Hatch should open when next-to-last survivor is put on death hook, not after the sacrifice completes

Chrisko Member Posts: 288

Has anyone else been in the situation where the killer can death hook the next to last survivor and still have time to move half the map to the hatch (that hasn't opened yet) and stand there and wait for the hatch to open only to immediately close it.

I guess it comes down to how accessible the devs want the hatch to be to the last survivor in this situation.



    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    It would just encourage more people to let their teammates hang instead of saving them to try and finish the objective and make it even harder for the killer to pip because there's no way they could get to it when people are usually hiding right next to it. I've been in plenty of games as is where people probably could have made it to gates but they just hid once the game heated up and waited for everyone else to die. You can already get points pretty easily to pip as a surv so there's really no point. Getting out is just bonus points at the end of the day and really isn't the main goal.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    if survivors complained as much as killers did, 4 man escape would happen every game, nurse and billy would of been gutted.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    git gud and keep at the calm

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Riddle me this. If this is implemented then if both me (as the Killer) and the final survivor know where the hatch is, and I've just downed the 2nd to last survivor. What's to stop you from going immersed until I pick up the survivor and then run (or walk depending on distance) over to the hatch while I'm hooking him?

    Just patrolling the hatch isn't going to work since they don't actually need to hide near it. And I'd never draw you out since the only reason for them to move is me picking up the 3rd survivor, and they wouldn't be stupid enough to run right into my face where I could drop him and hit him.

    My only option would be to wait out the bleedout time for the 3rd survivor in order to close the hatch. You wouldn't want that now would you?

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    We've been ######### for 3 years. You guys are finally getting balanced a little and you all went on a binge of whining. Don't come saying survivors complained as much as killers. Last 3 months has been nothing but you guys bitching about every little update and saying I'm quitting but come back on the forums every day to ######### some more. Get off the game then. There. No more need to worry about survivor losing a match.

  • Sonic249
    Sonic249 Member Posts: 9

    The killer being able to close the hatch has completely ruined the game. The balance highly favors the killer. All they do is hook the 3rd survivor and by the time the animation of death is complete they are at the hatch and they close it. the doors are too close so you will never be able to power it up in time. I see a lot of people on here saying why should you get a free escape if your the last alive. This is supposed to be a team based game. So if the other 3 survivors gte caught which they usually do because once 1 person gets hooked the all forget the object is to power gens and escape. They all focus on saving the one guy and all end up getting caught up instead of 1 person going to save. If the devs really wanted to make it fair disable hatch close and leave the EGC. That way you can't have a hatch standoff. if the survivor just stands there waiting to be hit he will eventually die and the killer can't camp the hatch because the survivor can go for the exit gate. that would be fair for all parties. I'm sure this got changed do to crying killers. so hopefully they will heed our concerns because this game isn't fun anymore.

  • Carpo
    Carpo Member Posts: 19

    The reason the hatch opens after the survivor's been sacrificed and not as soon as they are hooked, is to give the killer a chance to either find you, or find the hatch while removing incentive to just sit at the hatch.

    Yes, being the last survivor in a game can feel unfair. Yes performing well but losing because of EGC can feel unfair for survivors. But it's not just about survivors, it's about killers too, it's about games not being held hostage or a good 20 to 30 minutes spent in a hatch standoff because neither side will relent.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Why do killers feel the need to actively post aggravating or derogatory responses in the SURVIVOR lobby? I don't feel the need to go into the killer lobby and tell killers how to play, act, think or condescend them.

    I am not a dev but I would guess that they probably didn't envision the survivor lobby as a forum for killers to cast shade on survivors while we are discussing survivor related topics.

    Killers are free to post wherever and just know that you represent the killers in the game. Your posts are a reflection of your personal character.

    BTW, this goes for survivors behavior toward killers as well.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You're confusing complaining with being catered to. Which history of patch notes show that more often than not the survivors get the lion share of favorable changes even with recent nerfs.

    You as far as forum posts go both sides complain about the same amount about the same thing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    This is to discuss survivor-related topics, it's not a survivor main forum. And you don't know who is or isn't a killer main unless they flat-out tell you.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Ever been in the situation the survivor jumps in the second the hatch opens?

