If you could give any underused perk a small buff, what would you do?



    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    I wish u were a Dev posting for real something to be implemented, so I won't waste energy posting

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    Left Behind- change it to every time a survivor is killed off you gain a 15% bonus to repair speed.

    Aftercare: Anybody who you effect with the perk you gain a a 15% bonus to healing, repair, and saving when working together. Along with the aura sharing

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited June 2019

    Dark Devotion: Have it activate for 30 seconds on any damaging attack against the obsession instead of just basic attacks. Also improve how it shows how long its active for and cooling down by having it light up and slowly fill to red when active, and then go dark and have the red tick back down.

    Infectious Fright: Remove the "Basic Attack" requirement same as my suggestion for Dark Devotion.

    Thanatophobia: Re-issue the buff it got during the PTB where the maximum value was a 24% de-buff. Thanatophobia was in no way OP during that testing because very few killers can get all 4 survivors hurt at the same time since survivors heal asap whenever they see the debuff. Either that or let its de-buff's remain for each dead survivor as well as the injured/hooked/downed.

    Monstrous Shrine: 3 fewer hook escape attempts, 25% faster sacrifice progression (should take a total of 30 seconds off of a full sacrifice, -15s per phase), and +.5s to hook rescue. All this applying only to the basement hooks to make it much more of a threat to survivors.

    Spies From the Shadows: Remove the cooldown and loud noise indicator, have it reveal the Auras of all crows in either white or yellow within 36 m of you, increase crows Cawing volume 100% for any disturbed, and make it so that they don't get disturbed by the killer anymore. That way you hear crows being disturbed behind/around you, and can see their auras soar into the sky like signal flares instead of that awful loud BANG and crow bubble.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    How about Monstrous Shrine forcing 60 secs exhaustion upon both unhooker and unhooked?

    Brutal strength gets an additional 2% stronger with every gen done?

    Sole survivor will give you 3/4/5% movent speed on 1/2/3 teammates dead?

    Windows of opportunity will let you fast vault 1 window regardless of angle, distance?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Shadowborn: I'd suggest increasing the default FOV but I'd settle for an Increase in the FOV of Shadowborn, the small FOV can be nauseating sometimes.

    Thanatophobia: Bring back the buff you were going to give it, Right now it buys you a few seconds at most a game, It could've been at least useful with the changes you had in mind.

    Pop goes the weasel: The 60 second change is nice but what this perk needs is a token system for each hook.

    Predator: Scratch Marks left by Survivors will spawn closer with the addition of louder footsteps.

    Fire up: Buff the numbers, this perk could be great but just like thanatophobia the numbers are underwhelming to the point that it seems like a waste of a perk slot.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    Beast of Prey: remove the red stain after 10/5/- seconds after starting a chase and let it stay for 15 seconds after ending a chase; bloodlust requirement is too harsh

    Diversion: let us see where the pebble will land

    Autodidact: make it not reliant on skill checks

  • PwnyFish
    PwnyFish Member Posts: 70

    Saboteur+Sabotage Mechanic change

    Saboteur perk change: Unlocks the ability to sabotage hooks without a toolbox. You can see the aura of hooks in a ~24m(dont know what a useful range would be) radius around you. Sabotaged hooks have a yellow aura. Normal hooks have a red aura.

    Sabotaging mechanic change: Sabotaging a hook wont instantly break them when finished, instead they are "sabotaged" and can now be interacted with by any survivor to break the hook.

    Sabotage progress gets lost when interrupted before finish. If a hook is fully sabotaged, it will give a notification to the killer(like it does now, when the hook drops).

    I hope I could explain my idea so you guys can understand it. The basic idea behind it is to make 99%ing a hook the standard way.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2019


    You get a guaranteed purple medkit with green addons and + Charges

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2019

    Left Behind: Remove current effects. As last survivor, allows you to pick the hatch lock in 12s. Start the game in the Broken state for 100/80/60s.

