Can you revert the fast vault changes? They are bad for the game.
You guys literally nerfed shack into the ground for survivors. Can you like maybe fix the ######### windows instead of bringing in mechanics like bloodlust, entity blocker, Bamboozle and now these changes. You are NOT fixing the problem. Just stop putting stuff that ruins the fair windows a lot more. Like how does that change fix the disturbed ward windows for expample, yeah it ######### doesn't. This change doesn't fix any of the ######### windows it just makes 4 walls useless now, shack is shittier now too and LT walls that are already trash because of bloodlust (if they're are not next to each other). The only windows I can think of are the ones on MacMillan like the groaning storehouse, but still just fixes only one of them. The other windows you can get on that map are still easily fast vaulted and abused but why fix ######### when you can add more ######### on top. And what about the barn in fractured cowshed, grim pantry building, Myers house downstairs window, disturbed ward (like I said), ironworks, suffocation pit, torment creek, coal tower, rancid abatoir (you literally made that one worse by making the fences so long next to it), lerry's has pretty disgusting windows a lot of times, ormond (the one in the middle downstairs. Maybe I missed some but there are just so many of them. I don't think it's that hard just blocking of those and reverting the fast vault changes, I would be fine with that.
No if were getting midtier killer like ghostface thay doesn't have enough map pressure or mobility things are going to be cut down to help our wheelchair killers
17 -
yeah this change does nothing to help with the actual problem loops and just nerfs already manageable ones. needs a revert
22 -
no makes it easier as killer
1 -
Just hide more and dont loop too much ez solution
9 -
Not first time they try to band aid instead of fixing the maps with bs loops.
7 -
What the heck were you doing that this change actually affected the way you loop at shack? The fast vault changes only affected exploits that allowed fast vaults specifically where they were supposed to be impossible. Are survivors so good at finding exploits that they could fast fault the 90 degree turn into the window from outside shack?
20 -
why is it always someone with a bill picture saying something like this
5 -
Because he understands the game? Meat Tree, killer shack, the mines at MacMillan, if you loop them literally the other way then you will still get a fast vault every time. All of these places are very easily looped if you’re semi-competent. You can’t be mad at killers needing to have these things. How are killers like Leatherface, Wraith, etc going to be able to stop you from looping them without these things helping them? Blocking off BS windows wouldn’t fix the problem. With RNG making maps, even if you did block off the simple ones, not having bloodlust, enduring, etc would make it impossible to stop some loops. Even as a killer main, who hardly plays survivor, I can loop these windows no problem.
You can’t just block some windows and expect everything else to work out fine
10 -
oh my god thinking those killers naturally have a ton of trouble at killer shack
i don't have much else to say. i think i'm just talking to mediocre to bad killer players who think they understand how these loops work
8 -
Literally before this patch people were calling the shack a "God loop"
Now it isn't all of a sudden? Lol sounds like to me you're bad a looping the shack. When they made the angle change over a year ago, it was made to make some window loops more powerful in a particular direction.
If you loop from INSIDE the shack, you always fast vault. Looping outside was ALWAYS meant to do a medium vault cause of the 90 degree turn, unless you take a few extra steps to widen out then you can fast vault.
Survivors once again proving they think exploits are standard gameplay.
13 -
shack was never a "god loop", it's just a strong loop
neutering it so that it can be fast vaulted under fewer conditions was not needed and is not a healthy change at all
you have people on this forum unironically saying that shack is an infinite though so i guess i can't be surprised at a response like yours
9 -
Facts facts facts
2 -
He just means to say his looping needs work, and he don’t like the fact that eventually he’ll be caught. Just want to loop there forever! Big no vote from me
3 -
It was never neutered, it was made like this when the angle change was made a year ago. You were never meant to be able to fast vault the outside.
You can always fast vault from the inside. They made the change over a year ago to make loops more powerful in certain directions, and less so in others. The shack was one of them.
And you can easily infinite the shack if there is a T/L Wall near it. All you need to do is break the chase for a MOMENT and window blockers reset, as long as you have vaulted less than 3 times. You can even do this if you do it properly at the shack.
Just because YOU don't have the ability to turn the shack into an infinite doesn't mean others can't. Learn how the vault mechanics actually work.
9 -
"you can infinite the shack if certain tiles are near it" wow, it's almost like this had nothing to do with the discussion until you moved the goal posts
yes shack is extremely strong NEXT to something else, i absolutely never said that shack cannot make strong setups, but shack by itself is not a god loop
shack is not an infinite and it's incredibly embarrassing that you're even making this argument
9 -
Except it is, because you seemed to miss the part where I said "you can even do this at the shack alone if you do it properly." Even then, it isn't moving the goal post because we are still talking about the shack. Infinites are still possible in several areas if certain tiles are spawned, which is another reason this change was made, which you seem to fail to understand.
