First Person Mode

I’d become a survivor main and wouldn’t even care if I died 90% of the time. The balance would be off big time but I want to play for the fear factor more so please make this happen lol
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Could be called hardcore mode for survivors and grants more bps
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Super fear, even would be cool to first person vault and drop pallets.
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I've always wanted a first person mode of this game. It would bring a whole new ounce of fear to the game especially against Myers.
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As a new mode no; but I would support a new setting in the options menu.
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I really don't want the game to add new mods... but options.
The reason I don't like new modes is: Killer Lobbies are already not the best, splitting this player base into modes is just going to make it worst.
However I do like the idea of a survivor choosing to go into First Person mode, it would make the game way harder for that survivor so they should be rewarded with extra BP for choosing ([BAD WORD] they should auto get 100% plus). Because one it would be terrifying to play in first person, especially if they locked you into your characters viewing range... working on a gen means you can't see directly behind you.
I think some killer mains would get mad at the bonus, but as a killer main myself, I really don't care how much BP a survivor gets. It doesn't effect my game at all.
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I propose that survivors who play in first person get a 50% BPs bonus on all actions & events. What do you guys think?
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I'd be down for it!
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I would love this as a timed event or just as an option
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Oh yes, i'd definitely love to ######### my pants on such a mode! :)
I'm a sucker for horror games so this would give a completely different view on the game. It would require a completely different balance tho', if they want to keep it balanced of course. 😁
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on12 -
Imagine Billy after you non stop or spirit? Man that'd be crazy
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Make it a toggle option, I would play this every match if I could.
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Sometimes I use a screen size that kind of zooms in and cuts off the edges. It makes it so the survivor's head is half an inch from the top of the screen so it's a super close 3rd person experience for fun sometimes ^_^
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As a killer main I would at least appreciate the option for 3rd person view as killer like survivors get but I guess that wouldn't be fair though right? I'm tired of just looking at hands or a butcher knife... Lmao
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First off: I'm not saying no, I'm just reflecting on this.
Large portions of the game design depend on Survivors being able to look somewhere they're not moving (or not at what they're working on).
Imagine repairing a generator against Pig in first-person camera.
Perks such as Object of Obsession (ones that depend on the direction you're looking) are much less useful during actions.
I think playing Survivor from first-person would make you immediately appreciate how much of an advantage it is to have third-person camera.
This difference in camera is one of the most fundamental asymmetries in DbD; shifting that would make seismic changes in the gameplay all over the place! :D
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Not a fan of first person, so it's a no from me.
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Unless you hear his breathing which I use to tell if it's a Myers, Pig, or Ghostface/Wraith
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I don't think anyone is saying 3rd person is not a massive advantage. 1st person would just be an interesting option to have. It would greatly increase the scare factor of this game. Imagine hearing breathing, turning around, and seeing Myer's right behind you. Talk about a jump scare. Survs who use 1st person could get increased BPs as a bonus.
Honestly, this game is not very scary as a survivor, other than surprise gen pulls. I get way more anxious playing as killer because of how easy it is for the game to fall apart and before you know it there are survs tbagging at the exit gate.
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Indeed we understand it is a HUGE assimetry, we still demand it
the development would be tremendously simple, like changing a couple of vars, in fact even the killer was in 3rd person with a bug lately
The question is how??? perk? offering? mode? settings? event?
I bet for optional "terror event", x4 times a day, during 1 hour, gaining double BPs
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Like a rotating mode of a week or something. One week is first person survivor. The next week is vanilla. For those who get bored of the standard game mode.
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Killers should get 25% bloodpoints and survivors should get 400% bloodpoints in that game mode. It would be absurdly easy as a killer and almost impossible as a survivor. Survivors working on gens would just be a free hook for any stealth killer. No skill required. Surveillance = free win. Chases would be a joke. Survivors couldn't loop since it would be super easy to outplay. That really only leaves trying to run straight and as far as you can make it before the killer catches up which wouldn't be long. 3rd person camera is pretty much the one advantage survivors actually have.
With all that said, I have been advocating for alternate game modes for a very long time. There is huge potential for the game. I strongly believe that they should do a rotation of alternate game modes on weekends. Here is a link to a thread tossing around different ideas. I'd be good with something like this going in the rotation, but I don't think it should be a permanent option except maybe KYF.