    Insidious: Remove current effects. Stand still for 4s to suppress terror radius for 30s. Suppress red stain and reduces character noises by 0/25/50% while perk is active and you are not moving. Becomes inactive when you attack, use your power, or grab a survivor. Requires 2 hits on survivors before each activation. While active, killer collision is broken and killer is immune to survivor detection perks.

    EDIT: Also this...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You can though?? I use Stridor on Spirit and I hear healthy survs breathing all the time.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Vigil: have all the buffs from the perk effect every survivor. Also make it so you can recover from exhaustion while sprinting, but with a 25/30/35% speed reduction (but only the person running it gets this buff.)

    Wake Up: the door switch aura is revealed to all survivors, the person running wake up doesn’t have to be on the door. Also make it so if you're on an exit switch, someone running wake up in a 12 meter proximity will have your aura revealed to them/something to alert them that you have wake up. (Gate opening speeds are increased by 5/10/15%, but only for the person running this perk.)

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    This isn't as much of a small buff as it's a complete rework but, I've been thinking of a way to make Open Handed an useful perk.

    "You know that sharing information is vital for survival. Every aura revealed to you will also be revealed to your teammates within a 24/28/32 meter radius.

    Killers aura cannot be revealed to the other survivors."

    This way it'll be a way to share information with your teammates. I know it reguires you to use another perk like Bond/Empathy/Plunderer's Instincts etc. to actually do something, except when you're hooked, but I also had the idea that if a survivor had an aura reading perk then maybe you'd be able to see the auras that are revealed to them as long as you're within the 32 meter radius.

    Would make the perk more useful than it is now, good for solo players that wanna help their team.

    Only thing is to not make it work with OoO since that could be abused.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Isn't this better for left behind?

    Left Behind:

    Everytime a generator is completed if the hatch is on the map you see the aura for 4/6/8 seconds.

    When the hatch be available you can open the hatch if the killer close it, you will get 2 difficult skillcheck if you fail one of them you alert the killer and the perk is cancelled for 10/15/20 seconds.

    Gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints in survival category

    "I'm not horseshittin' around. I'm doing this alone!" — Bill Overbeck

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    Monstrous shrine

    Buff: Sacrificing survivors in the basement gives 100% more blood points.

    Hooking survivors in the basement gives 50% more blood points.

    Hooking survivors outside of the basement gives 25% more blood points.

    Note: the increased speed and difficulty of the basement hooks are still the same

  • wildcats25
    wildcats25 Member Posts: 42

    Technician: ability to remove other survivors' reverse bear traps.

    Windows of Opportunity: does not show Freddy's dream pallets.

    Vigil: boost to mending to near by survivors

    Up The Ante: after opening ALL chests, the hatch spawns

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686


    3 tokens is way too little for it to actually be an effective perk.

    I get it's powerful but you basically lose it after killer hooks 3 people (barbeque), even faster if they have nurse's calling.

    Make it so you can earn tokens by doing something or increase the amount of tokens you start with.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Distortion : 4 tokens instead of 3

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2019

    Hex third seal:

    Survivors that are affected see hex totems as dull totems

    Survivors that are blinded can't see whose injured or hooked, etc in the hud, and notifications when people are hooked (the big bubble) are gone

    Wouldn't have to implement both changes they are just ideas

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    I would like to just take a moment to thank the people who have contributed to the thread so far. This has been an amazing thread with a lot of really cool ideas; which is what I wanted to see when I originally made it. Keep 'em coming lol.


    I think Distortion would be a lot better if it was on cooldown of some length to be determined. Something more than 3 uses throughout the game, but still not so spammable that it makes you completely invisible. My original idea was 60 seconds, but I'm honestly not sure what kind of cooldown would work on this.