    "Only the killer can find the hatch and camp it" - such crap.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Its a team effort, if they focus balancing between survivor and killer on a 1v1 level the whole game will undoubtedly be onesided. Its 4v1 and if your last then take the chances your given or accept the killer outplayed the team. Don't blame killer when 3 others on your side couldn't assist you with survival.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Slug for the forth survivor is just standard aproach for killers. I love it when the sluged worm crawls in the direction of their friend, it makes it easier to find the last prey

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    I let them close the hatch. I'll then get exit gate points and escape. If I didn't see the hatch in my travels then I won't bother looking for it. It's not a death sentence though. The killer can't hatch camp. If they want to stand there and look at it to lure me in, I crouch in some bushes and get Bold points. You can even sneak up behind them, and jump in before they close it.

    I also accept the fact that sometimes I'm not going to escape. You win some and you lose some.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Honestly i think the hatch is just fine as it is. Both sides have a fair go and the old standoff routine is gone thank god. I hated the stand off so much that if i found them sitting on the hatch i'd have them follow me far enough from it so they knew i wasn't pulling a fast one, and let them just kill me, because sod a 20 minute game of playing who will give in first.

    I get that it can be frustrating to do all that work and end up desperately trying to get a gate open, especially if they end up close together, but I honestly believe that this was the fairest they could make it for both sides. You have as much chance as the killer does to spot the hatch early in the game, and you both have a a chance of hunting it down if you don't.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    It is balanced as it is now.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'd prefer to be killed on hook, than slugged for 3:59 first while they find the last person to avoid being cheesed out of a 4k.

    Also, abandoning your teammates so you can camp the hatch should not receive buffs.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Because you really want survivors hiding in random place till you dc or find them, huh? (Response to Drunky26)

    I see more people saying they’re quitting over killer issues or dcs. (Response to ASmartMonkeyy)

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I had a game the other day I did 3 gens I don’t no no what everyone else was doing I was on my 4th I had unhooked everyone ,I had been Chased but not hooked they couldn’t get get they all died I think I deserve hatch lol from all the work I did To survive but no he had noed and the doors were same side greatest game ever XD

  • Jopium
    Jopium Member Posts: 39

    No it’s dang near every killer runs BBQ. They will always get hatch before it actually opens. We had this really good survivor was down across the killer left them on the floor to find the other survivor which he did I mean it’s a doctor not to hard right the survivor on the floor crawled and found the hatch and was laying on it the killer hooks the survivor and BBQ it back to the person the floor hatch didn’t open the whole sacrifice had to go thru. Never had a chance

  • bonsaibeard
    bonsaibeard Member Posts: 40
  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    First, its still not a free escape. Second, the game would become very boring otherwise, because after the first death (which can come fast with people suiciding on first hook) the game could be essencialy over. The hatch gives an incentive to survivors to keep playing, because there is still a chance for at least one to survive, while you of course try to save them all.

    Would you like games ending after the first hook?

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    It's fine the way it is.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    ...Says the person playing killer (who has all the advantages currently regarding the hatch). I understand why you would think so...

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    lol absolutely not

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    There is a difference of maybe 5 seconds between when the entity death animation starts for the next-to-last survivor (on hook) and when the hatch opens.

    5 seconds faster for hatch is not absurd...just everything else in Entity's post.

    I would guess that any suggestion which addresses a survivor issue would be viewed as absurd to Entity.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    As it stands, the hunt for the hatch currently favors the killer in several ways. See the orig post for the list.

    I have had many matches where i found the hatch first but it was not yet open (btw the death animation and hatch opening) I had to sit there and watch the killer walk over to the hatch, wait for it to open and then close it.

    I found the hatch before the killer but because the hatch doesn't open until after the complete sacrifice animation is done, all advantage goes to the killer.

    Not to mention the EGC is killer sided...and the gate spawn is usually killer sided (too close to one another)

    So i believe that the argument could be made for the hatch opening a few secs sooner.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Final thoughts...

