How often do you run into SWF?

so far on PC around rank 10-12 killer (trapper main) I am dodging a lot of lobbies because I am finding SO MANY SWF's I check by checking profiles which is the main indicator now to find out of they are SFW, and it seems like I need to dodge 2-5 lobbies before I find a game full of solos and it is getting annoying, mainly because after dodging I got to wait like 5 min before a lobby is even made for me to then find out it is another SFW


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Stop dodging then.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited June 2019

    then survivors play the game how it should be played, SOLO without voice communication in some form through 3rd party software, the game was balanced/made around for survivors not to talk to eachother and share information and 3rd party software that allows just that overrides that balance ENTIRELY

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Just saying, you’d find more lobbies if you just hit ready. Nothing wrong with people playing with friends.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    you are right about people playing with SWF that ITSELF is fine and nothing wrong with it, what IS WRONG is when SWF uses 3rd party programs like Discord to communicate with eachother, which the devs DID NOT ALLOW and actually it is ILLEGAL according to the ToS. THAT is what is wrong with SWF

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited June 2019

    If I can’t talk with my friends then I’m not exactly having fun with them, the devs have made it clear that they’re fine with voice chat.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    if this is fine then what they should do is for them getting an extra advantage over the killer due to voice chat do what I have seen in OW, for example a 6 stack of plats go against 6 solo diamonds, which means the more people in your SWF the games MMer will put into account your better communication and vs you against higher skilled players who dont have that communication. for example a SFW group of an average of 12 will get a killer who is rank like 8 or 7 or even lower to make up for them having more communication. cause a game of SWF with communications all rank 10 vs a rank 10 killer will be MILES different than a game of 4 solos at rank 10 vs a rank 10 killer

  • ThePaleKing_
    ThePaleKing_ Member Posts: 77

    Swf is a strong edge that the game doesn't reward the killer for. Dev Data showed that SWF squads are less common than people tend to think. But when they do happen its a bit traumatic for killers cause it can turn into a bully session really fast. I'd like to see a icon letting you know who is and isn't together in lobby. I didn't sign up for bully squads and shouldn't be expected to play against them. That or I should at least know who has an edge on me.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    SWF is more common than you think, maybe not full 4 man SWF's but I have been checking steam profiles in the pre lobby and the moment I see 2 people who have eachother on their friends list I just dodge immediately due to I know that at least half of them are SFW

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    yea I enjoy killer plenty when im not against SFW telling them where I am communicating gens, my totems etc

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    Dunno. I picked this game up a month ago and I have to say that playing against an swf can be a horror for me...

    It feels like I'm playing another game. OK basicly it is playing on a much higher rank. I'm rank 10-12 and I just faced a lobby with a rank 4 and 6 player.... This was no fun at all. I play myers and they really wanna bring me in every loop. This is so annoying and boring as well. Looping is kinda poor game design.

    I think it's pretty funny that exactly this people cry, if you camp them when the gate is open and I'm nearly t3...

    In my opinion it's the same. They fck up my game, so I fck up their game... But this is more a reaction cuz I'm mad in this case.

    Dunno. This doesn't feel right and also not intended. This is a horror game. You shouldn't be able to bully the killer under any circumstances...

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I'm on PS4 and when playing as killer I frequently get SWF. I don't mind and don't lobby dodge them, unless they are obviously looking to be toxic (say, 4 torches and bright clothing). i play survivor in SWF sometimes too so can hardly complain if I have to face a team. My only issue with it is that, as a low rank killer, I can end up with groups containing a purple or even red rank on occasion. Sometimes they are pretty cool, sometimes they are a pain. It's just how it goes.

    Frankly, considering how long it can take to get a match going, I'll play pretty much anyone. SWF are welcome.

    I know there are those who think that having a SWF connected by chat is an unfair advantage but having played several SWF matches yesterday, having chat didn't stop us getting slaughtered by some really good killers - not camping, not tunnelling, not toxic, just very good at hunting, chasing and protecting generators.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    I know there are those who think that having a SWF connected by chat is an unfair advantage but having played several SWF matches yesterday, having chat didn't stop us getting slaughtered by some really good killers - not camping, not tunnelling, not toxic, just very good at hunting, chasing and protecting generators.

    This is exactly my point from other thread here

    SWF do not provide advantage to survivors, that little information they can pass to each other do not break game for Killer. They can pass totems location, sometimes Killer location to some extend and slug location. That's it. It is NOT gamebreaking by any means.

    If you are getting your game breaked by this - it means only 1 thing - you need to improve. Your actions are predictable, your pathing and movement are not optimal, your ability to recognize long chase and abandon it in favor of gen protection is not developed enough.

    I'm playing with no perks as Killer (well, during event I use BBQ for points), sometimes when I play as sausage and commit to chases too long I'm getting rekt by survivors, but a lot of times I can 4k. I'm red rank Killer in past months, but prefer to sit in 9-5 ranks nowdays due to lobby times and less sweat games. After reset I've dropped to rank 14, played 2 days and atm I'm rank 10.