    The other idea I had is that Distortion could start out with say 2 or 3 tokens and then give you another token every so often as a reward for doing some action (again tbd). Thus you could gain uses for it throughout the match by trying to do so. The action could be completing a gen, doing a safe unhook, taking a protection hit, etc. Just something that would make it so that you don't lose it completely after the 3rd proc.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Autodidact should increase the odds of receiving a healing skill check by 10/20/30% as well as it's regular effects.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Being honest; I can't use Autodidact properly because I can't really see the skillcheck. It would be really amazing if they made it the same color as normal checks (or a more distinct color than red on red at least) and you just had to keep track of the tokens as normal. Because for me it's the same problem as corn vision but like times a million; and no one lets you practice once you screw up the first healing skill check on them.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    No Mither: Only give the broken status effect once you recover singlehandidly, and make it last only for some time, so you only get punished if the perk is actually used. No-one would use Deliverance if you were always broken.

    Monstrous Shrine: Considering how hard it is to get someone in the basement most of the time, perhaps this perk at T3 should make getting hooked in the basement an actual fear, like reduce the time the survivors have in both phases by 50%, and use that as the baseline for T1 and T2

  • Noxerias
    Noxerias Member Posts: 93

    Dying Light: Your obsession's alturism action speed is increased by 50%. When your obsession is on the hook, all survivors suffer from 25% speed penalty to healing, repairing, and sabotaging for 30 seconds. When the obsession is rescued or escapes the hook, the perk goes on cooldown for 60/45/30 seconds.

    When a Survivor rescues the obsession from a hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Take off the 1 second delay after unhooking yourself from Deliverance. Currently once you unhook yourself it stops you for one second just to tell you that you're broken.

  • wait4him2leave
    wait4him2leave Member Posts: 118

    Balanced Landing - Make it trigger when unhooking yourself

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    <-- thinks open-handed is fine and already uses it with Bond

    Botany - Keep current effects but your medkits uses charges slower.

    Play With Your Food - Reduce the speed increase per token, you can't get bloodlust while you have the perk, tokens can't be lost when hitting non-obsession, you only lose a token if you hit your obsession.

    Spies From the Shadows - change the indicator to be a 1, 2, or 3 second aura depending on the level of the perk.

  • TormentedSoul385
    TormentedSoul385 Member Posts: 71

    OK, we all know monstrous shrine hasn't seen alot of love and any "basement" build does not have this perk, which is a BASEMENT perk. I'd say either buff the small percentages to something worth it, or change it to be more useful. It's currently collecting dust in every killers perk collection.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Wake Up- Keep Current Effects But also Allow the Perk to wake up the user if Asleep.

    Remember Me- Keep Current effects but add if you hit your obsession All Survivors gain a penalty of 11/22/33% towards all actions (Generators and healing Specifically)

    Flip-Flop- Keep Current Wiggle effects, but add that once hooked (Based on teir of Perk) you have an 10/15/20% Chance to unhook yourself.

    Spirit Fury- Keep current effects but add: Shows survivors in your terror radius for 2/3/4 Seconds in a 10/15/20 Meter Range after the perk breaks the pallet.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,844


    Autodidact- Increase odds of skill checks when using this perk

    Boil Over- Increase distance killers can't see hook auras to 10/15/20 meters

    Buckle Up- In addition to seeing the killers aura for 6 seconds, also you and revived survivor do not leave scratch marks for 6 seconds.

    Deja Vu- Reveal all generator auras at start of match for 60/120/180 seconds

    Diversion- Add token system. Max token 3. Add 45 second cooldown.

    Head On- Remove 3 second hiding in locker requirement

    Left Behind- Add if the hatch is closed by the killer and you are the only remaining survivor, increase the speed you open exit gates by 25/50/75%

    Lightweight- Add decreases the noise made by running

    No Mither- Remove constant broken status. Add "whenever you are injured you gain the broken status effect for 120 seconds". Begin the trial injured.

    No One Left Behind- Add if you are the last survivor to leave the trial, gain 2500 bonus bloodpoints.

