Poll: Whos your favorite Killer and why?

Hello fellow Survivors and Killers :)
ive created a Poll to see which Killers we like to play the most to the least.
To take your vote click here :)
My favorite is the Huntress because she has a huge skillcap and you can land some nice over-the-map throws that feel very nice when it works
whats yours?
I would have voted Freddy, but with the looming rework I can't say that in good faith, so I put my second favorite: The Doctor.
Freddy is my favorite because of all of his mindgames, stalling, and tracking potential combined with the fact that he's Freddy Krueger, how can I not enjoy that?
Doctor is a solid number 2-potentially ascending to number 1- because he's also a decent stall killer with tracking. More importantly on Doc though is how satisfying the screams and explosions of generators are while I laugh alongside the Doctor.
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sweet survivor screams
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Myers he feels right for a horror game and is fun with the jump scares.
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Plague, I love my Vommy Mommy!
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I voted for The Clown, to me he's the most well balanced. His two methods of attacks works perfectly together. He has some of the best perks in the game.
I also like some of his costumes a little bit too much lol. The Clown is very interesting to me. We did need a comical killer to bring some light to this darkness.
Also I love his knifes & razors too. Especially with his animation after he hits someone. Yeah he has one of the strangest moris.
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Hag, because it’s fun to Teleport all over the place slapping people. When no one is running urban Evasion it’s like open season.
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I chose Freddy because this is a pre-rework vote, after the rework my mind might change but I really hope not. I love Freddy because if you play him right he's extremely dominant, I've had games where I killed all 4 and got a safety before the changes to the ranking system. His mindgames are fun and I enjoy toying with the Survivors.
My 2nd is Pig <3 I love being stealthy and I love playing games with my targets so she has everything. She can also juggle multiple Survivors since she can ignore those with traps on and since I never use her Ambush I can sneak right up to Survivors and pull them off Gens :)
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its a surprise that everyone likes the old freddy
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Yea, i see. I came across one good freddy who got us so bad. He told us he only plays freddy and doesnt understand why everybody wants a buff for him since hes good how he is
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Mine is Legion. I really like Frank and Joe's appearance, but that's really it. I guess his power is kinda cool just a little lack-luster.
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I main Huntress and Hag but I'll have to go with Hag. Hag is the least map dependent killer in the game and her power is better.
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Spirit and Plague.
Spirit is an obvious as I’ve stated it multiple times. She’s just so good on any map and won’t be bullied like other killers
Plague I love because she is very aesthetically pleasing and she can also be quite powerful if played correctly. I can consistently kill at least 2-3 survivors in red ranks as Plague.
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Nurse. I like being rewarded for my skill.
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I too would have said Freddy for his shear tracking ability and the fact he would have made it to top with the new obsession perk but alas it wasn't meant to be and we get a rework.
But after that wraith 100% watching those survivors who don't know I'm there is a real power Trip especially if they brought no mither
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I really hope they release the sandman. Insipered by current Freddy's kit.
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Dang, I thought Freddy rework was good. So there was people who liked Freddy before rework?!
(Also, Voted for Legion! Wraith would be second, then Spirit as third)
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Hell yeah
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Nurse because screw survivors.
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im surprised that out of 80 votes, nurse got only 2
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spirit because shes both - fun to play as and play against
not a weeb btw lmao
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Nurse as and against, I like teleporting and I like attempting to juke her.
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Of course is Spirit, i just love her, she is one of the best killers in my opinion, she is also very fun to play, her mindgames are extremely strong against any type of survivors and combined with stridor is impossible to lose ur victim, even if it stopped running. I usually run on her bbq, nurses calling, monitor and ,of course stridor
PS: @HarryHatchet i played against u yesterday, i was jeff, u were wraith, and helped me to get my adept, had a guy griefing in my team, thx for that <3
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Has to be the pig. From the moment I saw her trailer I was in love with her.
The chapter was extremely well done with amanda looking amazing, tapp looking pretty cool and the map is class (even if it's difficult).
