I'm just not understanding how this is even legal. Like, I understand developers patching the game, adding new mechanics, etc... but for heavens sake please stop changing items that I purchased with real money (i.e MoM) You sold the item to be one thing, then you changed it afterwards. There really should be a policy or limit on how long items for sell can go before initial changes can be made on them. How about 90 days???
Now you're changing cosmetics, really BHVR???!!! This isn't a good strategy to get a trusted player base, especially those who support the game. I purchased some brown Claudette pant, and now they're practically white. WHY?!!!
Did you read the the user agreement before clicking "I accept"? I take it you didn't.
63 -
Oh did they finally kill Blendette?
Also like any company, BHVR has a disclaimer when you buy this stuff warning you that they can change it
22 -
It's legal because it's in the terms you accepted.
I'm not a big fan of it either when it comes to some of the retouched cosmetics but look at it like this. Did you purchase the game with real money? Okay. How many things have changed since then?
Their game, their decision.
17 -
So you're saying you only bought Ash for MOM, ugh.
If you got a problem with cosmetic changes, don't buy them or wait a while after their release.
9 -
The things they’ve touched have been for balance changes or due to engine updates. I see no problem with it.
6 -
@MegaWaffle no one reads the term of service.
this is my time to shine. this is my time to vouch for this guy.
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Why are you vouching for someone who signs contracts without reading them and then expects the other party to follow the imaginary contract they had in their own mind?
17 -
Ignorance does nothing, you sign a contract and you are bound by it. Unless you have a magical way to void said contract you have nothing.
6 -
It makes me so happy when I see another survivor who bought Ash just because of MoM and now they complain because it got changed. I bought Ash but because he is groovy ;-) I haven't even read his perks before purchasing him
10 -
That's their problem, though.
4 -
Honestly, after they removed a gameplay feature from Legion, I feel this.
5 -
Enforceability of EULA aside - you always risk the game you bought changing after you bought it - it's no different with DLC or cosmetics.
That's just a fact of this hobby.
3 -
Terms of Service/User Agreements are usually ignored in video games because it's to protect the company, and not the players. Although I understand the legalities behind BHVR TOS; your sarcasm is still unwarranted.
0 -
I didn't buy him only for MoM, I was only using that as an example. But as someone who did buy him, I wasn't happy with the changes when it wasn't even a month after he was released that they decided to change a feature they were marketing.
1 -
If you bought the entire Ash chapter just for the perk then that's kind of on you.
Granted I've bought things just for one specific item before hell I'm one of the people who bought the previous blizzcon ticket to get the get the Demon Hunter sombra skin.
However it would be completely foolish of me to kick up a massive fit if anything were to happen with that skin for example it being given away in a different method or the colours been changed slightly.
Hell the same thing could be said for the people who brought Michael especially considered what happened with Save The Best For Last and I'm talking original Save The Best For Last.
Any game where perks powers and addons get rebalanced so they aren't as overpowered, abusable, weak or useless you should always expect something to change.
if you're going to a purchase a DLC for one specific perk with the full knowledge of how unbalanced it was, then you act all
When it gets a justifiable change I can't really take you seriously.
However I will admit that they hit a Legion issue where they kind of went a little too overboard with the nerf/rebalancing of MoM.
Well I don't think safe hook rescues should count for it because then I can see you lot of borrowed time farming happening however I do think grasp rescues should count.
Post edited by Volfawott on2 -
You should have read it. They can change anything they want. You agreed to it before playing.
4 -
Why they have to change Legions black mask to light grey? That's not what I bought.
0 -
You bought the Ash DLC only for MoM?
And you played Blendette ?
Im sorry,but its time to Git Gud.
8 -
This thread is funny. Imagine a world where people read stuff before they agree to it lol
2 -
I actually agree with most of what you said here. Only difference is Blizzard aren't selling us a product and changing them. As for the Blizzcon Sombra skin (Sombra main btw) Blizzard hasn't brighten it, or changed it from the original product that you purchased. You can't tell me that if you purchased the Demon Hunter skin, and Blizzard turned it into a butterfly skin; something completely opposite of what you purchased you wouldn't be upset. Cosmetics shouldn't have an affect on gameplay. So the changes to them aren't justified. As for perks, add-ons, etc... those should have some time restriction on when changes can be made. Especially since they go to the PTB first and BHVR is marketing certain features only to sell it you, and take it back.
