New Chapter: Ascension

MissyD Member Posts: 23
edited May 2019 in Creations

New Killer: The Valkyrie

New Map: Heaven's Garden

This new map is very unique. The Valkyries corruption and hatred has turned this once beautiful kingdom into a dark mystical place. This map is inside a grand castle, with many hallways, and two stories. All generators are attached to doors, so once a generator is completed, doors will open.

Backstory: An ancient warrior princess from times forgotten.

  • She grew up a fighter, learning how to survive.
  • All valkyrie's have wings attached to their back, allowing them the ability to fly.
  • Her kingdom fell to the hands of the Persian empire.
  • She is vengeful.

Appearance: The Valkyrie is gorgeous in appearance, with beautiful white wings sporting from her back. She has two horns atop of her head and her hair is in a long braid. Due to the size of her spear, she holds the spear to her side, like a jousting spear.

Main Weapon: Spear of Justice

This spear was used in her fight against the Persians.

Main Power: Aerial

Her main power is completely unique and will require 3 tokens before use.

  • The Valkyrie gains tokens by starting a chase with survivors
  • Once the chase has begun, the Valkyrie gains one token
  • When the Valkyrie has 3 tokens, Aerial becomes activated
  • By consuming all 3 tokens, The Valkyrie takes flight into the sky, and dives down, her manuverability is the equivalent to The Hillbilly's chainsaw
  • If she collides with a survivor, they are instantly downed and the power meter immediately drains
  • This power is active for 30 seconds
  • While in the Aerial state, her movement speed is increased by 15%


Grounded - Level 30 Teachable

The inability to fly really discourages survivors. If a killer uses their power rather than their main weapon to down a survivor, they bleed out 10%/15%/20% faster.

Volar - Level 35 Teachable

Your blood boils thinking about the escaping survivors. When the exit gates are powered, this perk becomes activated. Any survivor standing within the exit gate for 30/20/10 seconds, they are put in the next state. (Healthy to injured, injured to dying)

Hex: Mercurial - Level 40 Teachable

The entity is relentless. When a survivor is hooked, any survivors within 12/24/32 meters, the entity strikes, and the survivor(s) are instantly put into the next health state (Healthy to injured, injured to dying) This perk is only activated while the associated hex totem is active.

Mori: The Valkyrie flies up into the air, her eyes glowing bright. She swoops down, as the survivors attempts to run forward, she plunges her spear into their chest. She then pushes the survivor off and wipes her spear across their clothing.


New Survivor: King Darius (King of the Persian Empire)

The Valkyrie has a long history with the King, which only serves as fuel for her hatred.

Appearance: In a very kingly fashion, the king sports a large beard, and wears royal garments.


Ruler - Level 30 Teachable

Learning how to rule others is your strong suit. When survivors are within a 8/10/12 meter range while searching through a chest, item rarity is considerably/moderately/tremendously higher.

Traitor - Level 35 Teachable

Your have a will to survive. If the killer downs a survivor while you are within his terror radius, you run 10%/15%/20% faster for 3/4/5 seconds. You gain the exhausted status effect for 60 seconds.

Mind Reader - Level 40 Teachable

The court magician has taught you a few tricks. This perk is activated once you are hooked and there is one remaining generator left. If at least one survivor is working on the generator, your mind reading abilities can help them complete it. If the generator is 85%/80%/75% completed, you can tap into your mind reading ability. You will have 3 tremendously/moderately/considerably difficult skill checks. If you hit the skill checks, the bar gains 5% completion for each skill check. However, if you miss one skill check, the generator loses 50% of its bar, you can no longer attempt the other skill checks and the killer gains a notification.


  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    Alright, the power seems subpar to some of the already existing instadowners no offense

    Killer perks-

    1. Its over shadowed by Sloppy butcher and some killer cant use it. Trapper- only if he uses honing stone, Billy- yes,Huntress- yes, Leatherface- yes. Everyone else, nope

    2. I like it definitely will stop BM survivors. Should change it to them just being in the exits.

    3. Interesting I'm cool with that

    Survivor perks- leader for items

    2.i don't think you need the exhaustion for that but that's me

    3. That is

  • MissyD
    MissyD Member Posts: 23

    I wanted the power to be another instadown that wasnt a chainsaw or stalking based. The first perk i completely agree isnt the best, but this perk honestly isnt for every killer. Same as certain other perks that just work better with other killers. I could change it to when they down survivors but I felt thats too over powered.

    and i also added the exhaustion effect so that way if someone has lithe, or dead hard, it wouldn't be over powered. For example, someone is downed, you sprint forward, then with lithe you vault and gain a significantly huge distance for the killer.

    this killer is more or less the female version of billy with more conditions

  • MissyD
    MissyD Member Posts: 23

    also check out Dark Side of the Moon. I honestly live for your comments they help a lot

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    @MissyD lol try to mention my name with the "@" I don't get notified otherwise