    Stop blaming SWF for your inability to adapt your playstyle to different survs tactics.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    If I suspect a SWF in the lobby, I just equip my megablink Nurse. Slap on a Game map offering, or a mori if available. Survivors want an easy game? Too bad, I want one as well.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Didn't someone calculate using the last data sheets the developers provided that we had about 83%-ish chance to have a SWF group in every lobby?

    Link to the aforementioned data sheets →

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    SWF do not provide advantage to survivors, that little information they can pass to each other do not break game for Killer. They can pass totems location, sometimes Killer location to some extend and slug location. That's it. It is NOT gamebreaking by any means.

    tell me how it does not provide advantage to survivors? you can see where the killer is, who he is one, that person then when they are about to get hit for the team to body block or take agro of the killer, in the case of trapper you can have 1 person loop, one person keep track and disable the traps of the trapper just making him a M1 killer. that is just trapper but in the end SWF + discord gives the survives more knowledge than they should at all times, and knowledge is power

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Ok, I'm telling you how it does NOT provide advantage

    1) I can see who the Killer is as solo, either by sound, by traps/jigsaw boxes, by HUD icons around other survivors. Do I need SWF for that - NO.

    Nurse, Wraith, Billy, Bubba, Doctor, Clown, Huntress, Spirit (wout Beads), GF, Mayers - you can hear them either when them move or when they use their power.

    Trapper and Pig - you see jigsaw boxes or traps on ground.

    Freddy, Legion, Plague, GF and Doctor - you can see HUD indicators.

    2) I run Spine Chill as Solo surv - I know when Killer is nearby and watching my direction, and I can play accordingly. Do I need SWF for that - NO.

    3) If you play Trapper - run Whispers, thus you will know if someone in your TR and can see where you place traps. When I play sirvivor I'm getting caught in traps very rarely, cause I know its Trapper by seeing inactive traps and I check places around loops and pallets near gen I'm going to work at. Do I need SWF for that - NO.

    4) I dont care much about Ruin, cause in most cases I can hit great skill checks and work through it. As guy with pretty decent amount of hours I know where totem locations are on maps, and I dont need SWF to check nearby places when I'm running to gen or work at one.

    5) If you can SEE Killer you dont need SWF for that as well. SWF can tell in discord - Killer is on me, but what does it give to you? As Solo surv if I dont have Spine Chill lit or I dont hear TR - I will work on gen/totem anyway.

    6) If they bodyblock you to drop the guy before hook, they trade 2-3 hits which could be done in chases, and it actually save you a lot of chase time and stall game at the same time. They will need to heal themselves wasting time, they are NOT working on gens while they are swarming around you to take those hits, and they are all in same place, which means you can capitalize on that and down another injured person who runs in wrong part of map where pallets were wasted already.

    Also you have perk that can capitalize on that behavior - Mad Grit. They will trade hits for nothing, and they will never do it after first occurence.

    Whenever you think you face 4 man SWF - just use perks that will help you to counter them. Mad Grit, Discordance, Lightborn if they packed with flashlights.

    Perks to help you end chases faster - SF+Endur, Bamboozle, or Endur+Brutal, whichever fits your style.

    Avoid Hex perks - cause you will end with 2-3 perks game instead, maaybe you can take NOED for end game, but I dont think it is a good perk overall. You can run Haunted Grounds for some guess game and instadowns though.

    As I said before - I dont even run perks on Killers, cause it is so much funnier and develop better game understanding, I encourage you to try it out and see if it will help you. I was prestiging LF in last 2 days.

    Here are some screenshots, you can see by my Devotion level that those games were pretty much one by one. (There were some survivor games in between, no other Killers were played).

    Especially check screenshot with 4 toolboxes and 2 new parts addons

    . Guy with Unbreakable saved that game for team. When 1 was on hook, 3 other slugged and I went to hook one of slugs on other side of map - guy stood up, inhooked and they healed 3rd slug, finished last gen and I still had 2 kills, Ruthless and decent amount of points.

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    If you genuinely can't see how having constant voice contact with every other survivor, being able to say when the killer is in vision or they're being chased etc (so it's safe to do the gen), is advantageous then I don't know what to say. It is.

    The game is balanced around there being no contact with other survivors, that's why there's no map wide chat built in.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    edited June 2019

    SWF has no effect on your gameplay MOST of the time, there are a small bit where you'll get camped by Survivors with flashlights whenever you get a down. SWF just like to have fun, who am I to stop them, I'm having fun too.

    Lobby dodging is like throwing away your math homework cause it's too hard, doesn't make sense, does it?

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2019

    You clearly can't read @BlondeMegPls

    When I play Solo survivor I know without any comms when it is save to do gen and when it is not. And I'm Killer main and I'm awful in chases as surv so to say.

    The game is survivor sided and is not balanced by any means. Comms do NOT provide any significant advantage. If you still do not see and understand it I cant help you with that.

    All I hear from ppl in thread - SWF have advantage cause of comms. Please, give me example of advantage, and I mean ADVANTAGE, comms provide to SWF.

    Totem location? It is crap, solo survs destroy totems very fast.

    Killer locaton? It is crap, solo survs (including myself) repair gens with Killer chasing someone 10 meters away and dont give a ######### about it.

