Justice for the Perk Dark Devotion

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


This post doesn't need 50 paragraphs explaining this, so i'll make it short and sweet so people don't need a TL;DR for it.

Currently, Dark Devotion is a very unique perk out of the array of Killer perks. And as such... could potentially be very deadly on several stealth Killers and even non-stealth Killers. However, as we all know... the time where you can give the Obsession your TR is WAY TOO SHORT, to ever be useful in certain scenarios.

Increasing the time for this perk would not at all make it OP, it would just benefit a very situational perk combo, that's all... But here is what Dark Devotion currently is now.

  • Dark Devotion (You become obsessed with one Survivor. Hitting the Obsession with your basic attack causes the obsession to emit a 32 meter Terror Radius for 20 seconds. during that time, your Terror Radius is reduced to 0. The obsession hears the Terror Radius they emit for the Duration.)

A very "out there" perk indeed... Only practical in very situation builds. Now lets get into some possible changes below.

some changes to Dark devotion

Lets make this very simple, Dark Devotion desperately needs a time increase for the Terror Radius the obsession emits. 20 seconds is WAY TOO SHORT for it to be any use to anyone, and it only has a very rare situation where it could be useful. This being, where you hit the obsession in a chase, than double back on someone doing a generator. This isn't worth a perk slot at all, and would benefit Killers more if the time was increased to be useful in other areas, combo'ed with other perks.

Below is literally just a time increase to Dark Devotion, making it infinitely more useful than its current state. If the time should be even more from level l ll or lll that can be debated down below in the comments.

  • Dark Devotion (You become obsessed with one Survivor. Hitting the Obsession with your basic attack causes the obsession to emit a 32 meter Terror Radius for 20/30/40 seconds. during that time, your Terror Radius is reduced to 0. The obsession hears the Terror Radius they emit for the Duration.)

Lets also discuss the last bit below "The obsession hears the Terror Radius they emit for the Duration." why is this a thing? So SWFs can ruin the point of this perk? Can this be removed please, it serves no purpose other than to let SWFs ruin the entire "stealth capability's" this perk has...


Why did I make a post talking about one small perk barely anyone uses? Well, I already made a giant list overhauling the most useless perks for both sides so, this is just a splinter cell from that. But its also because of the new addition "Ghost Face" leaving me to think of multiple builds he could use to great success. Sadly, Dark Devotion would be amazing on him, and Killers like Pig or Myers. But the perk needs some work to actually be worth a perk slot.

As do many other perks as well of course.


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Sweet, perfect.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Now if only this got pushed through, imagine the Builds on Ghost Face...

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    One thing I disagree with is that you think the Obsession hearing the TR can be countered by SWF squads.

    Can you explain your reasoning? You don't really go into detail about that.

    I figured the Obsession hearing his own TR is supposed to actually COUNTER SWF by confusing the person into believing they are still being pursued even after breaking the chase.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I like the buff, but honestly it still probably isn't enough. I still don't think anyone would use it, that's how bad the perk is.

    Maybe also remove its cooldown? It's already super situational as is.

    I still gave you an upvote though as I'll take anything the perk can get at this point. It needs help.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Glad to hear it!

    I look forward to any possible changes to the perk in the future, and if not. At least it was nice to be considered!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2019

    I like the idea of the Obsession hearing the TR because they don't know how close the killer is when the TR isn't working properly in their favor. It should stay to confuse the Obsession, but more ultimately, to trick the Obsession into thinking you doubled back when they figure it out.

  • Purple_Orc
    Purple_Orc Member Posts: 225

    What if the killer see the survivor's auras then we could keep the time the way it is?

    This way there's no wasted time looking for someone. When you get close enough the TR would kick back in surprising the survivor but still giving them a chance to run.

    Or would this be too much?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Still, in its current state its highly situational.

