Since MoM I can only play Nurse and Billy
@Sairek This.
Bad design, plain and simple. Punishing a player for what he MUST do in a normal game.
I've already said it before, it's akin to a perk punishing survivors with 30/45/60 secs of progress when they hit their 4th skill check in a game. Unhooking a 4th teammate will give YOU the exposed state, Stunning a killer with a 4th pallet will give YOU the broken status.
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I don't understand why there are some people that think only billy can counter mom?
like for me it's the sooner you find survivors and get a chase going the better. So now I feel like discordance is super important to my clown and spirit. I dunno what it's like for other killers, I thought Myers would be perfectly fine against it and legion ofc. And Nurse, I figure doctor would be fine against it too but IMO most doctor players I went against as survivor suck and breaking/slowing down loops with him. Basically my mindset is that I have to play "fast" and put map/gen pressure in clever ways and slow healing. I run coulrophobia on my clown still and that helps whenver people are healing around me while I'm looking for them or chasing someone else.
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Just watch what a single solo survivor can do with MoM:
And now imagine a full squad running this while u play wraith lol
"MoM iS fInE jUsT AdApT"
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@tt_ivi_99 if people bought ash for a perk, an ingame value that is likely to be changed, and then get upset, it sucks to be them.
In the terms of use I'm SURE it says content may be changed, etc. You're not buying what it is for it to stay that way.
Furthhermore, while I acknowledge that it has to be bought ($5) or found in shrine, other than the rare case of BBQ I cant think of any other super wanted DLC perks that havent appeared yet (correct me if in wrong). So I assume it will appear at some point for all to obtain.
I would also wager that MOST people bought Ash, for Ash. His perks could have all be garbage and he would have been bought.
While I dont think MoM is that bad, and doesnt need a nerf, it seems like the only people actually UPSET about a potential nerf are those people who did exactly that. Spent $5 on a perk, to attempt to abuse it for the OP edge. Those people can also get over it. if you legit tried to pay to win, as it were, maybe you should try to just make your gameplay better and not rely on buying abilities.
Besides, weve all seen that the devs (for better or worse) take input from the community, make a decision, and stick to it regardless of what the community thinks about it for the most part. If they feel it needs a nerf, they will impliment it, and all the "pay to win" and super rare 4 man swf sweat teams will get upset. But that's a small number.
Even if people threaten to quit because they bought the DLC just for that, guess what? Behaviour has that money. They dont care anymore if you play with it, they sold it. They made it. They are allowed to change it. That refund will never happen over balancing changes.
Conversely if they decide to not touch it at all, the same tired arguements will happen every other day, until some new meta "op" perk comes out.
Anyone remember the hype for head on?
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Nobody gets rewarded in DBD. Theres no rank. 😆😆
It's why I say have fun and get what BP you can. Being entertained is the reward.
Not every game has to be Ranked competetive like R6 Siege.
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I hate the nurse against and as, since the release of MoM i only play billy and legion
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@HavelmomDaS1 Thanks for the scenario, that is 100% how I pictured an endgame going down esp w/ adrenaline, running either/or is pretty bad but both seems pretty bad. Wow farm map offering too, that just sounds like pain. I know some sneaky normal attacks in EW2 tend to do a lot better than EW3 spam (I hate the TR of EW3 anyway even with M&A), I tend to use EW3 sparingly/to end a chase fast/to catch a group or surv by surprise however I figured maybe he'd have a better chance at countering it than most other killers I play over the duration of a match. I shudder to think of MoM/adrenaline on a genrush squad as a Freddy. I should return at some point, might just wait it out until the mid chapter update though as that should be soon. I was getting tryhard squads before I left on break, not really sure it's region specific anymore...
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I love it when survivors use this perk. It makes it super easy to track the people who use it.
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@tt_ivi_99 I don't think that's entirely true. A lot of people were a fan of Ash, himself, and super psyched to get him in the game.
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I personally don't think MoM is too bad. It's a late game perk, where you're already snowballing everything. Part of the reason old DS was bad was because it took away from early game pressure. You couldn't hook someone you chased down or you had to eat a stab or juggle. Both of which took time. This was from nothing, too. With MoM, you need to be hit three times with a basic attack and many killers have alternate ways of downing or lessening the strikes. Trapper can trap people, Plague can spit up on someone until they can be one shot. The list goes on.
My concern is with power attacks. I can understand the desire to allow the nurse's blink attacks to count since she's already strong and that's generally how nurses attack, but like the Wraith's surprise attack for instance. You're not surprise hitting every attack, I would think, and he's much weaker than the nurse. I think it'd be fair to allow it to not stack on surprise attacks. I'm still observing it atm, though, and think there's more pressing issues to tend to than a new perk people are trying out and getting used to. Like the DCing issues.
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So far as killer, i haven't had an issue with MoM so I don't understand what the issue is.
I haven't lost a game due to this single perk, unlike the old DS.
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I don't think you understand the view of the killer, sure it's not terribly hard to hit them again, but then 3 or all survivors are running this, then they're gen rushing, then they have instant heals, then when they get in a bad spot MoM activates and screws you over for doing your job. Depending on how the games going, being tasked with hitting them for a third time can be an EXTREMELY pressuring task which dictates if you get a 1k or no k. It's a braindead get out of jail free card.