Why do people read halfway and then assume they are right?
Once again, just because you don't know how yo infinite the shack doesn't mean it isn't actually possible. Learn how to break a chase for a split second.
3 -
okay there's literally nothing to discuss with someone who unironically says that shack is an infinite
"shack is an infinite" is a meme
5 -
That's cool. End the discussion because you don't know what you're talking about.
Works for me.
4 -
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo
3 -
I never try to fast vault outside of shack that's too risky. The problem is that you have to go way out if you vault from the side where the pallet is now and that side of shack was already worse but you can't decide the direction as survivor so you're forced a lot of times to use the window like that. Or if you wait until the last second because the killer might double back you are 100% getting a medium vault now.
0 -
We can 100% agree that tiles next to each other are stupid op if the survivor knows what they're doing. Suffocation pit is the prime example for this but how do these vaulting changes affect those tiles? They don't at all I am still able to loop these op setups forever and ######### windows I can still loop forever I just hate that shack and 4 walls are nerfed by this. Not like 4 walls sucked before anyways. I agree 100% that we need bloodlust and entity blocker in the current state of the game but I don't agree with this update because fast vaults are already trash because you get sucked back Idk if the fixed that at least with this update.
1 -
You do understand that hiding is literally the most boring thing. I play killer and survivor equally and I hate immersed players as killer even more because I'm wasting so much time just looking for them and not being able to find them and forced to use Whispers. It's so boring when you finally find them just being able to down them in two seconds because they have never practiced looping. Just so boring and if DbD becomes a stealth game it will die trust me on that.
4 -
Well sir, maybe they should buff those killers instead of nerfing survivors. You're not fixing the problem by bringing more bs into the game. We need more killers like Huntress and Billy. Like, how does that fix bad killers? M1 killers are still trash after these changes and after literally every change they've made to survivors.
2 -
uhm no its not. Stop using lore as a way to balance the game. The killer shack was added into the game to be a STRONG loop. With the risk that if you got caught, you might be put in the basement. Throwback to when shack had two windows
8 -
Based on this it seems you are not very good at survivor, and dont know all the ways to loop shack. The first way this affects is when trying to get a fast vault while looping from outside the shack, you now need to give yourself way more distance and just end up getting hit. The second way is when you are vaulting the shack window after running through the pallet. The only way you would survive that was if you got a fast vault since that loop is very short, now its always a medium vault. Obv the basic vault from inside shack hasn't changed. But those other two vaults that i mentioned were affected negatively and weren't "exploits". :)
2 -
Lol just adapt, i tought you survivors knew how to adapt with how much you told killer to do so ?
3 -
Outside shack was ALWAYS meant to be a medium vault unless you swing out to get more distance.
90 degree angle vaults were ALWAYS supposed to be medium vaults.
Sorry you can't accept this.
2 -
What about the other thing he said and I said too? When you run through the pallet and try to get a fast vault? That side was already way weaker and that one got nerfed funnily enough. Just doesn't make sense to me. Shack is now basically only safely loopable from the strong side where you can't get mindgamed that well and the other one is a garanteed hit. And shack was already trash without a pallet and most of the time people just waste it anyway.
1 -
You can still get a fast vault there, you don't have to take as wide of an angle as the outside vault, but you still might need to swing more.
This was intended when they changed the angles of how vaulting worked over a year ago. The fact you could get fast vaults in spots where you were meant to get medium ones by touching the wall was literally an exploit.
5 -
Kille shack nerfed? Hallelujah! That's the one place I can't loop, with the exception of the fence ininite in Haddonfield.
1 -
I wouldn't care that much if they at least fixed the part where you get sucked back into the window after vaulting. But ofc they didn't fix that.
1 -
Nerfing looping mechanics is necessary for the game IMO.
This means that the devs can finally take a good look at the game and realize how badly it's evolved in the past couple of years, so they can start fixing the stuff. Keep chases shorter with only extremely good play by Survivors and extremely poor play by killers turning into 5 minute long chases, and better yet improve the ways a survivor can juke and lose the killer instead of just looping around ad nauseaum.
The devs need to fix all the bad stuff they broke in the game from lighting and then start enabling juking more, jukes and tracking need to come back into the fold because this is a cat and mouse game, not a tag you're it game.
3 -
Why are you acting like the fast vault on meat tree, while going the wrong way, is a common thing? Its one of the hardest fast vaults to get, and if you took the time to learn it (and get it every time) you deserve to get that vault every time. Also, these changes do absolutely nothing to fix the actual infinites in game- if anything this nerf gives survivors a reason to run infinites more, as these changes are so finicky when trying to fast vault with debris to the side of a window, or even just fast vault in general.