My main reasons are the trailer was amazing, the hype for me after that trailer was immense. I just love the sound and look of her weapon sliding into and out of her sleeve during crouching.
But those reverse bear traps are exceptional. From the panic it brought when put onto the survivor to the amazing look of a head pop is class. Even the look of the jigsaw boxes are class with the Billy laugh being even more class. Remember when she first came out and people died to head pops while trying to run out of the exit doors? Amazing times.
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I'd choose ghostface if he was included. While his power is currently broken, from the few times I've got it off, it's a good ability, using it to peek a survivor, stalk them a bit, then just ram the knife into them out of nowhere.
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yea, i just used killers that are officially released excluding the ptb
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Definitely Spirit, she's fun to play as and against. If you take the time to learn to play her properly she rewards skill, and when you play against a good Spirit player it puts your skill as a survivor to the test. She's basically a skill tester for both sides.
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Myers, because I like sneaking around and grabbing survivors off gens.
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t1 Myers on lerys is hilarious.
Post edited by HarryHatchet on1 -
131 votes so far and the clown got only 3 of them
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It's because the skill ceiling on Clown is so low. There isn't much room to make "cool" plays.
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I ######### love Spirit. Undoubtedly my favourite killer. She's fun as both sides and satisfying. I just love her too much!
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Surprised to see Wraith that high.
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Also billy which is weird since so many people play him.
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Spirit. I like that I can surprise survivors. I've had some survivors tell me that I actually scared them at moments because they thought I was preoccupied elsewhere. That's satisfying.
Grabbing survivors off gens and chests is super fun. I also enjoy the mind games and the added challenge of trying to track survivors by sound and moving grass. It's more rewarding than just a straightforward chase. One day the audio will be fixed (I hope) and I'll finally find out if I can actually track survivors by sound; that'll be nifty.
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RIP old skool Freddy <3
Guess I'll try the new Freddy then default to Legion
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My beautiful plague. By far the killer I've been having the most fun with and been doing the best with. Yes, even when they choose not to cleanse, I actually have the most fun with that to be honest.
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leatherface is my favorite because... I don't know why he's just fun to play.
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He's a good boy. Cutest killer.
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Especially with the Valentine's cosmetic XD
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wraith is cute indeed, especially when youre invisible and you hear his tiny feet walking
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mine was a toss up between Docter or Legion but I chose Docter hes more fun to play as and his madness power is fun to use
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Cant vote, since i love them all (beside Huntress and Legion).
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how can anybody not like the huntress? </3
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Michael Myers and Hag. I love Clown the most aesthetically and thematically but he can be rough to use against certain Survivor groups and/or Maps.
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Cause it is crappy Killer maybe?
I dont play her myself, cause I think her low-tier. From surv experience - camping and tunneling Killer 90% of cases.
I play Killer mostly, Surv in 3-8 ranks, almost all Huntress I see are camping and tunneling.
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I love Wraith
He's not the strongest killer, and sometimes I get completely destroyed by the gen rush if there are 3 or more SWF, but I love being stealthy and Bing Bonging away
His add-ons can change his power a lot, giving you more choice in your playstyle, you can be stealthy, you can be more aggressive, or even just annoying :D
I love my main man Mr. Bing Bong :3
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im a 1200 hours Huntress main and i can say, about 85-95% of huntresses just dont know how to play her, i play both killer and survivor on rank 1-4 every season, its true that most of the huntresses are campy-tunneling just because they dont know how to apply pressure on the map with that slow movement speed, they cant even hit a hatchet thats further away than 15 metres because their aim is bad. all i can say; if you ever get a good huntress in your match. you know that shes definetly not a lowtier killer
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Spirit I love her concept and playstyle. Just her design makes me want to know every detail about her so I can be a better Spirit main.
After that Huntress is second bae
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Well, the Nurse is the only real killer in this game, so...
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Tier 1 Myers, keeping survivors in a constant state of paranoia and watching them panic when its to late