Any Devs mentioning the bugs?!? or we just hiding heads in the sand?
Seriously, a Perk giving permanent 15% speed boost to all actions is absurd and should have been fixed yesterday. Yet not even a peep that it's being looked into.
What is there to look into, disable the perk.
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Please complain more
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Maybe that's not something they can easily do. They'd have to push it in a hotfix so I imagine they'd rather just fix it than take the time to disable it. But I agree with you that they should be addressing these issues more publicly and give us status updates. "We know it exists and are looking into it" really doesn't tell us anything. Will this take days? Weeks? Who knows.
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I mean even if they didn't work on blocking out the perk properly. They could send a hotfix where the code that gives the buff to WU itself is commented out. This would make the perk useless but not the whole add a feature to block it for now. Therefore they really have no reason not to.
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If Spirit had a bug that let her see survivors while phasing and moving faster Survivors would be in uproars and "boycotting," complaining Killers only want "easy mode." But since this is a survivor bug it's all good.
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Killers have broken perks and addons right now too. It's not a survivor vs killer issue.
People are cheating on both sides, and many of those people are coming out of the wood works today.
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Legion players exploiting the notorious add-on combo got the notice of bans quite a bit before the fix dropped. Make it happen; exploiters deserve nothing less. It was good enough for Legions; survivors are no better and deserve no special treatment.
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Please tell me WHAT killer perk/addon is this busted right now, this OP? We are talking about 15% speed boost to all actions.
It is a survivor vs killer issue, like someone said when the Legion addon was broken BHVR put on the log in screen if you used them you risked being banned... where is that now?
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Queue times are terrible for killer they're not going to ban survivors, and drawing attention to it with an announcement would entice exploiters that aren't aware.
When people were exploiting legion it was only one killer that could use the exploit as it was his add-ons.
Banning people for using a survivor perk would make the entire pool of survivors susceptible to being banned and only make queue times worse than what they already are.
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For instance, Legion's addons do the exact opposite of Wake Up.
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Play With Your Food is also not necessarily losing its tokens properly.
If they keep this up I'm going to have to run perkless lol.
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Are we really sitting here trying to give cheaters a pass because we're assuming it may raise queue times? What happened to "oh, not many folks are abusing it?" If many aren't abusing it, banning them won't hurt queue times. Nobody uses that perk in standard play... seriously. Put the warning up on the screen so there can be no confusion for the literally two ppl who may use that perk normally... either disable it (highly unlikely) or start weeding out the rotten apples
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Legion addons make MENDING take longer, they don't slow down every action. And again, last time this happened Legion players got banned for it so try again.
I noticed you said Perks and Addons, plural so give me another one... again anything nearly as OP as the Wake up perk.
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... That's why it's bugged. It doesn't do what it is intended to do. Test it before responding, please.
PWYF and Thanatophobia are both bugged too. Don't be absurd.
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Thanat SOMETIMES makes skill check not appear, again 15% permanent bonus you just need be enjoying the heck out of Wake up right now
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No, they make all actions take longer. Gens, healing, vaulting, everything. On top of infinite mending. It's the exact opposite of Wake Up.
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As someone hit with the thana bug as survivor, it's pretty much ruining the game for me. It also only seems to happen to me among my friends (they even spectated and saw the bars when I couldn't). I literally had to either hide out or get chased (none of us use Wake-up so no experience there). I couldn't do anything since every fail alerted the killer along with losing progression. It was quite miserable.
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Listen, I am ONBOARD with this perk being disabled or bans being given out too if it's ruining survivor games. I play both sides so I just want fair and fun.
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Sorry. You just seem more interested in Wake-up than the other problems that are just as debilitating.
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I should apologize to you and Visionmaker, I'm sorry if this seems one-sided but no I am against any abuse. I won't use Wake up to speed myself up because I don't feel "accomplished," winning if such a thing can happen in a game. Likewise I never used the Legion addons (not even one even though the bug was stacking) while bugged despite the fact that I used them a lot when I did play Legion normally.
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why are you speaking so authoritatively on this topic when you are this misinformed? the current legion bug isn't a mending bug (although it may also do that)
certain addons, when equipped, automatically cause every player in the game to perform actions slower. repairing generators, healing, unhooking, even opening chests. and he doesn't even have to hit anyone for this to be applied
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Apology accepted. It is only natural to be frustrated when people are so flagrantly cheating and getting away with it. We all deserve to play the game fairly.
And it is definitely one-sided on this forum, but it isn't survivor vs killer. It's legitimate vs illegitimate players.
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One possible solution if they can't disable the perks or add-ons is to make it known in game.
The players then receive a simple ban and warning which is lifted once they they have read why they are banned and accept if they keep doing it they will be banned for longer..
Instead of simply banning make it so the players are aware first as not everyone reada the forums and once warned repeat use then starts the ban hammer but not a perma one.
This is something they should implement as it's useful for future use as well.
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I agree, I have no problem losing I lose more than my share of games I am what I would consider average at this game and most games in general. When I lose because the survivors outplayed me or the killer killed me "fairly," then I give them a GG, my blood points and move on to the next game smiling. When someone uses a broken addon, perk, etc or just flat out hacks I get annoyed because I did pay for this game and content. It's fair to expect it to be maintained at a reasonable level.
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The punishment should be long enough to know that BHVR is serious about exploiting offenses. 12-24 hr from login is appropriate, in my opinion.
The fact that there are so many ridiculous bugs emerging should also not be ignored. I think it is fair to reward players who are enduring through this fairly with a small currency gift.
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I can't express enough how frustrated I am at BHVR for this series of bugs, and all of their bugs in general and I think that is a big part of why I was so aggressive at the start of this thread. There was a PTB where at least some of the bugs were reported, but they made it live. I watched OhTofu stream and say repeatedly, "tell me the Wake up bug didnt make live, tell me the Wake up bug didnt make live."
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I also accept, though you didn't have to give me one. I just wanted you to know that it felt one-sided whether you intended to be or not. You were still civil to me, which is all I want in an argument. Sometimes we just need someone to call us out on our BS (whether intended or not), especially when we get heated. 😋