Gateu Offering Bugged ?

I've went from level 20 something to level 50 and have only 8 gateu event this a joke or is it purposely made like this ? Why even bother to use them ,it seems like you encounter 1 person using it every 1 in 15 games. Either people are saving them for another double bloodpoints event or people just aren't getting them ?


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Why bother to use them? They still give you 103% BP!!

    Just because no one else brought one, that’s double BP you wouldn’t have received without it. Sure it’s nice to stack them, but 103% is more than 0%.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Are you leveling up survivor?

    Because they also have the party starters that can be in the spot where a Gateu could be. If the party starters didn't exist, survivors would also be swimming in Gateus.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Event items also seem to be rare till you get to like 35-40

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Killers get loads of them. I spent 10 on legion, and it didn't matter if I won or lost because with that 10 and some coming from survivors I gained 1 mil BP, then pumped those points back into legion and received 22 Gateau's. That's a net gain of 12 for what I spent! In contrast I did the same thing again with legion, but instead of putting the points back into the killer I spent the points on my favorite survivor and ended up with 11 Gateau's, and 13 Part starters. If there were no Party starters that would have been 24 Gateau's. My suggestion is to Play killer to get the gateau's as they always seem to get a decent net gain of them, and either keep using them with killer to build the BP and Restock on the killers supply, or pump the BP into your survivor until you get a decent amount. Sure it'll take longer pumping the BP into the survivor, but by doing this you'll ensure that you have a good stock of them for the next 2x BP event, and all you have to do is play killer for a few hours a day.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    If you were survivor, the devs know about this and are working on it. I have noticed the same thing as survivor and it sucks. Killers though get 800 and keep getting more. They hogging all the finger candles >:(

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    Hmm. I have leveled Ghost face to about 120 (70 levels past 50) and have 65 Gateus with probably 20 or so skipped.

    Seems like RNG just was unlucky.

  • ThatOneFreddyMain
    ThatOneFreddyMain Member Posts: 2

    I play survivor and seem to get one every 2 or 3 levels, using them as soon as i get them usually keeps them in stock for me constantly.. Although i have noticed that higher levels have them become more common.

  • DenimChicken
    DenimChicken Member Posts: 114

    I don't play much survivor but when I do I almost never get them. It's obviously bugged even including the firecrackers I get substantially less event offerings on survivor than I do killer.

    That's probably another reason besides the new killer that everyone is playing killer more and lobby times for killer are so long.