Cosmetic / Hair Rework. Please Revert. Make New Items. Please.
In version three, why do the cosmetics (for example, hair) I liked and paid money for look different? When they release a cosmetic and people buy it, it shouldn’t be changed unless there’s a problem. People can’t trust cosmetics if they might just be changed in the future on the dev’s whim.
We don’t need to get into specifics - some look better, some look worse. But they’re not the original, released product and some of my favorites are no longer cool. This discourages me from buying more.
Please revert and make new items. Everyone can be happy that way.
I kind of agree with this. If you're going to sell cosmetics, they shouldn't change after sale. Make new ones if you want them to look different.
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The hair has like no physics anymore it sucks!
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If you liked them because they made survivors near invisible, then you liked them for the wrong reason. If you liked them cause of how they looked, then why would you want them to be nearly invisible if you want to look at them?
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Did they do that to improve the game's performance?
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I want Kate's old hair back. I use her P3 hair, and it looks so weird, both the shape/style of it and the blood. I bought her because I like the way she looks, survivors are basically just skins, and the change is unwelcome and not what I paid for.
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It's not just those. They changes things like Meg's bright red long hair as well.
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I liked the one hair from claudette and now I do not like her so much after the change ... kinda sad
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I'm not sure who you're responding to, Dehitay, but I'm talking about hair that looks cool (obviously a subjective opinion) and hair that does not look cool anymore after a purchase. I don't care about blending.
As TragicSolitude mentioned, the updates are not what I paid for and how can I feel good about future purchases if they could be changed?
Devs, why not just create new names/items for the new models and revert the old models, encouraging more choice (and more purchases)? I'm confused by this change.
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I hate what they did to my favorite Meg cosmetic :(
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The hairs look fantastic, quit complaining about something that looks great! fair enough the clothes we buy and have bought are not the shades we want, but the devs did a great effort on the hair, do we have to really nit pick this much? the hair does look a lot better
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What does and doesn't look great is purely subjective. The argument isn't whether or not it looks great. The argument is whether or not they should be taking money, selling something based entirely on it's look, and then changing the look after sale.
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@Paladin_Goo is it any different to the nerfs of killers we paid for? least with the hair they are making it look better, clothes....well some not overly, the devs tried to do a good thing and make hair look better more real
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Nerfs? Killers? Two very biased words.
But yes its different.
A cosmetic does not affect the gameplay mechanics and is sold PURELY for the look.
Balance changes are for the game state.
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They nerfed Legion, is my oint, the point been Legion was a paid Killer and was nerfed, and if it didn't affect the game play they wouldn't of nerfed Claudettes clothing, but they did becasuse of people complaining of her been a blednette. Of course nerfs affect the game play, Killers do in how they are nerfed and so are perks.
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But a cosmetic does affect gameplay when it's too dark which is why a lot of these were changed
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Exactly. If killers were all clones of one entity with the same ability, then it would be the same, but they aren't. They are unique, and directly effect the gameplay. Cosmetics however...exist soley to customize how your character looks, and should not be changed.
Legion was a broken killer. He needed a reevaluation. Did they overnerf him? Maybe, but a nerf needed to happen.
And we're not talking about Blendette's clothing. We're talking about cosmetics that were changed for no reason other than "why the hell not?".
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Uhm, thinks they changed them to improve them, like Quentins face and giving more detail, it was more a positive thing then a negative thing, it's just hair they tried to make look better, not like they shaved the hair off and made them all bald.
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Again, "improve" is purely subjective and your argument is irrelevant. They sell cosmetics based ENTIRELY, UNEQUIVOCALLY on what they look like. People buy them cause of how they look; because of that, they should be not changed. Period, end of story.
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Okay no argument it is my opinion, there is no sense in getting your knickers in a twist just because of hair, i hate the claudette clothing changes but i am not here pissing and moaning about about it....sure i am not thrilled but eh it's how it is...try and see it is a POSITIVE thing, that the devs tried to do something NICE. o.O
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The only major changes to Claudette's clothes were to prevent Blendetting, which everyone hates. Those had a reason. The others do not.