5 -
uhm except it wasnt. Maybe for mediocre survivors, but if you got enough distance it can always be a fast vault. Besides, shack wasnt the reason they implemented this change, so idk why you think it should affected. It was an unwanted consequence of the change. Defending a change because it helps you as killer is pretty selfish. I wouldn't want the devs to add something that seriously frustrated killers just because it helped me as a survivor.
0 -
They made a change a while ago. Y’all found a way to get around the intended limits on fast vaults; so they patched it. This is more of a bug fix inline with the original nerf than a brand new one.
1 -
Except it was, this was made clear when they changed angles a year ago. Besides, I already stated you can still fast vault the side window by swinging out.
You just actually have to swing out now. Before this change, you didn't have to take as steep of an angle due to being able to fast vault while touching the wall, which bypassed the intended angle changes.
1 -
By the same logic, hacking in a way that gets around EAC and other anti-cheat devices is difficult. So if you took the time to code a hack that isn't detected, then you deserve to be able to hack.
NO!!! If you're not supposed to be able to do something, you're NOT supposed to be able to do it. Finding an exploit that allows you to do what is clearly stated as not intended doesn't give you special rights. The fact that you think you deserve to be able to fast vault things that were specifically designed not to be fast vaultable because you found an exploit shows just how far survivor entitlement has gone.
4 -
shack is an infinite btw. it's hard to value someone's opinions when they genuinely believe this
2 -
They are only bad for survivors who abused infinites before. Now there's a limit to how much they can abuse them. Get better.
That's because it is an infinite. I'm sorry you can't play without them. I know it must be hard for you.
3 -
can't really take anything on this forum seriously anymore knowing how many people genuinely believe that shack is an infinite to be honest
it does contextualize a lot of these people's posts on other topics though
5 -
It really is an infinite though. People here, myself included have given you multiple reasons why, when you just continue to say "nuh uh, no it's not".
Adapt, get better. Life without infinites will take actual skill, but you can do it. Well, probably.
4 -
The fact is, the survivor should NEVER, EVER have the upper hand in a chase. When the killer knows where they are, they should always be in grave danger. That's what the game is supposed to be.
5 -
even when they're against bad killer players who think shack is an infinite? interesting take
4 -
Sorry that you don't use an entirely viable strategy because you don't like it. You are missing out on 50% of what makes a survivor a survivor by not utilizing stealth.
Sorry you can't accept this is also somewhat of a stealth oriented game. Hiding is the best way to avoid dying, and you are rewarded for being stealthy near the Killer now. I've gotten Gold Evader strictly from stealth before.
I've also been yelled at for being a stealth player. Presumably because the Killer's eyes weren't working properly. It isn't my fault you look directly in my direction and don't see me.
Fyi, I play Meg.
2 -
about what i expected
2 -
That's because it is an infinite. It's not even debatable. No matter how many times you spout your childish "nuh uh", it will always be true.
As well - I've achieved rank 1 killer many times, which is a lot harder than rank 1 survivor. Best not talk about being "bad" at anything, kiddo. That's an argument you have zero chance of winning. A circus monkey can get to rank 1 survivor. A demented one can get to rank 1 survivor with 3 of his friends.
Speaking of bad. I think i found your steam profile. Is it you that wrote "if you play spirit i probably blocked you"?
3 -
I don't think that killer shack is an infinite, since if you can actually play well you'll be able to mindgame them straight into your arms. I've only ever encountered it being truly infinite with legion once because the survivors were SWFing and one hiding nearby told him which way I was going.
######### SWF...There's way worse infinites, like one I've recently discovered on haddonfield where the survivor always gains more distance then you unless you're playing Billy or nurse (assuming as nurse you're following the loop with your blinks and aren't just teleporting through it to hit them). I was looped on it for the entire EGC and they were faster then me on the loop, whether I went around or through the vault as well.
0 -
Nobody said anything about hiding in corners. You can be stealthy and get things done. It's risky, but that's literally what the game is supposed to be from a survivor standpoint. Survivors are not supposed to be dominant in chases. Get better.
1 -
You guys contribute nothing to this discussion.
Also, I dont do that so nice try. I literally stream every single game I play, so your little nonsensical claim that I wait until my team to die has no basis, as I can prove that I never do this.
But I'm sure you'll continue to discount what I say because you don't like stealth. Stealth does not equal hiding in a corner. It means remain unseen.
Sorry you can't do that yourself without hiding in a corner.
Also, I'm capable of looping a Killer for over 3 minutes in the event I do get caught. It's called having a wide skill set as a Survivor.
It's called being good at the game. I suggest you try it.
Also @miaasma funny you say you don't take us seriously, yet you block Spirit players. Pretty hilarious honestly.