Just saying...🤷
1 -
Learn to read. GitGud
2 -
Afaik you actually didn't buy "the stuff", you only paid the license to use it. The product is still owned by the company and they can do whatever they want with it, and you accepted this condition.
4 -
If the pieces of cosmetic change “tremendously” they should offer the option for a refund. Say, you buy clothes because they look pink but then they change it and it’s red. That is not what I paid for. I agreed to buy pink and whatever change is done shouldn’t affect the essence of the item that was bought.
Now, if something is changed because it was creating a programming conflict/bug, I wouldn’t complain unless that changed impacted on the final product. For example, Kate p3 went from blonde to reddish. Had I paid for it I would ask for my money back. Whatever change they made to hair didn’t need to affect the hair color.
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Everything in an Onlinegame can change over time. This is just normal, it is way more unusual that things do NOT change.
2 -
Funny , said by someone who doesn't read the contracts they agree on.
8 -
Devs can change whatever they want...
They could make doc shoot flowers at survivors instead of shocking if they wished.
Replace madness with rainbows and happiness
2 -
Legion and Freddy would like to know your location.
4 -
I honestly thought it was common knowledge that just because you paid for something it can be changed if needed when it's a balance issue in a multiplayer game.
Just imagine if for some obscure reason it wasn't allowed, guess we'd still have DS 1.0 with everyone getting insta-DS obsession or not 😄
6 -
The game was better some odd patches ago and you don't see me complaining, and I paid $20 for the game!
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This content has been removed.
I agree, when it comes to dlc you should get what u purchase. I hope the lesson i learned now never to purchase dlc again as you cant trust it not to be something totally different later on then what you bought.
3 -
Legal, yes. Sketchy business practice, most definitely. That's why I'll never buy anything from BHVR again.
Edit: I say sketchy because there is no way they don't understand the impact something like MoM will have on the game. They knew it would sell, and they could change it afterwards. That is either extreme incompetence or sketchy business practice.
5 -
Did we forget that other companies change DLCs or something? It's an online multiplayer game, if you believed changes wouldn't happen then idk what you were thinking.
This isn't a single player game with DLC, which vastly differs. They don't need to balance anything with mid game patches.
What you should do is the smart thing and wait for the patch that changes it.
3 -
DS almost killed the game entirely. That’s how that ended up getting nerfed.
6 -
So developers shouldn't balance their games?
Also if you bought the Ash dlc and thought that MoM wouldn't be nerfed after many people complained about it even before the PTB then it's your own fault for buying the dlc :P
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God forbid they make sure you don't have a natural advantage because you spend money on specific cosmetics and play a specific survivor or killer that benefits from it.
2 -
This is nowhere near what you're saying and you know it. Multiplayer games get regular updates to balance them out and introduce new content. Show me how that's illegal in any country on Earth.
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I didn’t read it either but regardless we agreed to it.
2 -
Generally, in any court the intent is what is looked into. Before your purchase you acknowledge the TOS/EULA if they stated in the TOS/EULA that they reserve the right to make changes to content as they deem fit. You acknowledged these changes could be made before purchasing the item. Almost every game has it. BHVR is using these changes to better balance the game. They didn't change it for their own fun and games.
3 -
They changed something for balance reasons and fixed hair bugs. How is that illegal?
2 -
So I see you want an unbalanced game you bought the rights to play the game you didn't buy the game.
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This is hilarious coming from someone who didn't bother to read the EULA
3 -
No its not ?
If it was THAT obvious the devs wouldnt have released it to begin with.
The fact is the ash dlc have proven how much bad faith BHVR practice business. And you should be aware of that in the future cos its not the last dlc.
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I do partially blame BHVR for letting the things hit release in the first place. However, look at ghost face which is already being over-nerfed like freddy.
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I agree they can and should change perks if they need rebalancing. The cosmetics thing is more bothersome since people buy them for the look.
1 -
Nope. Still some cosmetics aren't touched... Not going to say which... But... just know... I have my Blendette still..
1 -
10/10 would neon wash base blendette
0 -
Buddy, sit down because we have too talk. First off, it's their game. They can do what they want too and you have too deal with it. Secondly, Perks and killers change all the time too try and achieve balanace. Old MoM was broken beyond reality and realistically should never of made it past concept in that form. Thirdly, the Cosmetics were lighting from blacks too dark grey's and don't change too much. Stop being entitled about the 20 dollars you "lost" in skins when they still look great. There are much more important things too be talking about then this.