
Does anyone else think freddy rn is actually really good. I'm rank 1 survivor and killer and I love playing freddy, true I only use 3 builds but he's still a very good killer rn. In my opinion. If they leave the terror radius you can see them, action speed is reduced, his lunge is really good, when your down to last 2 people you can leave the 2nd last survivor on the ground then look for last survivor. I never fail to get 3k and I say about 80% of the time I will get 4k, most of the time it's when I'm doing endgame Freddy and it never reaches endgame, so i dont get to use my perks.
... you are trying to say that...?
Oh now I get it! Freddy doesn't need a rework.
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I'm just wondering the communities stand on freddy rn. And why he's so "trash" according to some
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He is good if you’ve learned him, he takes the most amount of time to learn imo.
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If you always get a 3k and in 80% of your matches even a 4k with Freddy at rank 1 and not even use your perks, you are better than every streamer I know. You should start streaming yourself, you'll attract a huge viewership with these skills!
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9 out of 10 Freddy matches end with everyone DCing. How is that fine. lol
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I think Freddy is a great killer.
Built in aura reading; BBQ and Deerstalker (which i assume will be taken away with rework).
Ability to slow the game to a crawl.
The 'can't hit a survivor for 7 seconds' that everyone complained about, usually results in a free hit or free pallet, because players don't preemptively run away from Freddy, which actually results in a shorter chase.
Playing Freddy usually results in a 4k (for me anyway) compared to other M1 killers due to the mix of abilities listed.
With certain perk builds and addons, he is pretty unstoppable.
Personally for me, not looking forward to the rework.
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I know I have fun with him, but I run slug builds and Freddy is THE slugging Killer.
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Freddy would be great but people keep DCing (because 100% invisibility is toxic)
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Honestly at this point it's a tragedy. He's a solid killer right now, arguably upper-Mid, but with the learning curve of a higher-tier killer, and frankly some poor or non-existent explanations of his power. He's not a flawless killer by any means, but he's the only one that can really have any meaningful stall without it running out in 4 to 5 uses.
Honestly it really feels like, with the rework, they've given up on the idea of killers having any real stall that doesn't have a limited use, which is a shame since it's my favorite play style. (Before anyone says anything, Deep Wounds and Madness 3 are laughably bad stall in comparison to Dream World.)
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Idk why people forget this.
They are not reworking Freddy only because the devs think he is UP.
Another reason is the devs think Freddy is unfun to play against.
Thats why they needed to rework him.
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I tried to, first I don't have the time I just play every now and then. Second, when I did try to stream I could only stream around 11pm - 2am eastern time so i didn't get much views
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I realize that, but I tell all my friends and groups that I wish I could go up against a good freddy or myers because at rank 1 its the same killers over and over with exceptions I personally find that not fun. Idc if no gens were done and I die, only if the killer doesn't camp or tunnel, cause that means they are a good killer
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I agree with you 100%
Some builds I use are
- Remember me, NoeD, blood warden, and ruin or monitor
- dying light, Thanatophobia, sloppy butcher, and ruin (class photo)
- Huntress lullaby, distressing, overcharge, unnerving presence
I agree with you, not liking his rework.
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I heard that he's the slug king but never tried it, what builds do you use if you don't mind me asking.
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While I do acknowledge a lot of people can do wonderfully with Freddy once they've mastered him, I actually dislike current Freddy for a different reason.
The Freddy we have now is not at all like the Freddy from the movies. The Movies has Freddy as basically an all powerful God when in your dreams. But here... He really has nothing going for him in terms of being the Dream King.
The Rework honestly looks like they are trying to make Freddy, well, Freddy.
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I rarely play Freddy, but when I do, I stomp. He is a beast but you must know how to play him. I'd rather have him reverted to Day 1 release Freddy vs this rework.
Day 1 Freddy was literally a GOD with infinite mind game potential.
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Survivors will DC over anything. Even post update Legion.
Anyway, I find Freddy to be insanely good at his current state if you can play him and have a good build, easy to secure a 4k.
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Okay i see your point about him not being like his movie counterpart
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I personally would have preferred some QOL buffs and some adjustments for survivors over a full rework. I like the way Freddy plays right now, it's just sometimes he's in a situation where he just can't do anything to stop survivors which is lame. If transition blocked repair and healing he would be amazing.
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@TreemanXD you mean stall POTENTIAL yes?
Nope still way easier than having to never mess up your power otherwise you lose.
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Any killer can be used effectively if used right and against the right survivors, That doesn't mean they're not weak.
The problem with Freddy is that His power hurts him more then it helps him, This is why he needed a rework.
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@TreemanXD it doesn’t cost him the whole game though. And yes, I’ve had many games where one bad phase made me lose.
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@Poweas As Freddy you can get a gen from 90% to 0% if you play your cards right, if you mess up for instance chasing after someone because you didn’t bring range add-ons then you very likely wasted a lot of time that could’ve costed you the game.(I’ve lost like this.)
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@TreemanXD you do realise that you shouldn’t have chased the dude right? Also who’s relies on range addons as Freddy?
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@TreemanXD you can stop survivors 'making you chase them' just slap the gen and if they keep running at you, let them, they're not pressuring gens are they.
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@TreemanXD definitely.
Also you hyped for his rework? I might main him officially. It looks SOOO good. He's probably going to replace Billy as fourth tbh if they add the snares.
The tierlist will be Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Freddy and Billy lol.
He can be a beast now, but with that new power, his potential will be insane. The gen pressure will be nuts if he has cooldown addons and he'll be mobile on larger maps.
Another little feature is using the gens thing, you could potentially mindgame the shack if he has no animation for using it. And if he has addons to make him teleport to gens faster, then the shack could easily be shut down if a gen is in there.
That's a little feature he has to make him so strong. And combine that with dream snares, to eliminate loops, and he's pretty [BAD WORD] strong. He might even be above Hag if they get the numbers right. And above Hag means unbeatable when mastered...
I genuinely might main him. On maps like Yamaoka estate, he'll be able to traverse it faster if he utilises that teleport to get across the map which covers about 50m in the 5 seconds from one side to the other. And right now, he'll manage 23m in the same time.
Insane rework!
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@TreemanXD Nurse is confirmed to be getting a nerf. Most likely addons though. The top killer will be Spirit anyway. And I don't think the mindgame will fail if you have faster charge time addons or if you've got the survivors in an awkward position.
But yeah, Nurse will be nerfed pretty bad.
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@TreemanXD she's fun to learn... but when you master her, she's too easy and gets boring quickly. But learning her is a lot of fun
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@TreemanXD It gets boring after a while. I think you'll go off her tbh.
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@TreemanXD we'll see... Time will tell. I'm probably not going to be around DBD for as long as you. I'm starting to get bored of this game tbh.