    Now with a time increase, combine it with Furtive Chase and give it to Ghost Face who can turn his Terror Radius from 32 to 0 at the drop of a hat... Scary stuff man.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    i mean yes it's a great change but 90% of perks needs change/buff/rework. There is one perk i really like it's tinkerer way too much situational perk too.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    I already made an entire list on this stuff in my discussions man.

    This like I said is just a splinter cell of that list, and you're probably wondering "Why this specific perk than?" Because I was thinking of builds for Ghost Face, and if this perks time was increased... It'd be some SCARY STUFF MAN! I'm talkin like, Heart Attack Myers, Or Heart Attack Ghost Face.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's what I want for DD:

    • Gives the Obsession your TR while making your TR 0 meters for 30 seconds.

    This means if you have a different TR, it can be beneficial. Imagine having a 48 meter TR as the Doctor with the help of Distressing + M&A. Then you pass it on to the Obsession causing a huge panic on the survivor team. The only killers who have a low TR will only suffer from this, but it can also be helpful since it could make the TR believable.

    • You also lose your Red Stain for 30 seconds.

    Just more power to the killer, so they can double back easier.

    • Add a secondary effect to the perk: Survivors within the Obsession's TR will have a Killer Instinct effect.

    Why not? It makes sense with the perk name because the Obsession is working for the Killer (Hince: Dark Devotion).

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    With all these additions, imagine all the possibility's for combos with every Killer.

    It could be in a sense, one of the best stealth perks for all M1 Killers, it could even be good for stealth Chain saws with Billy with Tinkerer, or even Nurse!

  • Fng36
    Fng36 Member Posts: 26

    Yes I agree tinkerer is fun but yet another example of a perk that needs an increase in durations. Unless ur Billy nurse someone who can quickly cross map travel . It is over before u arrive at gen not to mention generator same thing complete before u arrive making it pointless . Need to have it activate earlier in gen progression

  • Fng36
    Fng36 Member Posts: 26

    Yes it would be fun and make killers scary again . Might give a point to addons making chain saw quite too I'd u have no terror radius

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Plague kinda got done dirty with 2 of her perks and usually because of minor things that could use a little change/buff here and there to be useful.

    The only changes I believe this Dark Devotion needs is a raise in the time its active for as you've suggested, removal of the Basic attack requirement, and to have the perk icon show how long its active for and how long its cooldown is by Lighting up and slowly filling to red, then darkening and have the red tick back down. Currently it just lights up with no indication of how long its been active for, and then darkens and fills to red for the cooldown, which overall is a bit confusing for the player using it.

    If it could activate for any attack that does damage to the obsession, It would become strategically much more useful. Imagine Huntress Hitting the obsession with a hatchet from 20+ meters away causing it to activate? Nurse activating it on a survivor right after a blink, Or even better, EW3 Shape downing the obsession and then going after the rest of the team with no TR? It could be a huge advantage for them for a limited time! Would also be really funny if it activated when the obsession was damaged by trappers traps, but that might be pushing it. Currently you not only have to locate and hit the obsession, but also hit them with a basic attack, and lets face it, if you have the advantage to 1 shot the obsession, or use of ranged damage, you're gonna do it.

    The fact that doing so renders this perk practically useless is sad, but even sadder is the time you waste after downing the obsession to hook them when this perk was activated by the hit that downed them. This leaves little to no time to capitalize on its effect, and pursue other Survivors with 0 TR. The low timer may have been intended so that you would abandon the obsession after hitting them, whether they were downed or just injured, but if you are in a good chase or have just downed a survivor, choosing to leave them slugged, or to purposely drop a good chase just so you can try and surprise their teammates is asking bit much. Especially when you only have 20 seconds of use. Raising the active time to 35-40 seconds would do much for this perks viability and usefulness overall.

    The basic attack requirement should also be removed from Infectious Fright because there are a number of killers who use damaging powers to down survivors, and currently this perk is wasted on them because of this hindrance of a requirement. Who else here would love to down a survivor with a chainsaw and immediately see the location of all nearby survivors waiting to pounce with flashlights/party starters?

