Will you ever do something about the DC's?

Proxi Member Posts: 62

There are disconnects everywhere in this game. I've been watching this for at least a year now, hoping to hear anything about punishing rage-dc's in this game.

BHVR-Team said they would track dc's and start banning people that have too many dc's in comparison to their games played. But I've never heared about somebody getting banned in this game, not even temporarily.

Yesterday I had 3 games in a row as killer where survivors just dc because the first one rage-dc'ed or one of their swf mates dc'ed. It destroys your game, kills the fun and good addons and offerings get wasted.

As killer you get compensated with a tiny amount of bloodpoints, where you could've gotten way more out of the game/survivor.

And it's not only me, I watch a lot of streams and yt-videos, it happens to everyone and it happens a lot. People just don't fear any consequences because there are NONE.

So please DO SOMETHING about it.


  1. Start banning temporarily after a SET amount of dc's (like 50 dc's = 1st ban ->stacking up)
  2. Reward way more points to the killer/survivor and give the dc'ed survivor/killer a -50% bloodpoint punish for the next game (although this could result in people just letting themselves die next game to get rid of this debuff)
  3. Probably the best solution: timeout punishment. After you dc you will not be able to queue again for 5 minutes (stacking up for every dc within 6 hours)



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There are two reasons you haven't heard anything about people being banned:

    1. You're not allowed to discuss bans on the forum.
    2. Threads discussing bans are swiftly deleted or closed (see above).

    However, people do get banned, and it's hilarious to read their threads.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    The Devs have basically said they aren't changing anything about the DCing until dedicated servers are out.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,524

    We are working on a new system to punish people who disconnect excessively. We are already in the planning phase and hope to have it out as soon as possible (currently aiming for the same time dedicated servers go live). Dealing with disconnects is a top priority for us. For more details, you can check our May developer update: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/63559/developer-update-may-2019#latest

    We do not discuss bans in public though, nor do we allow the discussion of specific bans, which is why you do not see any posts from people who were banned. Typically when a banwave goes out, there will be a bunch of posts for a day or so. Most people tend not to publicly out themselves when they get banned, though.

  • Proxi
    Proxi Member Posts: 62

    Omg thank you! I somehow missed this update, but I'm super happy now! This was my N°1 complaint about this game for a long time. Looking forward to dedicated servers now O.O

  • Megaris
    Megaris Member Posts: 105

    so why don't you announce how many players are got temporary bans by rage dcing? I think most people will stop dcing if they believe the system is working.