Monitor on huntress

Vassyle Member Posts: 48

I was wondering if monitor would affect huntress song, i mean that wpuld be too op, in combination with nurses calling, if not, then monitor would be useful on who? Also, does monitor affect spirits phase sound? Thx


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    No, it just reduces base Terror Radius. Freddy's Lullaby, Huntress's Humming, and Phase Emission are unaffected.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    Doesn't affect the song, only the heart beat.

    Monitor is excellent on anyone who doesn't have a song, it kinda works on Freddy espcially with his addons that lower it further.

    Monitor doesn't affect Spirit's phase sound.

  • Vassyle
    Vassyle Member Posts: 48

    Thanks for ur comments guys, it really helps me a lot <3

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    While the Lullaby radius is unaffected, M&A III reduces the TR a whole 8 meters. That means Huntress will have just 12m of TR, enabling you to confuse and/or sneak up on survivors if you know your angles well.

    Guys that are used to start running as soon as they hear the lullaby will keep doing the same, so M&A will only work on those survivors waiting for the TR to run or hide.

    If you combine it with Nurse's calling III (28m), a lot of healers will be surprised.