Is the huntress' lullaby directional? + Good perks to reduce her terror radius
Title. Want to create a huntress build where the lullaby is heard but have a very small actual terror radius.
the humming is always 45 meters and is directional, her base TR is 20 meters, with monitor and abuse it's 12 meters out of a chase and 28 in a chase, and the new furtive chase at 4 stacks makes it a 4 meter TR while in a chase.
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The easiest way to reduce her Terror Radius would be to use Monitor and Abuse to lower it to 12 meters outside chases.
Like how @razaluna said, you could also use Furtive Chase to reduce your in-chase Terror Radius but don't use both perks together since it's counter productive.
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Other than giving a permanent -8 tr...
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I've often found that useing M/A works quite well cause most people only actually run when they hear the TR , and use the humming as a " ok huntress is near time to pay a little more attention" but at 12 meters you're 3 seconds away from being right ontop of them.