    Regarding your saying "Because it [hatch] opening a 'few seconds earlier' would basically skew it wildly into Survivor favor"

    Why I believe the hatch currently favors the Killer:

    1. Killer has faster movement speed (sometimes a lot faster depending on killer).
    2. As the killer you get to move easily around the map with no worry and look for the hatch. Once the hatch spawns, there is a higher chance that the killer will run across it before the final survivor does.
    3. The survivor has to worry about the killer finding them so they can't move freely (especially when they are the last one).
    4. Killer gets FREE time (from the initial death hook) to look for the hatch or get to the hatch without it opening in order to close it.

    And yes...I do agree with you that I "just want it to open sooner to guarantee my escape." because I would escape more if the hatch were open sooner. AND I would escape less once it is closed.

    As soon as the Killer and I are moving around looking for the hatch, If I get to the hatch first, I should not have to wait for an animation to complete and have Mr. Killer beating me on the head.

    Whomever gets to the hatch first wins the hatch. THAT is BALANCE! Not wild survivor favor.

    Great discussion! Thanks Entity While I do disagree with you on some points I do respect your points and opinion.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    We need to give killers more of a reason to hook, no killer is ever going to want to hook the third survivor if they know it immediately puts the last remaining survivor at an advantage

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167

    I've given up playing in large because of issues like this.

    I've even found the hatch by chance as 3rd survivor was hooked, and Trapper marched his ass clear across the map, to the hatch, i was standing at, an he was able to close it as it opened before I could click to exit. We were both standing at it. I was there first. I looked at him. He looked at me. I was already clicking frantically to leave And he was still able to close it. Then down me. Then hook me. 1st hook, last hook.

    I've worked my tail off doing totems, doing gens, unhooking, taking protection hits and healing. I Pip and even double pip most of the matches played and remain in red ranks. However, all this can still make for a poor game experience when your other 3 survivors are potato goo, keep getting hooked, sandbagging each other, falling for the obvious insidious Leatherface in the basement and dying all before I even get hooked once. Only for the killer to find and close the hatch,snap it shut and stand between the exit gates that are conveniently both in eye shot waiting for me to surrender, making all the work I put into that match pointless because there is ZERO chance at escape.

    And now that you don't even get struggle points OR a chance to self unhook because who wants to wait for people to die for the match to end amirite? I play even less. (But Gen-rushing makes the game 'too fast' yeahok)

    To me the matches have become the equivalent of going to the butcher and choosing a prime cut of beef, bringing it home, marinading it over night, carefully cooking it on the grill to perfection, letting it sit and rest for just the right time... AND THROWING IT OUT THE DARNED WINDOW.

    It's a waste of time and effort and if I can't get out in any way, ever now, why not just have the last survivor hook themselves, save us all the time and effort and just end the game there.

    The changes keep taking and taking and taking and it does nothing to balance the game or even help with QOL.

    Constructive ideas:

    Have a chest spawn randomly on the map with a key to reopen the hatch

    Have survivors no longer leave scratch marks once the 3rd survivor is sacrificed.

    Have the doors spawn a reasonable distance apart from each other (AKA One should not be able to stand at one door and see the other dang door clear as day. (BIG BRAIN idea i know)

    Have the hatch become first come first serve. Killer gets to hatch zone first Killer can close. Survivor rolls up on hatch first well they get to escape.

    People are still going to camp hatch, just like killers still camp face. Not sure what can be done about either, maybe loud loud loud SFX? Have the hatch BLAST its wooshy sound so both killer and survivor know where it is, and for face camping, some sort of circus music :D

    I'm not demanding the hatch, I'm not entitled to the hatch, but i'm saying there's some very imbalanced stuff happening in regards to it that it seriously needs looked into.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    To be honest I have been lucky a few times this week finding the hatch but usually I go straight to the gates. However I did have a few times where the killer found me and I died.

    Post edited by NinjaDette1 on
  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Doesn't bother me. I am the best at body blocking the killers so they can’t close it 😎

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Just let hatch open when the second to last survivor gets slugged 🤣

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    It's a horror game for Pete's sake! You're supposed to feel disadvantaged against a supernatural psychotic killer. Geeze. Louise.