Need advice on countering overly altruistic swf's with Myers

Judith Member Posts: 819

While they use all the meta perks, flashlights and insta heals.

Just downing them and trying to hook everyone doesn't work out well for me. Once I thought I turned everything around but suddenly they turned it back to their favor and gens kept being done, so I was just back to the start with odds against me. And having everyone running around confuses the hell out of me.

Any tips that work for you. I actually don't have too much trouble downing people but I feel like I am missing some mind games. Downing and hooking isn't everything.


  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I will try slugging then. Thanks.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    If you have a Mori, kill the first one you can. Slugging is iffy because SWF run comms but that's one less person on gens. I used to Insidious camp out of view so I could stalk the rest to EW3 and down the rescuer and pressure the rest.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    This is my tactic with legion. Wait for the save with insidious, then smack the rescuers with Feral Frenzy. If you're gonna go for the save, you're not healing or doing gens for a while. Bonus if the hooked person wasn't running kindred and everyone flocks to the save.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    This is accurate I’ve seen many teammates especially at rank reset fail to this, so many. Over altruism is the biggest killer in dbd, usually in matches against a Myers they get tier 3 off one, slug 75% of my team and gg. If you need more time to work a snowball the hair bow addon extends the duration nicely, can be paired with faster stalk like J Myers memorial. Most times you don’t even have to plan a snowball, they just drop one after the other as soon as one triggers ew3 no matter if I’m playing killer or playing against Myers. You can also to an extent fake pick ups. Standing over a person you’ve slugged for a few seconds may give you time to hear a flashlight person running in behind for the save etc, especially useful if they crawl between pallets and you’re almost tier 3 or in tier 3. (Works on any killer really)

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Already doing that. I can get to tier 3 easily and down people like I said but I mess up somewhere else. And there are swf that don't fall for the pick up trick and I just waste time. I like what Dude said but I need to time it right. Standing near the hook will drain my points tho.

    The problem is I hook one person and they come swarming with mettle of man, instas, flashlights and borrowed time. It really throws me off and I lose my focus. Once i downed 2 people and one was hooked and they still managed to recover very fast from that situation with their crutches. Some of them are too organised and I fail to multitask.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I am obviously making some bad decisions, maybe because I try to treat it like a normal game. I dunno. Maybe it isn't even possible to win at all in these situations. Maybe it isn't my fault since I play Myers at red ranks. But I like him.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    Thank you. I will practice hook grabs. Should I use tier 3 in these situations as well? I actually did but it didn't change the outcome.

    Edit: I rarely tunnel.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Stalk a survivor untill you are just about to hit tier III but down it without activating your power. Hook it, wait around. When the would be savior comes to the rescue get to tier III and down it and every other survivor that comes with it. Have fun!

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    Krueger yeah I am already using tier 3 like that but some people are too optimal and they either wait it out or play around it.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I am out of ideas then :-P sorry. I am RoKrueger, no RoMyers

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Don't worry I appreciate your input. :)

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Franklin's Demise does help but Nurse's Calling is a huge help against Altruistic SWF. Use Infectious Fright with EW3 Myers so anyone trying to flashlight save someone you downed gets revealed to you.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I really want to know more on what the situation is like to be honest, are they all swarming the hook? If so shouldn’t this mean there is no-one on gens. Is it immediate on someone’s first hooking? Just curious how they’re rushing a Myers near the hook (which sounds like suicide tbh) Also above is great advice especially with the new protection/unhook changes to MoM, if a survivor looks like they want to be hit, they’re covering for something/someone same as not chasing someone who wants to be chased because they’re typically the time waster in the SWF especially if they’re heading to a loop.

    I’m pretty sure the hook proximity thing is a joke tbh. I’ve played against a lot of campers and they still get really good scores. I’m pretty sure it only super penalises face camping, constant area patrol and interrupting unhooks if someone led them there seems to do almost nothing. As dude said you’ll be earning points too.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    The problem is probably because I get so lost when there is a lot going on. I chase someone off, other person comes, I down them, someone else unhooks the other one, I hit someone else they have MoM, the one downed gets insta healed, tier 3 expires, I try to hit injured survivor but someone blocks me.

    Etc etc etc etc. How in the hell do I counter these kind of swfs?

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 2019

    Wouldn’t you just prioritise hooking the 2nd/slugged/downed then immediately? Prevents a chance for Insta heals and allows a new cycle on the hook equating 2 hookings to 1 event and more time off gens considering also who would body block a tier 3 Myers (pick up considering if in a place where flashlights are not easy and if not between a pallet) In the first case as you mentioned it that’s one Insta heal gone, on first hook of the match, with a bunch of wounded people around. (that MoM user can’t heal to full without you seeing).

    If the slugged person is in a problem area they may get Insta healed but going for the hook rescuer may be better. It’s hard to know without knowing distance from the hooked person, if you’re near a strong loop, how many flashlights there are (should honestly be targeted first/have franklins for that plus Insta heals). It’s all a very in the moment thing and is much worse if the end of a match.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    What’s there to complain about? They want to give you free hits? Take them lol. If they’re all trying to prevent unhooks, no one is doing gens...excellent map pressure without doing much of anything, they’re helping you lol. Flashlights are easy to counter; always try to face a wall, tree, some obstacle when picking up. Sometimes this is just not possible, starting looking straight up after the pick if there’s are no obstacles in place. Most times, after downing, you can pause on their body half a second before picking (see if you hear anyone), then go after the flasher. Takes minimal practice for either technique. Just remember, in DbD, you have to have few crappy games with each killer before you can have good ones (many with Nurse). Good luck.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019


    I am already doing all of that. I am not that inexperienced. Sometimes doing everything in the book is not enough.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    I’m not that experienced and I don’t have Myers but I’ve had my fair share of these types of swf and it’s infuriating. Pig’s Make Your Choice I find useful because you can chase one off/out of range and focus on knocking them and then often the rescuer of first hook tries to block/protect the unhooked or divert your attention expecting to be able to take a hit whereas MYC insta slugs them and that’s pretty satisfying

  • fischyhb
    fischyhb Member Posts: 23

    If I even half way think its SWF I run Mad Grit, Save the Best For Last, Franklins and Iron Grip or Blood Warden ( the trick with blood warden is to get one at the end after they open gate and draw them to you. Its hilarious watching them run and protect the unhooked to the gate just so you can slaughter/drop them all at the exit and if they do crawl out its without their Flashlights/items. Talk about a salty chat afterwards. Those quick hits with STBFL and Franklins are golden.