I spent my 45 minute - time window in DBD...

So i had some spare time (45 minutes) and decided to give DBD a go.
I wanted to do my daily challenge - Kill a survivor by your own hands.
So i searched for a Lobby - for around 15 minutes. I guess many people play killer right now, might be Ghostface Hype? I never had to wait for such a long time.
However, i finally got 4 survs and brought a green mori so i can do my challenge.
Loading screen was shown for at least 5 minutes and i wondered why. I the got the notification that someone left and the game was cancelled. Most of my spare time was gone. I decided to post this thread, hoping that someone can explain the wait times for me.
I play DBD since 2016 and got 3.600h in this game. I never enjoyed the game less than these days. I mean it is DBD's third birthday and i don't even care. What have you done to my favourite game?
Anniversary + New Killer + Steam Summer Sale = way more killers than usual.
There are simply to many. I switched to survivor aaaand get hardcore camped + tunneled.
DbD at it´s best
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@Tsulan I feel you. I played this game a bit more than usual because this "event" is live, 9/10 games are people (not only me, but everyone) getting tunneled and camped like there's no tomorrow. It's ridiculous and sad at the same time.
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Thanks for your post, I'll bring the feedback about your long queue time as killer to devs.
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"What have you done to my favourite game?"
They made playing survivor a boring experience. Even worse if you are playing solo.
They don't release fun perks for survivors to play with. And if they do they get nerfed into uselessness.
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Not to be a wise guy, but I think the devs already know the queue times for killers are horrible.
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You'd be surprised how little the devs know about their own game.
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Then by all means please leave. I'd be less person whining about this game on this site.
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New killer and event with extra bloodpoint cakes spawning more frequently on killer means more want to play that role.
I play survivor atm due to this as the waiting means the the extra from the cakes don't mean much when I can use wglf and get more over time as there is normally at least one cake in the lobby used by someone.
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If the cakes were really the issue then an easy fix would be up the % to receive cakes as survivor.
Instead the company prefers that killers wait 15+ minutes for a game? Ooof. Lots of people are complaining about the Q times and nothing seems to be done to fix it.
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It's a great time to play survivor as earlier in the year our wait times were ridiculous but you can tell the killers are annoyed as every game is a sweat game atm 😂
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As a 50/50 player I will say killer games are quite annoying to get but survivor games are sooo easy to get that it is nice right now earlier this year at rank 1 I could wait an entire hour to just get lobby dodged guess one role will always have long ques sadly though.
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They knew you played a Mori because it's not really a secret so someone quit at loading screen.
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It used to be a lot worse.