    Saboteur- When a hook you break respawns, it has 50% progress toward being broken again.

    Solidarity- When you are injured, you can see the aura of the nearest injured survivor.

    Technician- increase the odds of preventing gen explosions to 60/75/90%. Apply this bonus toward other survivors working on same gen

    Wake Up- Change opening exit gates to 20/30/40% DECREASE in time it takes to open

    We're Gonna Live Forever- Change to 10/15/20% bonus to all bloodpoints gained for each token. Gain 1 token for each completed generator

    I'll work on killers perks later.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    No Mither: add reduces grunts by 100%. Start the trial healthy once injured your no longer able to heal to full. Broken status is seen from beginning only on the survivors end. Killers end you just appear to stay injured to prevent tunneling.

    Thanatophobia: Raise each survivor hurt to 10% reduction in all action except movement speed. For every survivor who has died keep the penalty of 10% for up to 60 seconds before being reduced down to 5% for the remainder of the game.

    Each failed skill check results in regression of x action by 6% + 2.5% per sacrificed survivor gain a red token and 5% per killed by mori survivor gain a green token. You may only have 2 tokens at any time. When a survivor is healed lose a token at random.

    Disconnects provide no additional tokens or loss of tokens. It does however have a 10% Penalty for 2 minutes before losing it all together.

    I may of made thantophoia a little too strong, but I'm happy with the outcome.

  • nan1234
    nan1234 Member Posts: 131

    Unnerving presence,Coulrophobia,etc: the perk's effect lasts 15 seconds after leaving the TR (not my idea, pretty cool nonetheless).

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,844


    Corrupt Intervention: add When the generators become unblocked, the corruption spreads to 3 random hooks. Corrupted hooks can not be sabotaged and survivors hooked on corrupted hooks are sacrificed 10% faster.

    Dark Devotion: remove obsession component. Last survivor hit gains your terror radius.

    Distressing: remove percentage bases increase. Increase terror radius by 8/12/16 meters.

    Dying Light: make it a pass/fail system when checking. Was an obsession killed or sacrificed yes/no? If yes, it remains active the whole game regardless of whether or not a new obsession is in the match.

    Fire Up: Blocked generators count. (yes, this would stack with Corrupt Intervention but you'd lose 3 tokens when the generators become unblocked)

    Furtive Chase: remove obsession component. Change to: "You lurk in the shadows, toying with your victims. When a survivor is rescued from a hook at least 24 meters away, Furtive Chase gains a token up to a maximum of 5 Tokens. The first 4 tokens decrease your terror radius by 15/20/25% while in a chase. You lose the red stain when you gain the 5th token. You lose 2 tokens if a survivor is sacrificed or killed."

    Hangman's Trick: add Whenever a survivor is sacrificed with a reverse bear trap, add 1 reverse bear trap to your inventory.

    Hex: The Third Seal: add When this hex is destroyed the effect persists for 120 seconds, but survivors not currently afflicted will not gain blindness if hit.

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: remove current effects. Change to "Other active hex totems can not be destroyed while this perk is active. This perk's hex will have bright green flames. You can see the aura of survivors cleansing this perks totem. Gain 25/50/75% more bloodpoints for actions in the hunter category" (Not included in the perks description, but active totems protected by H:TotH will have a visible shield around them so survivors know they can't be destroyed until H:TotH is cleansed)

    I'm all ears: remove terror radius restriction and reduce cooldown to 40/30/20 seconds.

    Monstrous Shrine: remove current text. Change to Whenever you hook a survivor in the basement, 3 random unfinished generators are blocked for 30 seconds. Gain 500/750/1000 more bloodpoints for survivors sacrificed on a basement hook.

    Play With Your Food: only successful attacks remove tokens.

    Predator: Scratch marks glow brighter and fade more distinctly making the direction of travel easier to understand.

