Killer Suggestion: The Salvager (corrupted Jake)

TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75


It's been suggested (although un-confirmed) that IF a survivor loses all hope they may become one of The Entity's servants. So what if our good friend Jake succumbed to such a fate...


The Salvager would look like a buffed up Jake, covered in tools/ equipment for taking things apart and repurposing them.


A large wrench or other tool.

Power: Repurpose

- The Salvager can break a hook and turn it into a secondary weapon. The base time a hook takes to respawn is increased if a hook is broken this way.

- The "Salvaged Hook" weapon is attached to a chain and can be swung and thrown outward in a ranged attack. The attack can be charged up for more distance. Charge speed and range are affected by add-ons.

- The attack will injure a survivor, but not down them. Instead, the attack will "attach" to a survivor and allow The Salvager to pull them closer. While pulling a survivor, The Salvager is slowed but can still move while pulling the survivor in (to get around obstacles). If brought all the way in, the survivor is picked up instantly. The survivor can try to "wiggle" free while being pulled in, but can not move under their own power. The Salvager can detach at any time. After the Salvaged Hook detaches (either by choice or wiggle free), The Salvager suffers from a cooldown before they can attack with either weapon.

- Other survivors can free a survivor who is being pulled in by performing a "rescue" action. This stops the survivor from being moved closer, but The Salvager can still reel in to move a bit faster towards the attached survivor. Blinds and stuns also can free an attached survivor.

- If The Salvager has a Salvaged Hook, they may use it to instantly repair a broken hook. The Salvaged Hook becomes consumed after repairing a hook, and The Salvager will need to collect a new one. A repaired hook can not be salvaged again for a certain amount of time. This action can not be done while holding a survivor.


Smash - Damaging a generator does an instant 10%/ 20%/ 30% damage INSTEAD of a timed regression. This generator can not be damaged again until a survivor has started repairing it.

Recycle - The killer can see the auras of items on the ground or inside of open chests at an unlimited distance. The killer can "trash" an item (destroying it) and gain a stackable 1%/ 2%/ 3% movement speed bonus.

New and Improved - When an object sabotaged by survivors becomes repaired, it can not be sabotaged again for 20/ 40/ 60 seconds. These objects become highlighted to the killer during that time.


  • wingedwolf94
    wingedwolf94 Member Posts: 47

    I've thought about a killer jake before and I thought it would be cool if his weapon was actually a broken sacrifice hook as well. It just fits so well! But I like your interpretation where he has to obtain the weapon first. He doesn't start with it.

    I've also seen someones interpretation where he was turned into some freaky crow-person monster hybrid. He had like bird legs.

    And as a little added thing maybe he could command crows in the trial to attack people if they are disturbed. So survivors have to avoid scaring the crows.

  • MiddleMang
    MiddleMang Member Posts: 8

    Design wise I'd prefer the crow-person or entity-like survivor-turned killer, but mechanically this sounds interesting. I really love the idea of mixing Franklin's Demise with Recycle, and finally having a way to not only play against items but use them to your advantage. Maybe with recycle he can even open chests himself. Smash sounds just a bit strong or redundant though, and very similar to Pop Goes the Weasel, which has the hook requirement at least. New and Improved doesn't sound strong at all but maybe it has a niche. Really like the gameplay ideas of this killer overall!