    Gens location? Any survivors higher than rank 12 prioritise middle gens to separate map towards end game, and you dont need comms for that.

    What else can comms provide?

    P.S. @ShrekIsHot Thanks, bud, nice to see another clear-minded Killer here

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    It is ridiculous to say that you always know when it's safe to do gens and when it isn't. How could you possibly know when the killer is on the other side of the map chasing someone if you can't see it/hear it/or are told by your SWF. They could be hiding behind a wall staring at you, they could be anywhere, but because you have have coms with every other survivor you don't need to worry. You know, for definite, where they are at every moment.

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    If there's truly no advantage, as you're saying. Then I'm sure devs are currently releasing a chat/pings/voice feature because why not if communication makes no difference?

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    If you want to talk with your friends in a game where communicating is braking the balance and isn`t allowed, then you should go and pick another game for you.

    devs just don`t have enough balls to ban people for using 3rd party software.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    What is your survivor rank?

    Read again what did I write before.

    I have Spine Chill as Solo - I KNOW when Killer is watching me, I'm not worry even when Killer is chasing someone in my proximity, cause he is busy.

    Loops and pallets are placed on map in such density from most gens that you can reach them even when you have only 10 meters distance between you and Killer. To cover 10 meters distance with lunge Killer needs around 14 seconds of chase. Can you reach nearest pallet or window in 15 seconds? I bet you can.

    So, basically, you dont care where Killer is if he is more than 10 meters away from you, and that is 1/3 of most Killers TR. You hear TR, check around, and move. No problem at all.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited June 2019

    Just because survivors usually play in groups does not mean they are all particulary good. My friends and I are an example of that. When you check their profiles check their playtime and achievements as well, that way you will know which one of them you should try to take out first (the weakest link)

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    yet that math homework is made for the level of math that you are working in, say 8th grade math, but SWF turns 8th grade math in 10th grade math because 4 solo rank 10 survivors against a rank 10 killer will have a MUCH different game than a SWF of 4 rank 10's against a rank 10 killer, that is why I believe that the MMer will take the average rank of all the people in your SWF and match you with a killer who is a lower rank than them, for example a SWF's average rank is 10, they will be put up against a killer who is rank 6 or 7 or something

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I get SWF pretty often but it doesn't matter because 4 bad survivors with comms doesn't suddenly make them a God. 4 good survivors, solo or SWF will destroy you if you suck anyways.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Too often.

  • Renork
    Renork Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2019

    Lol @ the potatoes that say SWF provides no advantages. My friends and I can clear usually 2-3 gens before one of us is found and from there you just loop a little (unless it’s a good nurse, but that’s ONE killer out of all the killers available, sometimes a really good billy). If you truly think we can accomplish that without telling each other killers direction, totem placement, etc. then you’re truly #########. Any killer that’s not a decent nurse or a really good billy will get destroyed, period.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited June 2019

    fun fact I ran into a SFW at rank 10 2 min before making this post, it was 1 rank 10 and 3 RANK 2 SURVIVORS and I was freddy, I was able to get them all to dead on hook but then adrenaline kicked in. if you think SWF is not a problem than PLEASE tell me the drugs you are on

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    There's no way of knowing for sure until the devs implement a marker for SWF groups in the tally screen.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited June 2019

    check steam profiles look at friends and compare to the names in the lobby that is how I check and so far about 3/4 lobbies has at least a SWF duo

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    They're relatively common at high ranks. Although, I usually only get them in groups of two to three.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited June 2019

    Just because they have communication doesn’t mean they’re good players. Not all SWF groups are good nor do they all want to ruin your game. Some people simply wanna have fun with friends. I personally hate solo survivor because I can’t rely on randoms and it’s kinda boring which is why I play killer a majority of the time.

    I don’t typically dodge SWF groups. If I’m really just looking for one chill game before heading to bed then I might dodge because I really don’t feel like dealing with their ######### at the time.

    Flashlights also shouldn’t affect you. If they are looking for flashlights saves then they aren’t doing generators. Typically those groups don’t survive. Plus it is easy to avoid flashlight saves. If it is THAT much of an issue then equip Infectious Fright. I’d much rather see four flashlights than four toolboxes.

    The only irritating thing is chain blinding at pallets but I typically play Spirit so I don’t have that issue since she can’t be blinded at pallets.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Lol @ the survivors who think that if they play against Killers who cant even FIND first survivor before 2-3 gens are done that all other Killers are same. If Killer do not abandon chase after 20-30 seconds without scoring a hit - he deserves to get genrushed. It is about Killer's decisions, game perception and perks choice. Plus, for some Killers map can kick in, like Billy or Huntress on Lery's where their powers are gimped a lot.

    If you think that telling where totem is and where Killer is helps you so much that you "destroy" Killer you're trully #########.


    You just said that you got them all to dead on hook, but lost due to Adrenaline. How comes that it was SWF merit that you lost? It was absurdly OP perk against Freddy that gave them a win. PLEASE tell me how Adrenaline is equal to SWF in your eyes? You should tunnel one guy faster as Freddy, when you 3v1 as Freddy game is pretty much won.