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It worked well for GTA 5. Modders made it possible in GTA 4 and the actual devs decided to include it for GTA 5. It's a very welcome change. I hope devs make this a game mode or something. I'm still hoping for the 2v8 killer session also.
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They could incorporate a look behind mechanic. Outlast does this mechanic pretty well, as well as chases in general.
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Stealth killers can still be heard. Michaels breathing for example. If you are aware of pallet locations, you can still run the killer. Obviously looping will be difficult. The whole point of having a first person mode is for the fear factor. I personally wouldn’t care if I died most of the time. If my blood is pumping each game, id love that. Survivor now is so ez and boring
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I really love the idea of somehow being able to play in first person as a survivor. Firstly it's much more scary and immersive. Second is that I personally hate third person modes in games because I think it's always unfair in some way.
It's not rly hard to look behind you while running. Exactly same controls as in current third person. You just won't see over obstacles or behind corners. As for generators, it wouldn't be that hard to code it so that you can turn your head enough to see just what's behind you. The head doesn't have to twist that far for other players, perhaps head can rotate certain amount until they have to visually move eyes to see further. Seeing what's behind the generator would be the only issue unless there's some peeking mechanism while working on them.
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I love the idea of a first person mode option.
Perhaps to make it slightly easier, make it so that you have the sort of "insidious" shade, when a killers looking at you out of your corner of view (from maybe 8-12 metres?) only to allow the survivor a sort of sense of where the killer is behind them in a chase other then just audio
it doesn't even have to be balanced, i just want to be able to use it
a blood point bonus would be neat alongside,
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Don't care if its more challenging, it would also be more fun ( for me at least)
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Better yet, lets also give survivors tank controlls like in Silent Hill 😝
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Love the idea, but give the survivors an option to lean around corners like GF, just to ease it a bit.
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No perks, items, or addons for killers and survivors
Both locked to first person
Would be fun as an alternative choice experience I think, might actually be scary, especially against some of the more jump scary killers
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Perhaps let the survivor look to their left and right while on an objective, but not ba
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The devs have yet to comment
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I like the idea but that won't be a thing... How to sell cosmetics if its a first person view ?
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Personally I think a first person mode would be possible by shifting heavily the focus on sounds. Maybe it could be a perkless mode to make balance easier, but it would indeed be a very welcome change to all horror fans.
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OoO useless in first person mode would be fine, we already have plenty of nothing perks like dejavu, left behind and vigil.
I would rather have more variety in game mode than every perk working to it's capacity.
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Pls become I survivor main so I can farm you and message you "ez" for everytime you were a toxic ######### as killer
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Even if it was optional the novelty would wear off pretty quick after you keep getting owned by the killer match after match. They still move faster than you, you still leave scratch marks/blood, and now you just crippled your ability to mind game. While the killer gets a nice view of you and where they are going, you have to watch where you are going all the time or get stuck on the numerous items that clutter the map.
I feel they would get tired of it pretty quick after being easy hooks.
But on the plus side it would be much easier to moonwalk...
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Would be cool as a new mode with a different atmosphere; I feel third person is best for the main mode of the game though, personally. Honestly, I find first person gives me more information in games- third person feels awkward and limits what I notice.
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I'd love this as an option.
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I'd like to point out that pig being able to sneak up to a survivor fixing a gen is a problem but Ghostface while is supposed to be a stealth killer makes as much noise as a traffic jam in a middle of a large city while trying to do so.
I'm all for it. Perks and such can be redesigned and why even remove ability to look around while fixing the gen. It can still be done from FPP.
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Fine by me.
Anything would be good.
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I think there is "physical in a game" I mean that if there is a first person in this game, the survivors can tilt their heads to the sides until a limit that would be for the stealthy killers, to look back they will have to stop repairing and review the environment that includes a factor of terror in the game.
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Imagine that, and you could rotate just like normal fps games.
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Sounds good, but would be an absolute bloodbath. I fear most of the crappy killers that rely on tunneling and camping would flood to it and be really sweaty. Would have to change the name to griefer mode.
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It would make the horror tag of the game deserved
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I'd love this, it would be a good reason to play survivor if it gave extra BP
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Sounds cool and all. But its impossible. You'll go down every 10 seconds, they should make it more about hiding instead of looping.
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why u even answer then , it would be addition to game , you dont want it then you dont play it , simple as that
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I would totally be down for that as an alternative game mode. Yeah it would probably ruin the balance of the game, but it could be fun as a challenge for more seasoned players that want to try something else out once in a blue.