Ghostface`s "fix"

JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

So if mid tier killer who is much easier to beat then billy/rin/nurse is getting nerfed like that, may be he should get some buffs in return?

Like survivors can`t break GF out of night shroud if there a obstacles between them, which hide survivor/GF completely.

This is ridiculous when I get broken out of Night Shroud when I can`t see survivor at all (easy mode survivors)

Nah, better increase his killer instinct duration, which is completely useless for good killers (or at least a bit better than bad).

Stop making this game for noobs and casuals, please. It will ruin DbD

EDIT: It would be awesome if you get rid of Killer Instinct addons and replace them with leaning rate addons/decreased revealing zone (you need to center camera more precisely to succeed revealing)

Post edited by JAWS_BDSM on


  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    They confirmed the changes a while ago, they will never ask anything to the community, they'll just do what they want to do

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    edited June 2019

    They should make him immune to detection perks, make his add-ons more interesting (i honestly dont even know what the perfume one does) and add some kind of map pressure, because he really needs some

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Increases duration they stay exposed. Though it's "moderately" so probably 2 seconds or so.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Devs should hire some expert rank 1 that plays both sides trust me if they do that they wil l make even the game even more balance for both sides and not thinking all the time rank 20s i just gave up for this game i gave many good ideas to make him valiable to red ranks but nah they only care its survivor that are rank 20s thats it

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    The Devs don't want balance at high rank, they honestly seem to be going for variety of good and bad, fun and sweaty gameplay at low/mid ranks.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2019

    Oh come on people are complaining about ghostface being not Op enough like ######### he is way over OP as it is right now and I think it is a good change to ghostface that they did already but saying that they're getting took out of nightshroud to quickly apparently no they're not they changed it I don't know why they're still complaining about it we have to literally get really close to get them out of nightshroud what more do they want maybe get better at using the killer. thats what we did with the legion people complained about how fast and hard he was but look it takes time to get use to the killer and learn to deal with them and win like all killers have the upper hand like what else do you want done have him were he cant get blinded by a flash light or have the pallets not effect him like come on cry me a river why wont you.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    because this totally didnt need fixing.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    he was complaining first gf was in the corn and they already said that survivors cannot reveal him also he cannot but sometimes he can so i dont know why you put that video zubat just make hes wrong move right there

  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    They have it on an uber-accurate sort of thing. If you're running in circles it's going to be harder. I really haven't had that much trouble with GF aside from being tunneled.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    GF totally needed these fixes, cause the reveal doesnt work as intended.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    And then they should make revealing him more realistic and balanced, eh? It is stupid that survivors can reveal GF when they a fully hidden behind something like a rock or a wall. This makes 0 sense and makes this hard and weak killer even more harder and weaker.

    Too bad devs can`t think about anyone but noobs and casuals who do not want to improve and adapt.

    GF revealing is bugged, yet it still needs to remain at least not easy.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Agreed. They need to fully rework "killer instinct" addons and make him immune to detection perks or AT least to OoO. Because being fully countered by a single perk is dumb.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    He'll be another Freddy unfortinetly. the small toxic minority said hes OP so BHVR has too bow down too them too make sure they don't leave the game, instead of litsening too the majority and not touching him till we have seen what he can/can't do at high ranks.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    No, Wraith and Pig have had this issue since they were released, so there shouldn't be an exception for GF. Some perks will counter Killers. Plus if you bring OoO against a Freddy, you're screwed since he can see you but you can't see him until your asleep.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    There`s a little difference between wraith&pig and ghostface. Wraith&Pig still can benefit from their power (faster movement speed/RBTs), while GF becomes extremely weak when revealed by OoO and cannot actually do anything but go M1 mode.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Wraith has too slow down too uncloak, which all survivors with OoO will just run away from and he'll just become an M1 killer as well. And pig can only use the RBT when a survivor is down, so if you can outrun her charge attack, she is also an M1 killer. Ghostface is no different then them. Some perks will counter certain killers, you just gotta prepare for it on both sides.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    He is in no way shape or form OP. I get broken out of Night Shroud easily and often. I wouldn’t care about the add on changes but the 16% increased detection area is insane and way too much. He will be useless.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    Okay then get rid of OoO altogether, EZ. But really GF’s power is 100% countered by this. Pig still has her RBT which, let’s be real, are her actual power because ambush is ######### stupid. And Wraith doesn’t get pulled out of his cloak by being seen. He still gets all the benefits of being cloaked which depending on add ons can be increased speed, increased vaulting speed, increased lunge out of cloak, etc. GF is the only one whose power can be 100% nullified by OoO. It’s not just that they see him, it’s that’s they can pull him out of Night Shroud using it.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    There are a bunch of inconsistencies with Ghostface that I'm not shocked he's getting these changes. The stun dropping night shroud is something I wish would get less attention bc it is gameplay and thematically appropriate for it to exist. Ghostface is a true to form stealth killer, getting stunned by a pallet is counterintuitive to a stealthy game play.