    Remember Me: Change back to the way it was, but add "when there is only one survivor remaining the effects of this perk are reduced by 75%"

    Save the Best For Last: No longer remove tokens for hitting obsession, however you do not gain tokens for hitting the obsession. Lose 4 tokens if the obsession is killed and can not earn new tokens.

    Shadowborn: Add "vegetation within 12 meters of you is 50% transparent"

    Territorial Imperative: change to- "Survivors auras are revealed to you when they are in the basement and you are more than 36/32/28 meters away"

    Thanatophobia: penalty applies for sacrificed, killed or disconnected survivors in addition

    Unnerving Presence: penalty remains for 15 seconds after the survivor is out of the terror radius.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Detectives Hunch could affect vaults and windows, or possibly have a bigger range. Even better, hex totems appear in white auras! Idk those are some suggestions

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938
    edited June 2019

    Iron Maiden (3)

    Open lockers 50% Faster

    Survivors leaving lockers have their aura revealed for 5 seconds and suffer from the Exposed status for 60 status. (Exposed Status will not show until hit, similar to NOED.)

    Iron Maiden will no longer make survivors yell, but rather give a "Premonition/Territorial Imperative" like alert.

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218


    Chain teleports Killer to every Survivor remaining in match, downing each one simultaneously due to it also applying Exposed status in the process while allowing the Killer to carry all 4 Survivors at the same time, extending the carrying timer to allow enough time to comfortably transport each Survivor to their own personal respective hooks.

    Because /balance.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    No one left behind

    Instead of 12 % faster altruistic action . Make it 25%

    Also instead of 100% more BP make it 125% more.

    It's an end game perk which needs some love as no one is using it .

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    vigil. actually let's you recover while running. (not to forget that this is a perk slot. so the survivor is literally wasting a perk slot just for this)

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,442

    No, that's a horribly unfun mechanic that can never come back

    Knock Out: Dying Survivors are unable to move for 20/25/30 seconds (but they can recover). + the aura hide that it currently has

    Alternative: Survivors in the dying state can't recover for X seconds

    Now it actually does something even if the survivors have Aftercare, Empathy or are playing SWF, all of which can completely bypass the only effect it currently has. According to the wiki it takes 30.4 seconds to recover to 95% (the maximum without Unbreakable or No Mither). The Dying state is not a super fun mechanic for survivors but staying in it for longer if the killer has Knock Out, which not everyone will run, and not every killer will always make use of even if they run it, hooking the survivor instead, makes it seem fine to me

  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 130

    Left Behind - if you are the last survivor, you can down the killer and mori him

  • Origamimaster81
    Origamimaster81 Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2019


    This perk actually used to be quite good (before hooks regenerated), but now NOBODY uses it. I think they should revamp this perk to allow the permanent sabotage of up to 1/2/3 hooks on the map (because let's be honest, there's ALWAYS multiple hooks nearby). I don't think this would be too overpowered at all, and would definitely help this perk be useful again.

    Territorial Imperative:

    You rarely see this perk, and it's not hard to understand why. Its use is pretty limited. I think on top of alerting the killer when a survivor enters the basement, this perk should also barricade the entrance to the basement for 10/15/20 seconds after the survivor enters. This would allow the killer a chance to get a hit on the survivor. The perk would still have a fixed cooldown (Perhaps 60 seconds).

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    If you think bbq is op you are not a very good survivor. It has multiple counters. Git gud.

  • Lithuanian
    Lithuanian Member Posts: 141

    WGLF, Every time you get a stack, other survivor auras are revealed to you

  • Impact
    Impact Member Posts: 89

    Detective's Hunch:

    change it so it activates when any survivor completes a gen (same as poised does). Also increase aura reading time by a few seconds.

  • Azurlynx
    Azurlynx Member Posts: 222

    I also would like saboteur buff but imagine if all 4 survivors had your version, 12 constantly broken hooks, how many hooks are on map currently?