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    You're not the only one to point out this perk's flaws. SpaceCoconut did a video, but I think everyone agrees that for Dark Devotion perk, yes, the time limit needs to be increased, much like the buff Pop Goes the Weasel had in the previous patch.

    Right now, the perk is only good in VERY specific meme builds:

    1) Low-Terror Radius T3 Myers - Run Monitor and Abuse perk. Down Obsession, get out of the terror radius on the dying survivor, and hope that you can make it over to another survivor and down them as well

    2) Hag - Combine this perk with Surveillance/Discordance perk and Mint Rag addon + Rusty Shackle addon. Find and hit your obsession. Manually teleport over to generator that has survivors on it. Get a free generator grab.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    I suppose if one wanted to make a 1,000 IQ big brain play, you could combine Tinkerer with Discordance and Pop Goes the Weasel. Keep in mind, this build is pretty stupid...

    1) See Discordance go off

    2) Head towards generator that Discordance marked but keep far enough away that your terror radius isn't heard

    3) Wait until Tinkerer activates

    4) Approach generator and get a generator grab

    5) Hook survivor

    6) Kick the generator, so Pop Goes the Weasel applies during the mass chaos that ensues among the survivors wondering what the hell just happened

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    It would still be bad if the survivor can hear it. Most survivors will just look behind them to see if you're still chasing and most maps are pretty open.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I just want it to work on Nurse's blink hits, they made her blinks affect MOM so why can't it affect Dark Devotion?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    It also doesn't activate on Legion's frenzy attacks, Shape's EW3 attacks, or Pig's Dash attacks, but MoM and Franklin's demise work fine for those attacks because those perks don't have the "Basic Attack" requirement, yet at the same time, FD won't activate for Chainsaw hits or Hatchets, and Mom activates for everything that would knock the survivor down. This is why I really believe that the perk should have the "Basic attack" requirement removed, otherwise its mostly useless on any killer that isn't predominantly an M1 killer (Clown, Plague, Doctor), and killers who's power only enhances their M1 attacks (Legion, Nurse, Shape, Pig, etc).

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    I totally understand what kind of build you're looking for. I'm all for it.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Yeah, the Basic Attack requirement is really stupid and hurts most Killers.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    TBH it wouldn't really change how it affect SWF since the obessesion can just say "hey I can hear the killer coming" or someone else can say "Hey he has Dark Devotion, be our ears" I love the time changes though since this is a good perk on paper.

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    Initially I thought no justice was needed but YEAH it does need some good justice

    Preferably the perk needs to serve it's purpose better instead of the current quality it has

  • I_Main_Killer
    I_Main_Killer Member Posts: 7

    There's a lot of fun things you could do with this perk if it was reworked.

    For example, m1 any survivor, they have the terror radius until they're healed by another survivor or downed while you keep yours with each rank as 1/2/3 survivors emitting a terror radius of 30ish meters. Do they hear their own terror radius? For balancing, maybe, it could layer with killer terror radius. For pure chaos and op bs that'd never be allowed and could counter swf, no. Despite being a ridiculous change, it's definitely fun to imagine everyone being terrified of one another and scattering all the time.

    On paper it was probably designed to cause chaos and make survivors run from the obsession. Somewhere during development another idea was probably brought up to hide the killer terror radius instead and a "Why not combine the two?" happened, leading to happy design, but a broken perk.

    If given some love, it can be a top tier perk even against the typical toxic swf group.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    Right, something like removing the basic attack requirement of this perk would also benefit it greatly, I didn't think of that at the time... That, or I assumed it didn't matter since it should still work with certain Killer perks like Nurse's blink, since its still a M1 action... Or Myers Tier lll since its STILL a M1 action regardless of it being an exposed effect.

    Maybe @Peanits can explain this a bit more?