Legion Mains:

Justice Member Posts: 60

Hey all,

Just wanted to inquire about how Legion is supposed to be played. I find I am having trouble at rank 9 with them.

My initial strategy is to find a survivor, go into frenzy, tag them, and look around with instinct to see any others survivors. If there are other survivors, I tag them as well until I run out of survivors to tag, and then go after the last one I tagged. If there are no other survivors I tag the first one again and go after them until downed.

Is this the strategy? Is there any benefit without Franks Mix-tape to hitting a survivor a 2nd time while in frenzy?

I don't have a lot of perks on Legion, so for now i'm using Devour Hope, BBQ, Nurses Calling, and Pop Goes the Weasel. I assume Sloppy Butcher increases mend time and might be a good pick if I can grab it. Just wondering what other Legions strategy is.

As of now, my entire game hinges on Devour Hope and getting to 3 stacks before it's destroyed. If it gets destroyed before that third stack it's tough to gt more than one Sac.

Thanks all!



  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    It's not a survivor pressure tool, it's a progression stall tool. Survivors cannot work on gens, totems, or the like until they mend, otherwise they risk going down. Basically, it's to make them lose time.

    There is no benefit for a second hit except for the fact you will be as close as possible once you start coming down from FF.

    What you want on Legion is Sloppy and Thanataphobia. His Thanataphobia really compliments his stall, since it persists a bit into after mending, and sloppy keeps thana in the game a bit more then normal. And since his ability will always put a survivor in the injured state, it's extremely easy to keep thanataphobia running. Add to that some survivors will do all they can to remove thanataphobia, and will look for heals, which just means they'll stall the game more for you. Problem is, unless you meet a team of self care users, you can inflict injury faster then they can heal as long as you're willing to ignore chases that might give them a chance to get back up from injured.

    ThoughSloppy Butcher does not affect mend time. Mend is not considered a healing action.

  • SiftHeadsDude
    SiftHeadsDude Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2019

    Legion has a number of unnecessary downsides you have to work with. Tbh he/she is probably a mid to low tier killer but as always it’s up for debate. Your strategy sounds solid, I’d say don’t double hit players because you give them a quick speed boost. Additionally, consider running thanatophobia, sloppy butcher, hex ruin, and/or monitor and abuse in your loadout, and what you said you’re running is pretty good too (except maybe not devour hope, but your other 3 perks are good). Save the best for last has some more merit now too since your frenzy attacks no longer down people. There’s actually a good number of perks that can work well for legion. Keep in mind that mending still does not count as a healing action, perks like sloppy butcher are good though because they pair well with thanataphobia and nurses calling, kinda forcing them to waste a lot of time healing or they risk getting downed in one hit by a 115% speed killer. I don’t think you’re playing him bad or wrong, it’s just they aren’t that amazing of a killer, especially if you don’t have solid perks like hex ruin to help you stall for time. Consider watching some “TruTalent” YouTube videos in the last month of him playing legion to see his loadout and how he plays!

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That is the general gameplan for Legion, but you need to get rid of Devour Hope. It doesn't mesh with Frenzy as it can't apply instadowns and is too luck based. The more stable route is Save The Best For Last. You can get your stacks really fast with Legion and in the long run reduced attack cooldowns helps out way more. Thana and Sloppy works for some people, but overall Thana as a perk to itself isn't really enough to slow survivors down. You'd need to pair it with ruin. I personally don't see a point in running sloppy butcher because you can't track blood and the higher in rank you go the more optimized survivors are with healing.

    STBLF, Ruin, Thana, and Nurse's is pretty meta.

    STBLF, Bamboozle, Ruin, and perk of your choice is also good if you want to feel closer to being pre-nerf legion.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    This. You have to play them as a stalling kind of killer. Also go sloppy/thana and patrol, patrol, patrol. The patrolling and constant movement is key here. If a survivor doesn't heal, make them learn to. Pop works as well (once you've got the find and hook down).

    Learn to give up bad chases. Legion cannot spare that kind of time. If you develop good pathing, it won't feel slow and tough to patrol. Use Feral only on groups and to track. Can't find that one immersed person? Stab the person trying for your attention.

    Bottom line, you have to snowball yourself. It won't be easy, but damn is it worth it when you make people see just how deadly legion can be.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited June 2019

    I use Sloppy, Bloodhound, Surveillance and Thanatophobia. It makes survivors want to heal, but makes them take longer to do so. It is a great perk set to keep survivors off of gens so I have enough time to get some opportunistic downs by following blood trails.

    If a chase takes longer than 20 seconds, consider abandoning it to protect gens. Another chance to get them will come and if you injured them they usually won't be working on gens for a while unless they are particularly confidant in their ability to loop you.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    I appreciate the suggestions everyone. Definitely going to garb Thana when I can.

