There is no way to get full survival points if your killer isnt a Potato

Hatuu Member Posts: 29
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Hey there!

If 32000k is the Max you can get, why cant you get full 8k points in the "Survival" category?

I mean the game can last 20 Minutes and you die, 300 pts. You escape after struggeling 5300 pts. You escape without struggeling 5k straight. Is the hatch the only way to get max survival points after struggeling? Isnt this a bad design for this? I dont understand a decision like that^^

Post edited by Hatuu on


  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29
    edited June 2019

    I know that list, its still pretty poorly designed...

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    You didnt ask about design in topic title, you did ask how to get 8000 points. There are actions you get points for. Why you even voted me down if you have no idea what do you ask youself?

  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29

    I voted you down cause you obviously didnt read my post, just the header. My Post made clear that I think this is poorly designed... so read first, then answer...

  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29

    And the most childish act is, that you downvoting my post now, cause i downvoted your answer... Silly...

  • Hatuu
    Hatuu Member Posts: 29

    I changed the title for you, just for you so you understand the meaning now :)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i agree on that.

    the survival cathegory is very hard to get, especially if you do not run selfcare. yeah, wiggeling off a killers shoulder rewards you 500 survival points, but how often does that happen?

    in my opinion, the survival cathegory should get more possibilities implemented to gain the 3.000 survival points you need to max this out.

    maybe if the game rewards you survival points when one survivor dies? it could give every alive person survival points for each sacrifice that has been made, as a reward for them not being the killed person. if this "action" would provide you with 1.000 survival points, you would be able to gain 8.000 when escaping as the last alive survivor.

    that way the longer you stay alive, the more points you will score automatically. also the survival points of the first killed survivor would be the lowest and the ones for the survivors that stayed alive longer would be higher. an escapist would get rewarded their 5.000 escape survival points, like normal.

    you would still be able to gain 300 survival points for healing yourself, 100 for cleansing, snapping out of it, etc.

    this idea is just ment to boost the general survival point gain.

    @Peanits what do you guys think about this? is the survival point gain rate fine the way it is? should there be more ways to earn those points?

  • Lillikai
    Lillikai Member Posts: 19

    I do feel like the points system could use a redesign. Its much harder to gain points as survivor compared to killer.

    Im probably the average player- I play 4-5 nights per week for 3-4 hours per night. I hit rank 7-8 before the monthly rank reset. That being said I play both killer and survivor.

    In my experience, per game as killer I will earn 20,000-30,000 blood points per round. As survivor I earn between 7,000-20,000 per round. Getting 20k as survivor is the minority, most games fall around 12,000.

    As survivor, I feel like earning points is MUCH more difficult than killer. This needs to be changed and rebalanced.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited June 2019

    @Lillikai Both sides struggle for points. If you want points you repair gens together, go for save often and want to be in chase. Exactly things that good survivors avoid doing. Same goes for killers. Its possible to kill everyone with no mori or tombstone and get arround 10k. Game punishes everyone for beeing efficient, pointwise that is. If you play for points be potato and do everything coop.

    Edit: If killer is potato survivors gets almost no points...

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    IDK as survivor I don't feel pressured to bring anything in (get 12k+ bp) that's full bp gain where as when playing killer I am preasured to bring in offerings and add-ons (cost 9k-21k) subtract cost from the 20-30k you'd get then you are making about the same so if I'm trying to grind I tend to go surv

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    The thing could be said sadly for both side : you can't have max bp if you don't verse low survivors.

    For survival category it is a bit complicated as curently to have this point , you need :

    => To survive : +5000

    => To escape from the hook on your own : +1500

    => To cure / escape from some killer effect : go between 500 to 100 point each time.

    => Heal yourself : between 1 to 300 each time

    => Escape killer grasp (wont happen in most case hoppefully unless ds or a good sabo) : +500 point.

    If you are a decent stealth player and you run delivrance with a killer not camping, you could arrive to 6500 (and more depending what you run). Last time i did have combine ds with delivrance as i escape and it was really interesting : 5000 + 1500 + 600 (two full heal) + escape grasp (if i remember).

    I still think personnaly that we could add another thing to survival category by making some change : pallet stun. For me it should give a reward in boldness but also in survival (maybe split the reward in 800 / 200 between boldness / survival). At the same time, i think that if you don't escape, your survival score shouldn't be higher than 5000 in all case.

  • LinkarnNord
    LinkarnNord Member Posts: 5

    Can anyone explain how this is possible? Survived with 0 Bloodpoints hmm, and yeah that gray thingy i have in offering you better believe its a 50% more bloodpoints for actions in the survival category....

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Killer DC'd before the scoring event