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Well i am not everyone and not everyone here agrees, again it is based on opinion, but it's the same thing you are saying is it not? i mean i paid for those clothing and now it's changed etc? like...the hair? they shouldn't be changed right?
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I don't like the hair changes either, Nea's hair looks like fuzz and isn't appealing at all. Kate's hair I don't mind but it has no physics.
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I also really want them to revert these changes. Makes me not want to play Kate in general or use the Red Hair for Meg anymore which used to be one of my favourite cosmetics. Was also about to buy Claudette's "Burgundy Waves" before the update and i'm glad i didn't. It looks awful.. wish we would at least be able to choose by ourselves which hair styles we want by adding an option in the graphics settings or something.
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I know it's pretty weird but the devs by law have every right to change things that you purchase. If they didn't, the game would still have infinites, pallet vacuums and exhaustion recovery while running.
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I'm kind of at a crossroads when it comes to this because I do really like what they did with Min's hair it's a great improvement because before it kind of just looks like a really bad straw wig now it actually looks like that is her hair.
But I can understand people getting upset if they bought a cosmetic because it was cool and now it doesn't look as good as it used to be however I do also see you on the other side I do see people being happy their cosmetics look a lot better.
As for making new ones I would kinda find it very bullshit to have to shell out money for basically the exact same hair but done better but as someone stated it's a very subjective thing so it's a really grey area
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Luckily all the ones that I own that changed were for the better but I can certainly see how it'd be a bother to have something you paid for changed in a negative way. I'm just really happy that the long hair for Jake no longer looks like seaweed because they, for some reason, ######### that up ages ago.
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We just want floppy hair back that's all XD
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So they removed the hair physics only because some people with potato PCs can't handle it instead placing a new graphic setting? Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, again.
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indieeden7, everything you mentioned is gameplay, not cosmetics.
I’m with Mert_MK: there are some characters I don’t want to play anymore. Changing Meg’s long, flowing red hair? That’s a sacrilege. I wonder what a certain streamer thinks of his favorite character getting a garbo hair update...
IamFran, I’m afraid you may have figured it out. Why else would, for another example, Nea’s baseball cap hair go from moving, stylish, realistic hair to static, glued-on, hair extensions? Wait...
With version 3, they added movement to the survivor’s heads to look around at GF. Maybe static hair helped with implementation because style and appeal have taken a big hit.
Developer, community manager response?
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for real i loved the floppy physics
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I actually like the look better for Kate's, but I hate that is has no physics! I'd rather have the old hair back.
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I like almost all the new hairs except Meg's carnie locks.
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Most of the new hairs look better imo (esp Nea's green asym bob), and I love Meg's new carnie hair, I honestly didn't like the old one much at all. I'm sad that Claude's bob hairs look worse to me now, I think the bangs ended up shortened with whatev they did, just shorter all around, not as cute to me. But on the other hand her newest hair looks better (tho the makeup is till too bright and atrocious), as does Nea's side cuts.
So I'm fairly satisfied, tho a bit sad that apparently they took away the physics? Boo. :(
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the only objection i have is with kate's p3 hair
it used to be more subtle but now she's just a redhead
not that there's anything wrong with being a redhead
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You didn't pay for P3 hair...
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they bought kate is their point
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I like it reddish, I can't complain.
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Yes pleaaaaaaaaase bring back the hair physics it high key sucks without it
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I think they explained why they are changing the hair in a recent dev stream. Too lazy to find it.. but it was causing graphics issues.. and some looked incredibly crusty.
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@miaasma Agreed. It looked better before. Hate that it's all red now.
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I never thought of megs pink tennis skirt as an efficient hiding outfit. Since the first engine update it looks like diapers. I dont wear it anymore and it sucks that i paid with real money for it.
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I also hate how some hairs look transparent, it looks so dumb.
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What’s the issue with Meg’s red hair cosmetic? I’ve work that head piece since it was released and I LOVE the change they did to it.
Nea’s head piece looks better as does all of Kates head pieces (except for the P3. The old one looked better)
The only one I dislike is Claudette’s burgundy waves. That one is hideous now.
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I like the looks, hate the stiffness