Defending Hooks VS Camping Hooks

Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums but have been playing DBD for about a year and started streaming it on twitch the past month or so now. I play almost always survivors but did a killer stream for the first time and first game had a SWF team I could tell were gonna try to make my inexperienced life hell with flashlights etc (Lightborn was a good choice)
Several times in the game below, I'd hook someone and most (if not all) or the survivors would swarm the hook to rescue, try bait me away, flashlight my grabs but when I didn't fall for any of it and dared them to try unhook, I was berated in the end game chat for camping the hooks. There's division on my channel about this all so I wanted to ask here, is it really camping if all the survivors are trying to rescue and is it bad of the killer? If I was them, I would have changed strategy but they never did so who's making the mistake here?
Many thanks all!
Of course it’s not camping. Camping is when you patrol the hook in close proximity/“facecamping, even if the other survivors aren’t near the hook. But, if the others are already near, should you just leave and let them unhook?
It’s like defending a gen. While it’s stupid to just stand next to a gen and protect it without actually playing the game(who does it anyway), if you chase a survivor near a gen, and you see another survivor starting to work on it, it would be smart to break the chase and defend the gen. I think this logic applies here too.
And finally, the penalty of being close to an hooked survivor does not apply if another survivor is within 16 meters of a hooked survivor (I refer to the penalty to the chaser emblem points). That means the devs acknowledge the difference between defending and camping the hook.
To conclude, you did fine, just ignore toxic people.
I apologize for any grammar mistakes, not a native and also very tired.
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I think I talked about it during the game that if you just sit there at the hook when no-one's around, that's not good. It's like what else am I meant to do? I happily admit I ain't the best but I figured I have an insta-downing attack and the team pour way too much effort into rescues which was proven throughout the game. Feels like I choose not to get bullied and they didn't like it. Thanks.
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You're fine. You'll learn pretty quickly that the survivors who berate you in postgame chat have wild expectations about "fair play" that will mysteriously never be met when they are on the losing end. You had visual confirmation on the other 3 survivors near the hook. Absolutely no reason to leave it. It would have actually been a bad play to leave it. If they want to send 2 survivors in your face as an instadown killer and only have 1 person working on gens, you take that trade off and bet on yourself to defend the hook. What you saw is the classic bully mentality at its finest. All bark, no bite, and a puddle of tears when someone barks back.
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The survivors are using so many resources for the rescue, there's no gens being done so it all works for the killer right? I do want to ask though what is the best thing to do if I was not a killer with instadowns in that sort of situation? It's hard to stop unhooks so do you just keep chasing the survivors who was hooked?
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Just keep hitting people and anticipate Borrowed Time. You can count to 15 and then hit the person who was just unhooked to avoid Borrowed Time. Even if one gets away, making them trade hooks for hooks is inefficient for them.
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If I were you, I would try to hit the rescuer, and then chase them ( and not the unhooked one). It puts pressure on the survivors, as only two of them can work on a gen safely( the injured one might resort to healing himself, and the one you currently chasing can’t repair of course). If the whole squad is near the hook, just try to hit as many survivors as you can, you gain considerable momentum out of It.
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And on top of it if borrowed time is running, it basically negates that perk? Just not losing focus of defending the hook as long as possible. And if they keep dogpiling hooks, it's making the game go longer and longer which is usually good for the killer...
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Good shout, grabbing off hook rescues is something I forget about a bit, even as a survivor lol. Like the idea, will try to implement that.
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I'd just like to add that survivor's post-game bleatings are not to be taken any notice of, play in a way that's effective for you, not them.
GG BTW, there's no way I could chat and play at the same time.
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Honestly never used STBFL before but with all the hits going off, sounds a good idea too.
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Depends on your killer. Was the unhooking inside your terror radius? If not, then down the guy just hooked and chase the rescuer.
Slig the guy from the hook for 1 min, so you don't have problems with DS. Best case is you get both...
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Why i some times run STBFL
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Camping is not bad, it is only bad for you when the survivors are not brain dead and actually do generators and escape leaving their friend to die alone (that's their best course of action). Camp without remorse, leave the empathy to the survivors
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Best course of action is to let the camped survivor stay on the hook for as long as possible but rescue them before they die then have another survivor who hasn't been hooked bait the killer into attacking and hooking them. That way the timer starts over and you still have three survivors working on gens.
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@Steve0333 If I get outplayed like that, I just chase and hook the one that just got rescued.
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Camping is given a bad name only by Survivors who want easy unhooks.
Camping is completely "legal" and is at times the best strategy to take.
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Not to be insulting, but this is top notch terrible gameplay.. Ofcourse you dont leave the hook if they are swarming it, but you didnt even try to chase another guy?? You dont need to defend hooks as a killer, you need to defend your gens.
And I dont see how they tried to make your life hell.. They had some flashlights and tried to safe their teammates with it, obviously? There is nothing toxic about that.
You got the last down because of noed and snowballed some kills off the survivors stupidity..
This game could have easily been a 0 kill game, if the survivors were more competent.
Again as a tip, you want to defend your gens, not the hooks.
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Gens don't need to be defended if there is no chance for them to activate. Its literally impossible whem getting hook swarmed so saying the Killer should leave in that scenario is just like saying you should sabotage your goal by stop working on a gen and running away when you know that the Killer is busy across the map, it does not make any sense. But feel free to do it, people like you give out easy BP by being easy targets. Everyone likes free BP.
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To most survivors, any thing less then going into the furthest corner of the map so they get a free unhook is camping. Ignore dis and you do you ^.^ Play how you want, your not the dungion master and its not a table top game, its a pvp game. Use what tactics are fun for you and ignore the salt.. which will come no matter what.