you're a good survivor, you just want to do all gens to get a free heal at the end, why heal when you can rush gens and pop adrenaline?

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Reasons not to play Plague:

    1) Survivors are notified when she has corrupt purge , so survivors can just hide, waste Plagues time and then continue working on gens

    Huntress hatchets are superior in chase and can be also used by skilled Huntress players to snipe survivors across the map

    2) And Legion is also garbage in chase. He doesn't even have a power anymore.

    3) I'll give her praise for her tracking but doctor and Freddy have much better tracking and you have to be pretty stupid to hide in a locker against Plague

    4) Pig's and Freddy's stall are better

    5) I rarely find the MYC victim at red/purple ranks and again survivors can just hide when Plague has corrupt purge

    6) Again Hag's power is superior

    7) This relies on Survivors making a big mistake, so we have another example of killers of being reactive and not interactive

    In conclusion you could play any of the other killers that Plague is similar to and you'll get better results. Her power sucks, her lore sucks but her athestic is really good though. Most disappointing killer for me.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    most people know she's horrible at base. The essential reason to why she underperform is time. In PTB, she was pretty good, but some people thought she would be Nurse-Tier or something and she got nerfed on Vile Purge movement speed which completely messed her up. It gave her a very long cast time for Vile Purge, a huge recovery to cancel it and disabled her ability to have optimized chase times because of how much distance a survivor gets for each Vile Purge charge therefore crippling her almost completely. Among other issues, Her power effectiveness and efficiency is greatly depended on map and positioning of fountains and than there's fact that she's only killer whose power grants the ability to instant heal survivors(Demerit).

    There are two builds that allow to purposely bypass all these weaknesses and drawbacks for her. Vile Emetic(Purple add-on)+ Infected Emetic(Green) allows you to almost instantly break a survivor and it essentially gives you tier 3 evil within mysers at the start of the game. Put BBQ+Hex:Ruin+Play With Your food and Monitor&Abuse and you will gain a very efficient killer that only spends 1 token per instant down with low terror radius to easily instant down survivors out of position. The other build revolves around Black Incense(Pink)+Worship tablet(Purple) with split pressure gameplay. Since Worship Tablet increases movement speed, it allows you to play PTB Plague since the increase in movement speed and decrease of movement speed for holding Corrupt Purge end up canceling out. The only challenge is, you need to be able to find survivors once you obtain corrupt purge and you need to provide incentive for survivors to cleanse. Black Incense will give you information if the survivors do not cleanse and if you are able to get hook presence, you can often scare the survivors into cleansing. You can also attempt to use thanatophobia to provide further incentive to cleanse, then you just use your enhancement movement speed Corrupt purge to anti-loop and close out the game.