Devs just listen

Why ask us if we like ghostface then nerf him even after the community said we don't want these changes you're gonna put them in the game anyway you don't listen!!!
Best Answer
It is kind of confusing to ask for community feedback if it was gonna be ignored anyway. Not sure what the point was then. The community pretty unanimously agree that he doesn't need to be touched.
It's more of a fix than anything else. He's still in a good spot, better than the last 2 atrocious killers.
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They listen, they just didn't think it was something they should do.
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I like using ghost face but changes are needed.
Myers can only expose a certain amount before his power stops working. ghosty can expose people unlimited times plus its a lot faster this needs to change,
The time people stay exposed for needs to be reduced
They need to get rid of that ridiculous noise he makes while moving in stealth also
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Myers also puts everyone in the Exposed state when he’s stalking, GF only puts one person in at a time. You also can’t break Myers out of stalking you, you can only run and hide. They both stalk but they are different and need to be treated differently.
That said, I 100% disagree that the time people are marked needs a nerf. I have been playing him with no add ons/brown add ons and the mark doesn’t last that long. Add ons are what make it last long and if he’s using add ons he deserves the buff, that’s how it works.
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People are marked for 1 minute if I'm not mistaking(there's an add on that increases the time also) and you can get exposed unlimited times, it takes like 5 seconds to expose somebody. It needs changing.
With Myers you gotta go from tier 1 to tier 3 and stalk per person is limited. Myers is balanced nicely, he's not op but he's better than most killers.
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Most logical argument I have seen about Ghostface since PTB