Hot take: Nurse is beatable

woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

The consensus around here seems to be that nurse is broken and unbeatable. It’s somewhat understandable, but I think people feel this way because she is different than other killers and most aren't used to dealing with her. While she can’t be looped like other killers, there are still mind games to be played, such as running back at her and most importantly, breaking her line of sight.

So my question is, why is she considered unbeatable?



  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    why? easy, watch this and you will know

    and you will see its not the "only addons are op" bs posts, its the killer.

    but like i said, we need a killer who can 4k easily, its healthy for the game so everything alright with nurse

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    Yes she is:

    • Step 1: Suicide on hook to deny - "mUh FaCeRoLl PhArM".
    • Step 2: If a Survivor rescues you before you can suicide on hook, punch them in the face and repeat step 1
    • Step 3: Find a match with a fairly balanced Killer.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Nurse is easily beatable.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    A ridiculously skilled team can stomp her, like any other killer. With addons, she dominates.

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487

    Heeeeeeey Woundboy I've played your nurse a few times on PS4. You're pretty decent but definitely still have room to grow and improve.

    EasyPeasy has gotten so good with nurse that he doesn't even use add ons anymore. Or is at least trying to get to a point where he will never need them.

    I'm starting to see more and more red rank nurses which is awesome! But you can definitely tell which ones don't have a full grasp on her yet. They fall for all the simple tricks and can't really control short quick blinks very well.

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    "nurse is beatable" yet other than doubling back while teleporting which is countered by extra blink add on's so that strategy is moot, no one can say how, and I'll give you a hint as to why folks - Because there is no way!

    All this is of cause pointless because /echo chamber

  • duderelaxman
    duderelaxman Member Posts: 4

    It takes quite a few games to get very good with nurse. Most nurses are beatable and even the very good ones can be run around if you look behind you and run at her once she begins her blink.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Yea, I am by no means saying I am the best with her and I can definitely improve.

    A few games on YouTube doesn’t prove anything. As I said, I am not at my full potential with her and even I have had games where I demolished teams. I guarantee the nurses you are referencing have bad games

    There’s still a mind game to that. Survivor can wait at the corner, go forward, or go back. Nurse still has to guess to some extent.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,829

    I think base nurse is fine, though against a good nurse its very hard to survive (as she ignores basically everything in the game)

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
    edited June 2019

    Are there inside the game guides for looping and mind gaming? If so, the tutorial has definitely improved since I last checked it out.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Yea I mean she is the best killer. You still have viable options though. Every m1 killer will catch you eventually too, it just takes longer with them, to the point where the rest of the game is lost.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Moonwalking is an unintentional mindgame you can pull against very good nurses. So with the skill of the nurse goes up so does the survivor.

    Run towards an experienced nurse and moonwalk backwards 😏

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited June 2019

    Survivors have always refused to deviate from their toxic and abusive play style for three years now.

    The Nurse was the first dlc killer, specifically designed to counter that play style in the expectation that survivors would git gud and adapt the way the play as much as killers do. Unsurprisingly, they didn't. The Pretty Gud Job gang put too much faith in them.

    The Nurse is not the problem here. Survivors did totally fine against her after she was hit with the unjustified omega-nerf. It's kinda funny how survivors used the advices killers gave to them on how to beat the Nurse only after that.

    Then they forgot everything and got worse at the game by leaning more and more on their luxury crutches (infinites, then pallet-loops). In the meantime, Nurse players adapted, they changed how they played the Nurse, inventing her play style as we know it today.

    TL;DR In spite of dismissing every single complaint from killers by telling them to just GiT gUd and AdAPt, survivors never did such things themselves, and that's why they have so many problems when they face a good Nurse.

    Post edited by Acromio on
  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Not going into the merit of her being unbeatable or not (especially because unbeatable is a pretty strong word), but the "survivors rely too much on loops" thing doesn't hold up.

    If there was some magical, consistent counterplay against her in high level I'm pretty sure we'd see it being used all the time in red ranks and she wouldn't be used so much by players who can't climb with anything else.

    I personally do not think she's balanced at the highest level and has nowhere near enough weaknesses to compensate for her strenghts. The fact that most killers are downright bad at red ranks makes her look even more absurd, because she's way better than most.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    My problem is: players who aren't even that good with her can still win more often than not at high ranks with her, and that shouldn't happen imo. Especially with a high ceiling killer.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Isn’t that a contradiction? You have to be decent to play the nurse.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I personally believe Nurse is beatable, but it definitely depends on her setup and the map involved.

    Default Nurse is fair game because her power gives survivors enough wiggle room to react. As long as survivors manage their distance, and break line of sight when the Nurse misses a chain blink, they should not drop like flies.

    To my knowledge, Nurse cannot chase after survivors with 100% accuracy all over the map. There are some areas that if caught in can get you killed really quick, but that applies to other killers as well. Or course, this all ties in with map design. I think all maps should have a minimum number of LOS breakers to facilitate mind gaming. Maps like Blood Lodge are hard to juke Nurses.

    Lastly, Nurse does have problematic add ons. When you start combining these add ons, you drastically reduce a survivor's counter play. For instance, there's really nothing you can do against a 5 blink Nurse. She's going to get a hit.

    This is why I believe stealth and mind gaming should be made a little stronger on some maps. Other maps need the opposite though (Lery's and Haddonfield). In addition to map design, toning down her add ons should put Nurse in a decent spot.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Remember guys, Nurse has no counter and in case u counter a nurse then she is just trash and you got lucky *omegafacepalm*

    The only issue is additional blink addons, this is removing a lot of skill to her and makes juking her really difficult, in open field impossible.

    Range addons... Idk, I think it's okay as long as those really large maps exists. After reworking large maps to smaller maps MAYBE reducing the range of those addons is needed. But till then, only additional blinks need to be removed asap.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Nurse Is beatable. I've beaten her many times.

    She is also the easiest killer to Juke.

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105

    If a good nurse blinks at the right spot, you can't do anything, specially with 3 blinks. That's how broken she is in good hands.

    If the killer is not that good, of course it's beatable and mind gaming going back works.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    "Remember guys, Nurse has no counter and in case u counter a nurse then she is just trash and you got lucky *omegafacepalm*"

    A nurse can't blink perfectly every single time, especially not with the 1st blink. In case she does THE SURVIVOR can't juke and doesn't use LOS blocks. Cuz with LOS blocks a nurse has to GUESS which opens mindgames and as long as u aren't predictable and are reading how she adapts to you it's going to be a long chase.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359
    edited June 2019

    If it's a good nurse and your a solo player then it's already over. I just wait under the hook nurse has no counter except hope the nurse player sucks. But new nurses are the easiest to beat

  • pungent_stench
    pungent_stench Member Posts: 131

    statistically, the least amount of kills of all the killers on console.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Against a very good Nurse, the best thing you can do is to be stealthy and try your best to not get found. If she wastes too much time not finding anybody, you have a chance if you get gens done fast enough.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Yes, you do have to be decent do play the Nurse.

    The gap between a decent Nurse and a good Nurse is still huge though, and if you're just decent you're still better than most killers at high ranks, no matter how good their players are.

    Being hard doesn't justify being OP. That's basic game design/balance.