    The nerf that made it so he can't re-apply the exposed affect to a Survivior with it on, I imagine was intended to prevent tunnelling ghosty-goos. If you can't land a single hit in the 45 seconds of exposed you get, it might be more prudent to shift focus rather than continue going after the Survivior, since you'll often just end up getting looped more while the others condense on the generators. It seems like this change was meant to encourage ending the chase quickly rather than banking on getting off a second stalk.

    And the increase in the detection window I've heard is minimal at best. It isn't a massive increase and it's probably to address the issue of Surviviors staring right at Ghostface still getting marked mid chase. I don't have an issue with it, since marking a survivor is supposed to be what you do to initiate the chase, not in the middle of it (not always at least. The mid chase mark is just now being given more counterplay instead of being removed entirely).

    Overall I wish they had waited a bit longer before rolling out these nerfs to see if they really were necessary. But I do wanna say that I'm kinda surprised people who comment on these nerfs with negative opinions choose to shut their ears and not give credence to the other side. You were hard pressed to find Surviviors that didn't think old decisive or old MoM wasn't overpowered for example, yet any potential talk about GF being too good or even a smidge too strong is met with anger and not open mindedness or respectful disagreement. What GF got on the PTB were hotfix buffs. Hotfix buffs are more often than not designed to make a character/ability/item too strong even if just a little bit. It's called "hotfix" bc there isn't supposed to be much thought behind the reverberating affects of the changes. I wish they had waited to see if GF was too strong, but to declare him mid tier, day he needs no nerfs and then call it a day and get mad at nerfs is just ignorant.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    @scorpio except the biggest boon of Wraiths power is that he can go about unseen. OoO makes it impossible for him to do that. And the boon of Pigs crouch is the same thing.

    Yes OoO counters GF. Just like spine chill counters Spirit and Pig or how Urban counters Hag. Sometimes you just get shafted like that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    If you think he's OP, then I have some bad news, you aren't very good at the game.

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    Yeah... As long as Billy/nurse/spirit are in the game like this, they shouldn't nerf killers who are weaker than them...

    If you lose to killers who are not as good as the mentioned above its more git gud issue..

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    buddy if you cant see who revealed you youre blind, also theyre extending the duration of the killer instinct with the changes so idk whats the problem , if they dont see you you intadown them and if they do you get wallhacks (kinda)

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I haven't had any issues detecting gf and most videos I've seen of people complaining don't fully center on him. They assume because he is in view it should be a quick pop even without keeping it steady during chase.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    I guess it's back to Hillbilly.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    You don`t get it. I do not need to see them AFTER they broke me out. I want to be able to spot them when I am not broken out.

    I don`t need anything to highlight survivor for me. I just want to have more accurate information about survivors spotting me and removing my power. And when they are completely hidden behind a wall or a gen and I CANNOT stalk them, but they CAN break me out of shroud, it makes me sad. There is nothing about skill in this situation. If I get lucky to guess where exactly they are and break line of sight I still get broken out, even though I am already covered by a huge obstacle.

  • Grandkurama
    Grandkurama Member Posts: 315

    In my opinion, his power have to be disabled only when he is stalking.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    "We know you all thought Ghostface is in a good place, but now we will change his exposed status effect into Deep Wounds, why? We wanted to. Beginners were having a tough time."

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    I tried it on PC with a controller and it wasn't that hard. While standing still I even revealed him on accident a few times. I think people didn't take the time to read how it works and went strait to complaining.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    Devs wanted to make theyre own way cuz its theyre own game but as we the community they should listen more to expert ppl i gave some good fix on gf and this will fix gf and make him viable

    1-remove hes noise when hes in NS

    2-survivor that are behing rock and walls and they reveal at you but you cant stalk to them that needs to change

    3-reduce hes power cooldown now its 30s its too long make it so 20-15s

    4-the ultra rare addon the camera 1 its just useless only reveals the survivor that are marked ultra rare addons suppose to be more powerful i think this change will be better tremendously increased speed while you crouched and tremendously increase the detection aura (will be longer to knock out hes power)

    5- theres a issue that when you crouches and theres grass you cannot see the survivor since the FOV its bad change it that you can see the survivor and makes this more stealthy for him

    6-i dont know if ppl happend this but theres like a a wierd thing when you hear the noise that youre getting detected and you hide you just get revealed maybe its a delay or something or its just a bug i dont know

    7- buff thrilling tremors the cooldown should be at least 25s and gurtive chase youre stack should stay and make that at 3 stacks you dont have any red stain